Original: Chapter 16 - Strong, Independant Woman

Start from the beginning

"Are you coming or what" Noah said glancing back at me as he stepped out of the car, I nodded quickly and followed him out. I gasped as I took in the view of his parents house, in the daylight it looks so different, there are parts of the house I couldn't see before like the wide pathway leading up to the large oak doors which were surrounded by windows all around. To each side of the pathway were different exotic flowers and even some palm trees; I didn't even know they could grow here. 

"Noahhhhh!" Kelly, Noah's younger sister screamed running out of the house towards him with her arms wide open. 

"Hey Kells" Noah said into her hair while hugging her "How have you been?" 

"I've been fine" She said and then looked at me, staring for a second before she realised who I was "Oh my godness! Sophia right?" She said excitedly before embracing me in a hug 

"Hi Kelly, it's good to see you again" I smiled feeling slightly awkward due to all of the affection shown within such a short space of time. 

"Likewise! By the way I forgot to get your number last time so here give me your phone and I'll put it in" She said holding her hand out to me and I passed her my brand new iphone. "Wow when did you get this" She said typing her number into the phone

"Umm about 20 minutes ago" I replied sheepishly, should I tell her Noah bought it for me or would that seem too relationshipy since we aren't even together.

"Well I broke her other phone so I thought it was right of me to buy her a new one" Noah said and I let out a sigh of relief, at least I didn't have to explain that.

"So you bought her a brand new iphone that hasn't even hit the stores yet and refused to get me one for my birthday!" Kelly said making me feel even more awkward, he actually spent more money on me than he did his sister and it isn't even my birthday. This man is so hard to understand

"Well yeah" Noah said rubbing the back of his neck before snapping his head towards the front door where his mother and father were standing. "Mother, Father" Noah acknowledged before walking over to hug them "You remember Sophia right?" 

"Oh yes, it's lovely to see you again dear" Mrs McKenzie said shaking my hand and then nudging her husband to do the same. 

"You have a lovely home" I said truthfully as it truly is a remarkable home, the driveway alone is bigger than my previous apartment. 

"Thank you" Mr McKenzie said and invited Noah and I inside for some freshly made lemonade they had just produced from the lemons growing on the front lawn. It was a lovely day so we sat in the conservatory drinking our lemonade and having a general conversation until the question arose which I had been dreading since we first got here. 

"So are you two dating now?" Mr McKenzie's father Alan asked sipping at his lemonade as if it was just casual conversation. Noah and I however both choked on our drinks at the same time causing Kelly to laugh hysterically and Jackson- Noah's younger brother to groan and say "Damn big bro your always stealing the females from me, you aren't even that good looking" 

"hey" Noah said launching himself at Jackson and play wrestling with him. 

"I'm waiting for an answer" Alan said crossing his arms and tapping his foot on the ground. 

"No Dad we aren't we are just friend" Noah finalised which led to Alan looking at his wife and smiling "Oh so your hair must be messed up because you forgot to do it this morning and obviously Miss Jenkins doesn't know how to apply lipstick."

What are they going on about? I quickly glanced over at Noah who looked horrified when looking at my lips but then he smirked. I instantly pulled a small mirror from my bag and looked at myself and to my surprise I had smudged lipstick, it must have been from the kiss. I quickly tried to sort it out and reapply it, but it was no use they have figured us out. 

"So, I guess we have a lot to talk about" Mrs McKenzie said smiling at her son and then at me. 

"Look Mom it's none of your bus-" Noah began but was cut off by Kelly running into the conservatory holding the same newspaper we had seen yesterday. 

"-Mom look at this, Brooke was cheating on Noah!" She squealed "Now he can be with Sophia!" She said jumping up and down. 

"What no" Noah said and I felt another ache in my heart, is he saying no just to get them off of his back or does he actually mean no? I can't bare him playing with my emotions like this for much longer. 

"How long was it going on for son?" Mr McKenzie asked Noah taking the paper from his wife and putting on his glasses to look closely at the picture. Noah shrugged and his father said "By the looks of this, it was going on for longer than one night" The last sentence made me gasp and everybody looked at me, I could feel tears starting in my eyes but I held them back. I've already been humiliated once today I won't let it happen again. 

"Kelly take Sophia to the bathroom so she can sort herself out" Mrs McKenzie said and I nodded at her in thanks. I followed Kelly to the nearest bathroom and she locked herself in there with me. She guided me over to the toilet and I sat on the lid.

"Are you okay?" Kelly asked softly and I nodded "Well you don't look it" She said handing me some toilet paper so that I could wipe my nose and dry my eyes 

"Trevor....the guy in the picture with Brooke- and I were on a date that night when he kissed her. I thought that he actually liked me but just like always I play the fool, ugly girl who no one wants" I said crying into my hands now 

"Oh Sophia, that's not true and you know it" Kelly said "Besides if I were lesbian I would totally go for someone like you. You are a strong, independent woman and a great friend and I have only known you for a little while but I feel as if we are already great friends. But sadly neither of us are so I guess you are going to have to settle for my brother instead" She joked 

"He's not interested in me" I said sniffling and wiping my nose.

"Of course he is, can't you see he is crazy about you" She said and I gave her a questioning look "He has never bought any girl to meet his family except you" 

"What about Brooke?" I asked 

"She was a family friend and threatened Noah if he didn't go out with her" Kelly said "She is a manipulative bitch and I'm glad he has finally broken it off with her...he has hasn't he?" She asked her eyes filled with hope.

"I'm not sure, he kicked her out of his apartment yesterday but I don't know if they ended their relationship" I said "You are going to have to ask Noah" 

"I'm glad he has found someone like you" Kelly smiled softly "He really cares about you, and I can tell you care about him" 

"I do" I replied simply 

"Good, so get that cute little butt of yours out there and be the confident female like I know you are and tell him, what harm can come from that" She pressed. I thought it over for a few seconds making a quick pros and cons list in my head of what could happen if I confess to Noah that I want to be in a relationship with him. 

The main thing at the top of the cons list was what if he didn't feel the same way and Brooke was right about him thinking I'm ugly and just wanting to use me, but on the other hand it could spark an amazing, beautiful relationship between us. 

"Okay I will do it" I said finally standing up and looking in the mirror attempting to fix my make-up, whats the worst that can happen. I be rejected, shot or shrivel and die, with all this debt I guess that wouldn't be so bad, but what if Noah thinks I'm using him for the money just to pay off my debt; I guess that's just a risk I am going to have to take. 

"Ready?" Kelly said holding my shoulder before we walked out of the door. 

"Ready" I confirmed, unlocked the door and headed straight back to the conservatory. 

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