What Just Happened?

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My heart was racing as people in scrubs and white lab coats rushed by me while I just stood here in the middle of the hall, frozen. It all had happened so fast and just so unexpectedly. Before, I knew what I was doing. I had one goal in sight and I appeared pretty collected but now the reality of it all had suddenly came crashing down on me all at once. He just freaked out in unexplainable behavior. He wasn't acting human so I did what I had to do to protect her and myself.

I looked down at my hands. Flipping them over and back again while my mind tried to recollect itself again. The caked blood was drying and had started to crack, leaving an uncomfortable itching feeling to them. My clothes had blood splatters on them, mostly from the savaged man. The red hue now drying to a dark brown that easily contrasted against my white blouse and stood out like a sore thumb.
Exactly what the hell happened?

2 hours earlier

I finished my early morning shift and decided to pay a short secret visit to Levi's place of work. Well, I wanted to put the fountain I bought him on his desk without being noticed by him. Don't exactly know how well that's going to go since it seems he has my scent locked in his memory good and tight. Unlike the last time I had visited, the building was now full of staff and agents. All fellow pack members. They looked at me curiously as I made my way towards Levi's office but they never stopped to question me. When I stood outside his door I silently paired he wouldn't be on the other side – he'd know I was here in a heartbeat if he hasn't already caught my scent being somewhere else in the building. I sniffed the door. Levi's scent was faint. He wasn't inside. Perfect. Now I just need to make this quick.

I opened the door and took long strides toward his desk, all while taking the small fountain out of the box. I quietly assembled the object in three easy steps, plugged it into the power strip under his desk and poured the distilled water in. I turned it on and the water started flowing peacefully without a hitch. I sighed with satisfaction before standing up to take my leave only to be met with bored blue eyes and blonde bangs. I blinked a few times, being caught off guard, and took a few steps back.

"Uhhh...hi. I don't think we've formally meant yet. I'm-" Then he started to blatantly sniff me. Which, to be fair is not uncommon for my kind, but being so obvious about it with someone who didn't know me all that well was kind of rude. We may be werewolves, but we aren't true animals.

"Mike, what the hell are you doing?" Shit! The exact person I didn't want to catch me. The man that sniffed me, Mike, stood up then smiled and gave a single nod. Ok???

"Nice to uh, meet you Mike. Forgive me if I don't return the gesture."

"What are you doing here?" Levi asked while looking at me in a calculating manner.

"DANI!" Hange burst through the doorway before I could answer and ran right at me. "You're here! What a surprise! Well not really considering-" I smacked my hand over her mouth to quickly shut her up.

"You brats are so annoying." The hell? I quirked an eyebrow. That sounded like something Levi would say but it definitely wasn't his voice. I looked over Hange's body and saw three other figures. Didn't Petra say her mate tried to act like Levi a lot and it got on her nerves? My eyes widened as I ran up to the man with the sandy brown undercut hair and wrapped him in an unexpected hug. He froze up instantly.

"You must be Oluo!" I pushed him out of the hug but kept my hands on his arms. He looked down at me strangely and clearly uncomfortable. "You're Petra's mate! It's finally nice to meet the mate of my best friend." I beamed up at him. "She talks about you a lot. I can see how happy you make her." Oluo blushed and avoided eye contact with me, obviously embarrassed. Levi stepped in between us, taking my hands gently off of Oluo to give him some space.

Sparks |Levi Ackerman Werewolf AU|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ