For the Best

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I was running around the kitchen of the café, like a chicken with its head cut off. Needless to say, panic mode had set in as I rushed to get everything ready. I had already known Levi wasn't going to be stopping by after work; Alpha Erwin had requested him to stay back an extra hour to help catch up on paper work. So, I'd be delivering the treats to him personally.

Realization had suddenly sunk in at that point. Was I really going to be doing this? Is he going to find this strange? Odd? Is he going to find out something is up right away? What if he doesn't like them? Will I have to move to plan B? What's plan B?! I don't have a plan B right now!

I banged my head on the nearest wall and groaned out of frustration.

"Umm...are you ok?" Petra asked concerned.

"I don't think I can do this. This isn't going to work. Levi isn't going to suddenly start thinking me as more than a member of the pack after this. He's not going to think that I could possibly be his mate."

"You are not turning back and giving up on this young lady!" Petra grabbed me by the shoulders, a determined look in her eyes. "Of course he's not going to think you're his mate right off the bat like that, no matter how delicious you're treats may be. You have to share a kiss to find the true answer but this right here is just the stepping stone to get you there. So you are going to take that box, march up to his office, give them to him and help him realize what he's been missing the whole time before you came into this pack."

"But they're just sugary deserts, he can easily toss them away and quite honestly I can see him doing exactly that."

"He'd never do that. You know why?" I shook my head. "Because he'll know all the hard work you put into them, just for him. So where's that alpha blood bravery I've seen before hmm?" I immediately thought of my parents. What would they think? They'd probably encourage me to do the same thing, especially if they could have seen the kind of wolf Levi is. They'd surely chastise me for not pursuing a potential mate like him.

"You're right!"

"That's the spirit!"

"I can do this! Give me the box."

The taxi zoomed away, leaving me with no option to turn back. I looked up that the modern styled glass building. Its interior seemed awfully vacant as everyone had already turned in for the night, safe and sound in their comfort walls. While here I stood a complete and utter nervous wreck. Why was I THIS worked up? I've been around Levi a dozen times and was able to interact with him just fine – despite more than half of it resulting in bickering. But the point is I've NEVER felt like this before.

Is it all because I've finally come to terms with my developing feelings towards that stoic clean freak and was attempting to make something of it? Ugh, I've never done this before! I have no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going to end up making myself look like an idiot. What if he isn't here??? Wait...what if he isn't here. Perfect, then Petra couldn't possibly get mad me. It would look like I still tried.

NO! What would you're mother do?

She'd shove me right through those door and bolt ever exit shut until I'd deliver the treats and faced him head on.

See father, this is one reason why I wouldn't make a good Alpha. I can't even get the guts to approach a man I have to crush on.

I sigh, what would they tell me right now at a time like this? Probably to follow my instincts and never back down.

"Danielle?" A voice interrupted my train of thoughts. I looked toward the entrance of the building where Alpha Erwin stood in his suit and briefcase in hand. "I've been calling you're name for the past minute. What are you doing here? At a time like this, the city can be dangerous at night for anyone out alone."

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