Marked with an x

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The sun came beaming through the bedroom window as Emma slowly opened her eyes, turning over and reaching her hand out to the other side of the bed to check if Killian was there but only to find he wasn't. Emma sat up and looked around the room, then checked her clock to see what time it was... 6:30 where could he have gone at this time in the morning?

She rolled her legs out of bed and sat on the edge for a few seconds while her eyes adjusted to the light before she stood up and walked into the bathroom to get ready for work. When she got out of the shower she blow dried her hair and got dressed before going downstairs to get some breakfast.

As she walked into the kitchen she passed the calendar and stopped to have a look at what was coming up. This is when she noticed it... the time she dreaded all month... it was time for Mother Nature to give Emma her monthly gift
"What swan?" Killian asked as he opened the door and walked in with two coffees from granny's
"What? Erm nothing," she replied swiftly turning away"gotta go!" She said as he went to hand her the coffee
"Where are you going?" Hook asked confused as she walked to the door grabbing her car keys on the way out
"Erm.. I have to go and see My dad before I go to work," she shouted as she slammed the door and sprinted to her car.
"Shit, shit, shitty, shit!" Emma shouted as she slammed her hands against the steering wheel "ugh, why was I born female?" She sighed as she pulled out of her parking space and headed towards the convenience store to pick up some supply's.

30 minutes later she walked into the sheriffs station.
"Hey em!" Charming smiled
"Hello," Emma replied walking straight to the bathroom praying she still had time to change out of her pretty panties so she didn't ruin them. Unfortunately it was too late and they were way past saving now
"Why me?" Emma asked herself changing into some less expensive granny style knickers and lining them with this worlds modern armour for females... period pads.
"Emma? Sweetie are you okay?" Charming asked knocking on the door
"No!" Emma relied bluntly binning her favourite knickers
"Is it Hook?" Charming asked clenching his fist
"What? No! Why do you always jump to that conclusion?" Emma rolled her eyes walking out the bathroom
"What's wrong then?" Charming asked before he saw the bag from the convenience store "you're not pregnant!"
"No dad!" Emma sighed walking into her office
"If you were you could tell me or I could ring your mum and you could tell her," charming followed her as she sat at her desk
"Dad seriously I'm fine... and not pregnant," Emma forced out a smile to reassure her father "its just a bad time of the month for me right now" she hinted
It took charming a few seconds to understand "oh!" He finally got it before backing away" sorry I'll just go and sit down"
"Thanks dad,"

Emma took out her phone and saw she had a few texts:

HOOK: you okay? Xxx
HOOK: why do I feel like your lying? X
HOOK: swan? Xxx

She took a while to contemplate what to tell him that would explain why she's ditched him

EMMA: ye I'm all good sorry I left I was in a bit of a rush :) xxx

A few seconds later her phone lit up again

HOOK: you sure? Xxx

EMMA: ye I'll see you later ;) <3 xxx

HOOK: you wanna get lunch? ;) xxxx

EMMA: I have to watch Neil :( xxxx

HOOK: need help? ;) <3 xxx

EMMA: no I'm all good, you should go and talk to smee like you said ;) xxx

HOOK: ok :( I'll see you when I get back then :(

EMMA: see you at home! Xxx

HOOK: love you <3 xxx

EMMA: love you <3 xxxxxxxx

She couldn't help but catch a smile when she was messaging him.
"are you still ok to watch Neil later?" Charming asked
"Ye I'll go round once I've finished my shift and send mom here"
"Okay that will give me a bit of time at lunch to by her some flowers,"
They had broken the sleeping curse a few weeks ago and because of Neil they still hadn't really had any time alone so Emma said she'd help out.

The rest of the day went so slowly as Emma stared at the clock until finally it was the end of her shift and she practically sprinted to her bug and drove straight to her parents loft in need of a comfortable pair of Pjs and a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

"Hey mom! I'm here" she shouted as she arrived
"Hey sweetie! How do I look?" Snow asked walking out from her bedroom in a beautiful blue dress
"Like a princess!" Emma smiled starring at how beautiful her mom was
"Well technically I'm a queen," snow laughed reaching into neals crib and handing him over to Emma
"Hey little guy," Emma stroked the side of his chubby cheeks and kissed the top of his head and he smiled at her trying to grab her necklaces.
"Dad said to meet him at the sheriffs station," Emma told her
"Great, oh Emma do you mind if you take Neal to yours?" Snow asked grabbing her jacket from the coat holder
"Why?" Emma asked naively
Snow replied with an awkward smile hinting at the fact that they wanted to keep the loft empty for the after date
"Oh!" Emma realised "oh right sure!" Emma shook her head trying to get the image out
"Thanks em," she smiled kissing Emma on the forehead followed by Neal as she left.
Emma collected everything Neal would need and got some of the milk snow had frozen in the fridge and headed back to hers.

"Home sweet home," Emma said as she opened the door holding onto Neal
"So... you wanna watch netflix and order pizza?" Emma asked,
Neal smiled and Emma set up his travel crib and placed him in there while she ran upstairs to throw on a pair of sweat pants and a baggy top which she was pretty sure was killians because it smelt of the sea and rum but she didn't mind, she actually found it kind of comforting
"Henry?" She shouted to check if he was home as she returned back downstairs "looks like it's just us," she smiled at Neal who was still smiling away in his crib.

Emma wasn't in too much pain yet but she knew it was coming so she set up netflix, ordered a pizza and warmed up some of neals milk while she waited for the pizza to arrive. When it finally did she scooped Neal up and fed him with one hand as she fed herself with the other. Once Neal had finished he fell asleep in Emma's arms as she was watching Sherlock.

She was able to get through two episodes before Neal woke and started to cry,
"Oh no! Does mr grumpy pants want a story?" Emma asked bouncing Neal a little on her but as soon as she said 'story' he smiled
"Ok... erm what story do you want..." she asked as she was thinking of what she could tell him

"ah I know, I'll tell the story of the princess and the pirate...
Once upon a time there was a pirate, he was ruthless because his heart was broken and full of hatred with a want for revenge...
Then there was the princess, although she wasn't any ordinary princess she didn't even know who she was, her heart was also broken. One day the princess bested the pirate and their hearts began to fix, to the princesses surprise the pirate wanted to help the princess and whilst doing so they shared a kiss. But she wasn't ready for her heart to break again so she told him it was a one time thing but deep down she had fallen in love with him..." when Emma looked down she noticed Neal was sleeping soundly in her arms and she wasn't far behind as she drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later Killian arrived home and entered the house as quietly as he possibly could. He wandered into the living room when he noticed emma asleep on the couch with Neal on her chest, a huge smile spread across his face. He carefully scooped Neal off Emma and placed him into his crib stroking his little cheek and pulling the blanket over him. He turned around and saw that Emma was well and truly out of it but she looked so peaceful when she slept, he gently picked her up off the couch and took her to bed, moving the covers to the side with his hook before placing her on her side of the bed, covering her with the duvet before crawling into his side of the bed and wrapping one of his arms around her, placing a kiss on the back of her head.
"Night swan," he whispered

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