Online Friends

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IRL (Part 2)



Look, I'm sorry.

Do you not trust me?

Is that it?

No, Juvia, I just...

I panicked. That's all. I'm sorry.

You left me there, alone again.

Your friends asked you if you were okay.

And of course I wasn't because I was this close to finding out who you were.

And you left! Just left me.

To make it up to you, do you want to do the phone call?

You're serious?

Yes. I love you Jagiya. And I want you to be happy. This is a way to make you happy.

...Is it working?

Yes. Thank you, SB.

   She moved to her contacts and pressed SB.

   This is it. She thought. This is what I wanted.


    But before she could change her mind, she was getting a call.


Answer 💚                      Decline ❤️

   Hesitantly, she picked up.

   "On three." Was all she said.

   He counted. "One, two, three."

   "Gray Fullbuster."

   "Gray Fullbuster."

    She let out a scream and hung up.

    "No way." She said to herself.

You like me?

You like me?




Yeah, I'm sorry if you don't want to be friends anymore.

I don't.

I knew it...

I want to be more.

You... Still like me, right?

See you tomorrow, Jagiya.

See you tomorrow, Jagi.

( • • • )

"Juvia!" Gray called from across the hallway.

She turned to him with a small smile, but it got wider as Gray ran over and enveloped her into a hug, then spun her around, her giggling nonstop.

"I've wanted to do that for so long. I was just... scared of rejection." He said into her hair.

"You could've just talked to me instead of pretending to be some internet killer." She mumbled.

He laughed, the sound was beautiful to her.

"You're right." He grinned. Then he turned to see his friends who waved at him. "Sit with me at lunch?" He asked her.

She just nodded, too happy for herself to handle.

( • • • )

At lunch, she sat with him, his arm around her shoulder and her leaning on him.

"Gray?" A voice called.

The couple looked up to see Lucy.

"Uh, yeah?" He asked, then looked at the seating. "Do you want your seat back? We'll move."

"No, it's just..." she let out a small, obviously forced laugh. "Who is she?"

He motioned to Juvia. "Her?"

Lucy nodded.

"My girlfriend." He said.

"But, I thought you liked me." She said, upset.

"What made you think that?" Gray asked.

"You were so touchy with me and you were dropping hints, of course I knew that you had a crush on me." She said, looking down at Juvia. "I just can't believe that you got over me already."

"I never liked you in that way, we're just friends." Gray explained.

"That's not what my friends are saying." Lucy said in sing-song, rolling her eyes. "Ugh, you know what, I don't need a time waster. I just want my seat back."

Both Gray and Juvia got up when Lucy grabbed Gray and kissed him roughly.

She smirked, pulling away.

"Who do you like now, Gr--"


It was the one noise that echoed through the cafeteria, silencing everyone.

And no, the slap did not come from our angel, Juvia.

It came from Gray.

"Don't ever do that again." He growled at Lucy, taking Juvia's hand and dragging her out of the cafeteria to the courtyard.

"That little--"

He was silenced with another kiss, this time more enjoyable for him. Almost too enjoyable.

She giggled, pulling away but then frowned. "You shouldn't hurt people." She pouted.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You're getting a punishment later."

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