The Outsider

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The second the soles of my black riding boots stepped off the bus and onto the rather vacant sidewalk I felt so out of place. The familiar overwhelming sense of discomfort that had built up the entire trip here suddenly washed over me. This wasn't home. This wasn't my territory. My surroundings were completely unknown to me. Was there anyone who inhabited this land already? And if there was...were they friendless who'd allow a lone wolf such as myself to roam freely on their territory?

With only a backpack to carry and a suitcase to drag along, I made my way down the path in search for a motel to get me by for the next few days. Being just outside the main heart of the city known as Trost, it wasn't all that difficult. I stood in front of a small one story motel that had only a few cars occupying its lot, though rather sketchy, it's what I had to deal with; the scent of human is all I got from it which is what I needed – what I could deal with right off the bat.

"Excuse me, miss. I'd like a room please." I asked the old lady at the counter as soon as I stepped through the glass door.

"I need to see some ID first."

"Oh yes, sorry." I dug through my backpack which had my purse, took out my wallet and handed her my ID. She barely glanced at it before handing it back.

"How many nights?" She asked without a care in the world, her tired eyes now focused on the computer screen.

"Umm...about a week perhaps. You see, I just moved here and-"

"Room 7, here's your key." She cut me off as she handed me a key with a laminated card attached to it.

Pft...rude much.

I took the key nonetheless, thanking her for the time knowing I wouldn't get a response back, and readily made it to my room where I placed my belongings on the plain, neatly made, white bedspread. I hailed a cab with my cell phone with another goal in sight...finding a job in the city...


If I was nervous stepping off that bus, I was probably near a panic attack at this point as I stood in front of a café called Stone Mountain Café. The scent of unfamiliar werewolf was all around me and coming strong out of the cozy building. The only thing keeping me from high tailing it in the opposite direction was the HELP WANTED sign posted in the window on the atmospheric looking building. Its lovely arches leading into the outdoor patio with purple floral vines weaving through it. Polished, dark oak tables with cushioned seats lined within the black vintage style fence. I can only imagine how beautiful it looked on the inside...

But that lingering reminder kept nagging at my mind, at my instincts. This wasn't my territory. I'm a stranger. An outcast. A rouge in their minds first and foremost. Unwelcomed as far as I know. Still...this place was my best shot at starting over. Starting fresh with a new life. This is where my experience lies and the opportunity is right there for the taking. I'm not about to let it go to waste simply because I was practically trespassing.

They wouldn't do something to me in public. Not with humans around. I can do this. Show no mercy. Keep your chin up, head held high like you always have. Don't let this get you down Danielle. You're strong. Besides they could be friendly...

I marched into the café, the bell chiming at my entrance above me. And I was right. The inside was just as beautiful. Wood flooring, light glossy half stoned walls upon warm dark cream colored walls, a fairly large dark stone trickling water fountain decorated with lotus and bamboo was on the opposite side of the door surrounded by two loveseats and a glass coffee table, same tables and cushioned seats that were outside framed the outer walls near the windows and down the center, healthy green potted plants all around gave life to the café as Zen music played softly overhead.

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