The New Boy

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Eddie Miller is a new American student that it taking Mick's place at Anubis house. As he walked into Anubis house Trudy rushed up and introduced herself and showed him were we will be sleeping and gave him a tour of the house.

Eddie's POV:

Wow this house must be accent it's so old. That Trudy lady seems nice. she said I could go look around the school to see we're my classes were. so I walked over to the school, I mean its not like I have anything better to do. When I got there I laid down on the couch to take a nap that was until I was Rudely interrupted. " Hey watch were your going" I snapped " its not my fault you stuck your smelly feet in my way" said this really cute girl with dark long hair standing next to another cute girl who was slightly smaller and had brown hair. " I was talking a nap" I replied " it's been a long day and I've been stuck on a plain for most of it ok" "so then go back to your house and sleep there instead of here" the girl snapped. The two girls both turned and started to walk away when some sort of geeky looking boy ran up to them.

Patricia's POV:

That new boy was so obnoxious and I really don't need another American at this school. "Patricia, I can't find Nina I just went back to the house and he's not there." Fabian said "did you ask Trudy" "Yeah she said the last time she saw Nina was this morning when she left for school. I'm telling you Patricia something's not right" " ok get amber and Alfie and we'll go looking for her" "Ok well meet our side the school in 5 minutes" Fabian Said before rushing off.

Fabian's POV:

"Ok guys lets split up and search for Nina. Alfie and Amber your gunna check the grounds from here to the Anubis house. Me and Patricia will go check in the woods." Me and Patricia walked around in the wood's yelling out for Nina. Where was she, no one could find her. But I wasn't giving up on her not now. " Hey, Fabian I found something" Patricia yelled over by a small clearing. " What is it?" I asked walking over to her "It's a necklace. Wait I've seen this necklace before! IT'S NINA'S! " she said. luckily it was't the locket Sarah gave her it was a silver heart locket with a picture of me and her, and her gran.

Nina's POV:

( at the time Sibuna looked for her)

I hope my friends come looking for me. I didn't want to be hear any longer, it was cold and dark and I was starving. Then I remembered I had a sandwich in my backpack. " Hello! person who kidnapped me!" What do you want?" he snapped back at me. "could you toss me my bag I'm starving." "Fine here." he through my book bag over to me. I also have my cell phone in here so maybe when I get a moment alone I can call Fabian. I miss Fabian and I miss Patricia complaining about something or someone and Amber talking about fashion and boys, and Alfie doing something crazy line pulling pranks. I missed the whole Sibuna gang I wanted to get out of here. I needed to get out of here.

Amber's POV:

Where is Nina I'm seriously starting to worry. What if something happened to her. Ugh I hate worrying! worrying causes wrinkles. who would want to kidnap Nina anyway well besides Rufus. " What if it was Rufus!" I said to Alfie " Rufus! if he took Nina were in serious trouble." " Remember last year when he took Patricia" "yeah." he said well looking in Some Rose bushes " Ok Nina's not hear I mean think about it when Rufus kidnapped Patricia he brought her out to a place in the middle of nowhere," " you make a very good point Alfie. I'm gunna call Fabian."

Fabian's POV:

" Amber thinks that Rufus took her and that he could be hiding her in that old wear house he hid you last year." "That would make since cause he would want to go someplace familiar" after that we all went back to class. Well everyone except Patricia she went back to the house. Sibuna made plans to go looking for Nina tonight.

Patricia's POV:

I really didn't feel like going back to class. The thought of Rufus on school grounds, and him kidnaping Nina made me feel sick. I walked into Anubis house and there he was, the obnoxious American from the common room. "No, please tell me your not staying here!" " why dose it bug you that I'm here" "YES!" "Good then I'll stay here just to annoy you. the names Eddie my the way" he said I didn't answer. With 'Eddie' here I have one more person sticking there nose in my business. " Hello, are you going to tell my your name or an I gunna have to guess. "Here's an idea go back to wherever your from and don't bug me." " Ok then far enough I'll just call you Yaker" Eddie said as he left the room. Finally he's gone. I thought we wouldn't get a newbie this year so that sibuna would have one less problem then before. I was wrong.

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