chapter 2

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my heart was still racing and i didn't know why. i groaned in frustration before grabbing my things and leaving for work.

"Mani, hey!"  Camila screamed, as i entered.


"what's wrong?"

"it's nothing. i'm fine."

"i know you Mani, you're not fine."

"it's whatever. i can handle it."

"you're falling for her aren't you? you've told yourself repeatedly you wouldn't but you did."

"i made her cry, Mila!"

Camila gasped, covering her mouth. she was going to call Zendaya and she did that exact thing. i internally groaned because if Zendaya comes, my ass is getting yelled at.

Camila stopped talking to me and we just did our job. just a few minutes before i went on break, Zendaya came barging through the door.

"why the fuck would you make her cry?!"

i watched as the people in there try not to listen but failing miserably. Zendaya always embarrasses me when i do something bad.

"i told you i don't like her."

"and? does that give you the right to make her cry when you know she likes you?"

"wait, what?"

zendaya purses her lips together and avoided my eyes.

"Dinah likes you. i don't know how you don't see it."

"that's not possible. why would she like me when all i've been is mean to her? it's not making sense."

"you're a dumbass for not knowing that she's been in love with you since high school."

"no she hasn't. stop lying to me."

"i'm not, why don't you ask her?"

"i doubt she'll talk to me."

"if you weren't an ass, you wouldn't be in this dilemma. get your ass out and go to her."

"just because i know how she feels, doesn't mean i'm going to be nicer."

"you're such a liar."

"if you say so." i said, grabbing my things. "close the shop, i'll be back tomorrow."

"okay." Camila screamed, as i closed the door.

i got in the car and drove to the house i lived in with Dinah. i didn't know if i should go in. it seemed like she was talking to someone. i waited a little bit before i saw the person hug Dinah. i felt my hands clench at the sight. that was the same person from Ally's party.

"what is she doing here?" i whispered before getting out of my car.

i opened the door to hear Dinah crying and the girl calming her down. i closed the door and they broke apart from the hug. the girl looked pissed.

"you made her cry!"

i watched as she tried coming at me but Dinah pulled her back.

"Lani, don't please."

"she hurt you!"

"i'm aware of that but that doesn't mean you have to beat them up."

"i told you before. you know exactly how i felt about this."

"i do but it's not you that's getting married."

"how long are you going to keep this up? she's not worth it. i don't see why he's making you do it."

"he wants grandkids. i'll give it to him, that's all i'm doing this for."

"it's not just for that reason and you know that."

i watched as the two argued back and forth. Dinah pleading for the girl not to hurt me with the conversation taking a turn.

"do you like me?" i asked, looking directly at Dinah, who just stared at me.


"do. you. like. me?"

"do i like the fact that you're rude to me every single day? no, i don't. did i know what i was getting into with you, yes. the fact that our wedding day is coming isn't making me feel at ease."

"why do you choose to go through this?"

"to make my dad happy. to show that someone as cold hearted as yourself could learn to love."

"you make it sound so easy. i don't like you Dinah. i know you know that but you always ignore it. you act like you're happy but you're not. why marry someone you know will never love you back?"

"because i know in my heart that that'll change once we're married. i know that you've been feeling something after today. the fact that you bought me the food and brought me to the bed makes me feel like you're changing. if you didn't like me, you wouldn't have bought me the food or carried me to the bed."

"i didn't like that i made you cry. that's something i regret. you didn't deserve that."

"no, she didn't." the girl said, blocking me from Dinah.

"i want to talk with her."

"you're not about to hurt her again."

"Dinah please." i begged, making me confused.

i never begged. i have never begged for anyone but i just did. with Dinah. what is happening?

"Lani, i'll be okay. i'll call you later okay?"

"i'm calling Lauren." she said, kissing Dinah's head.

i watched Dinah nod before the girl walked out. Dinah sat down on the couch and just looked at me.

"what do you want?"

"first, who was that?"

"that's Kehlani. she's my sister."

"why did you never tell me?"

"you never asked."

"i saw her before." i said, taking a seat next to Dinah.


"a going away party that my friend Ally was hosting before she left for Texas."

"well i wouldn't know."

"look, i'm sorry. i do this to you every day and you always kept it in. you didn't think i noticed but i saw that you would be hurt with what i said. you just never said anything. i told you earlier that i pay attention."

"i don't see why you would."

"if i have to marry you, i might as well know the things you like and don't like."

"i guess."

"can i have your forgiveness?"

"i don't hold grudges so yeah."

i hugged her and she froze up. this is the first time i've hugged her and got this close to her. it was surprising for the both of us.



"why are you hugging me?"

"i wanted to. now hug me back."

she did as she was told and hugged me. she held me tighter and i could feel her smiling against my shoulder.

if this is me liking her, i don't know if i like it. i don't want to lead her on with this.

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