Original: Chapter 14 - God I hate that bitch

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I quickly lifted the covers to check I was wearing clothes and luckily I was, but they weren't mine they were Noah's. Carefully I moved away from Noah instantly missing his warmth and laid on my back thinking about the events of last night.

I had opened up to Noah like I had never before. I have never told anyone about my history except Jasmine, and I only told her because she is the only one I trust. Can I even trust Noah I barley know him. What if my story gets out to the public? What if the press make the link between Noah and my crazy relationship? My future career in journalism will be ruined.

"Good morning Princess" Noah said huskily stretching his arms out and yawning.

"Hey" I said feeling self conscious of what I was wearing

"Sleep well?" He asked tilting his head to one side on the pillow to look at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes thank you" I replied "Your bed is really comfortable, is it memory foam?" I asked trying to make conversation to hide the awkwardness

"I believe so" He said hopping out of bed and heading to the bathroom, as soon as the door closed there was my opportunity. I jumped out of the bed and ran as fast as I could to my room and quickly changed. I then made my way into the kitchen area to prepare something for breakfast but I couldn't help but think something was missing.

I prepared some bacon, eggs and toast for Noah and I and as I was doing so I heard a faint buzzing noise of Noah's phone. I glanced over at the phone realising it was a text from Trevor saying something about Brooke. That was who was missing, where was she? Instantly guilt filled my entire body, I had left Trevor stranded at the club without warning and left with my boss.

As if on queue Noah entered the room; like always when I thought about him holding a newspaper he had just picked up from near the front door. The newspaper was folded into 3 with a string holding it together. As I cooked I watched Noah remove the string roll it up and throw it at me. I giggled looking at him and he grinned, but instantaneously his grin fell and he dropped the newspaper onto the counter. What was that about? I searched his eyes for the reason and followed them down to the paper.

Right on the front was a picture of Brooke and Trevor, I didn't see what was wrong with that picture until I saw the one below. The photograph was taken in the club of Trevor and Brooke having a full make out session in the VIP area. My jaw fell open as I stared at the picture, I was actually considering apologising to him for deserting him but now that's a whole other story.

"Are you okay?" I asked Noah handing him a plate of breakfast

"I will be once I break off the engagement" He replied almost with no emotion. Was he not happy in his relationship with Brooke? Is that why he doesn't seem to bothered by it? "You know Sophia, this is the 2nd time he has done this to me.

"Who Trevor? What has he done?" I asked curiously sitting next to him propping myself on my elbows ready for all of this new information.

"Trevor has taken one of my girlfriends before. Believe it or not him and I were childhood best friends we did everything together, but there was one thing that always ruined our friendship and caused us to fight...girls" Noah began pushing his food around on his plate with his fork "You see Trevor was always the better looking one, and even though his family was not as rich as mine he still got any girl he wanted because he was the type of guy to make a girl swoon with just a smile; and I'm ashamed to admit it but I was jealous of him. But finally I had found my dream girl in college, she was beautiful and the love of my life and she wasn't interested in Trevor, she was interested in me. Or so I thought."

"One day when I left my apartment near campus early to go to class my girlfriend was still asleep because she had stayed the night so I left a note saying I would be gone for most of the day. But I had forgotten my business text book so I ran back from campus to grab it and when I entered I found her on top of Trevor kissing him on my sofa and by the looks of it that wasn't the first time it had happened" Noah said angry as if reliving the moment "I was fuming and I didn't know what to do so yelled broke things punched Trevor and I stormed out, I also dropped out of college because I couldn't bare to look at either of them and worked with my dad for a couple of years"

I stayed silent not sure what to say and let Noah continue "I hadn't talked to Trevor for those 2 years until he came by my house apologising non stop until we became friends again and I even gave him a job at my company after he had promised never to do it again. I never fully forgave him for stealing the love of my life, well that is until I met you. When I found out he had asked you on a date and I was so annoyed I wanted to kill him. Sophia you mean the world to me, you are the only person I feel like I can truly be myself around" Noah explained making me feel all warm inside. "Trevor isn't the right guy for you, you are beautiful and can do so much better than a guy like him"

"Thank you" I replied simply gaining a confused look from Noah "For opening up to me" I clarified.

"Well I haven't really got anyone else to talk to" Noah said turning to me "I  like you Sophia" our faces were inches apart and if I just leaned forward slightly our lips would touch. I saw Noah close his eyes leaning towards me; finally I would get to experience the breath taking kiss I had felt once before with Noah. I leaned a little further holding onto Noah's arm for support so I wouldn't fall off of the stool. I could feel Noah's breath against my lips as we neared each other ready to feel the electricity I had felt the last.

Just as out lips were about to connect I heard the sound of the front door opening causing Noah and I to pull back scared for our lives we turned and looked at the walking mess entering the apartment. Finally it seemed like he had made a decision of who he wanted to be with...me and we get interrupted by a witch how convenient.

"Hey baby!" Brooke screeched running towards us; god I hate that bitch. "I missed you so much!"



Thanks so much for reading! I was wondering if anyone wanted to see the events of last night at the club from Brooke or Trevor's POV. I think we would learn some interesting things about them! 

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