Following The Kidnapper

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Nina's POV:

The house I was forced to stay in was nice. It was brightly colored and had nice furniture. I had been locked in alone for several hours so I took out Fabians phone and quickly dialed Patricia's #. "Hello." "Patricia it's Nina could you put Fabian on" " yeah hold on" she gave the phone to Fabian who sounded so relived that I called. he told me his plan about following Mr. Morris. we talked I told him at I was in a house and out the window all I could was a street leading to the driveway and then it's just woods all around the house. I hung up the phone when I saw Morris's car pulling into the driveway. I ran I to the living room put Fabians phone in my bag and sat on the couch.

Fabian's POV:

When Nina hung up without saying anything I thought about calling back. I realized Mr.Morris was probably back at the house. I started thinking about what she said about the house. I've seen a house in the woods before, it was just the back of it so I don't know what the front looked like. Maybe he panicked when we found Nina he took her to that house. It could be his for all we know. Tomorrow when me and Patricia would follow him we'll find out.

Eddies POV:

I over heard Fabian on the phone, who's Nina and why would Mr.Morris kidnap her. Mr.Morris was a teacher not a kidnapper. This house is weird. Patricia was interesting though I liked her, she was different. Maybe I should I go talk to her I got to the bottom of the stairs but then turned around. What was I thinking Patricia hates me, she would probably kick me out of her room before I could say anything. Maybe I would talk to her tomorrow.


Patricia's POV:

One my way to school Eddie ran up to me. He started taking and I rolled my eyes and sat there listening. I could tell even he didn't know what he was talking about he was really confusing. I cut him off and told him I'd talk to him later. I ran up to Fabian and talked about how after first class we would hide out and what for Mr.Morris to leave and go to the house he was keeping Nina. When we went to class I sat next to Joy and Fabian sat next to Amber. After class we left the school and hid in the bushes by Mr.Morris's car. We waited and finally he left and we followed.

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