The Secret

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"Petra!" I exclaimed out of breath when I rushed into the café on my day off. "I need to talk to Levi and I can't exactly waltz into the Survey Corps headquarters."

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" She asked with concern.

"Everything's fine I just really need to talk to him."

"I wish I could help, but him and the team were called in to help out with a case. I'm not sure when he'll be back. I can give you his number if you want." She told me but I shook my head.

"No, I need to talk to him in person. Face-to-face."

"Is it something I can help you with? You know I would." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"I know you would and I appreciate that but its Levi I need to see." I tossed my purse on a table as Krista came around and placed a cup of lemonade down in front of me – was never a fan of tea though I wish I was. "I'll just wait until he gets back."


I sat in the café all afternoon and into the evening, trying my best to distract my mind by doodling on napkins. Every now and then I'd catch Petra glancing over at me with a worried look in her eyes. I could tell she wanted me to open up to her first but knew she wouldn't be the right person.

At closing time she came over with the last lemon poppy seed muffin to give to me, seeing as I hadn't eaten anything since the morning before I headed out. My mind had been too preoccupied to worry about food.

"Something's wrong and it's scaring me." She simply stated with concern. "I get that you don't want to tell me now but you can't expect me to just watch my friend get herself all worked up and not do anything about it." I felt guilty for making her worry but...its Levi I need to talk to first. It's what my gut was telling me.

"I'm sorry Petra but I-" She held up her hand and gave me the best reassuring smile she could give.

"I understand." I smiled, grateful, knowing that she truly did. "Remember when I said I know someone like you? Well that someone is Levi so if anything he should be the first person you talk to." I let out a deep sigh, wanting nothing more than to get the sick knot out of my stomach. The nerves, the wait, was killing me.

"Levi's lucky to have someone who's so understanding." I said trying to direct the subject away from me and my inner turmoil I was trying to deal with.

"What do you mean?" Petra asked confused. I was just as equally now.

"You two...aren't mates? Oh I'm so sorry! I just thought – you guys seem so close! He acts, well less of a jerk to you then he does with everyone else. And you know him on a personal level it made sense-" Petra burst out laughing. My face was beat red with embarrassment and this was not helping one bit.

"Levi and I went on a few dates but that was about three years ago so you're not completely far off. We kissed but...there was no spark. Fate had other plans for us and it didn't involve us being soulmates."

"I'm sorry?" I wasn't sure how exactly to respond to that. Petra smiled and shook her head.

"Don't be. We still remained friends as you can tell. Not like I could have avoided him anyway, being in the same pack and all. Besides, I ended up finding my soulmate a month after and I've never been happier." She beamed just thinking about her mate. I almost felt envious that she had found him. The joy and warmth one gets when finally feeling complete the second they find their mate. Words are too indescribable.

"What's his name?"

"Oulo." She blushed, an uncontainable smile stretching across her face as her mind swam with thoughts of only him. "He was so jealous of Levi. Right from the beginning. He saw how close I was getting to him and like a child wanting attention he started acting like Levi. He'd always get on my nerves because it never fit him. He was playing someone he wasn't; trying too hard and when it came down to it he was only hurting himself. It wasn't until after Levi and I found out we weren't mates that he started acting like himself. It was refreshing. He seemed more comfortable with himself. The way I see it, if you can't be 100% happy with yourself how can you expect to be 100% happy with someone else?"

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