Can't Hide Forever

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I was ecstatic when Petra asked me for my insight in regards to bakery goods. She wanted to expand that area of her shop – selling only bagels, some cookies, and scones – and with my experience she wanted to give it a go. Maybe it'd bring in more customers since majority of them come in during the early hours which leaves the rest of the day rather slow for us. So I had a plate laid out in front of Petra and Krista with some samples I made in the back.

"Crepes, cream puffs, and lemon bars were popular items where I worked. We could try adding these to the menu if you like. Just to see how it goes then add more later on if the people seem to like what I have to offer. As long as they pass your test." I laughed as both Petra and Krista looked down at the sweets with stars in their eyes.

"These look and smell amazing Danielle!" Petra exclaimed. "I don't know where to start." The door chimed near after hours. Right on time like clockwork. "Levi come try one. Danielle here made them."

"Tch." Was all he said as he took his usual spot at the table, his eyes lingering on me longer than the other two.

He still doesn't trust me fully.

I shook my head but walked around the counter, carrying a cup and tea kettle with me. I placed said cup in front of Levi and poured him his tea.

"Did you make this?"

"It's not poisoned if that's what you're wondering."

"Tch, I wasn't you brat." I shrugged, though not surprised by the attitude, and placed the kettle on the table for him in case he wanted more.

"These are amazing! They have to be on the menu!" Petra exclaimed, a half-eaten cream puff in her hand.

"Agreed! You have a natural talent Miss." Krista said, the lemon bar in her hand and I laughed as I made my way back around the counter.

"Please, don't call me Miss. We're co-workers. Call me Danielle or Dani. And it's not natural. My mother taught me as soon as I could pick up a spoon. Not the wisest decisions now that I think about it. You should have seen how dirty the kitchen would get." Both girls laughed and in the distance I caught a quick glimpse of Levi shuddering. "Dad would get so upset." I smiled, my eyes looking off in a thoughtful, blissful daze. "But as soon as he'd see me all covered in flour and chocolate frosting smudged on my lips, mom holding out a tray of cupcakes with a guilty smile on her face, he'd forget about it entirely."

"So..." Krista began, "why aren't you with them now? Your pack. Why'd you decide to become a lone wolf?"

"Krista." Petra scolded her under her breath. I lifted my hand up, telling her there was no harm.

"It's...not a simple answer I can give."

"And it's her personal business brat." Levi cut in, catching all of us off guard when he had suddenly appeared up front with us. His hard stare was focused on Krista who now had her head down and eyes glued to the counter-top practically feeling the Beta authority he had over her. "Business you don't need to concern yourself with."

"Was that really called for? Name calling?" I asked concerned over my innocent friend and co-worker, someone who would wish no harm on anyone, but Levi here didn't bother to care to answer. Instead, he took out his wallet from the inside pocket of his black suit jacket, flipped it open and tossed a $10 bill on the counter. There I saw it. The badge. Those iconic wings. "You work for the Survey Corps?" I asked as I got his change together.


"That's dangerous work helping solve those unusual crimes. Some of those criminals end up being rogues correct?"

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