Chapter 47: A Passed Test

Start from the beginning

He shook his head a smiled, "Yeah, right. The day that you come over for 'no particular reason', I'll be in trouble".

I reached up and patted him on the head, "Aw, tiger! You learn so fast!" I cooed.

He swatted my hand away and we left together, although an exchange of a few playful shoves was included.

"Bro! I'm home!" Sasuke called into the house as he let both of us in, "And so is Vira!".

Then a loud cacophony of cheers sounded and a stampede greeted us at the door.

"Yay! Vira's back!" it was Itachi's friends.

"Uh...bro, I didn't know that she already had a fan club" Sasuke said slowly, giving Itachi a weird look.

"Me neither" I said under my breath.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sasori smirk at me.

Probably reading my mind again, not creepy at all, I thought to myself, rolling my eyes.

It might've just been my imagination, but I swear Sasori's smile widened.

"I think she needs a proper explanation for what happened the other day" Itachi said as he gestured for us to sit.

Cautiously, Sasuke and I took a seat together while Itachi and his friends crowded all the other sofas.

"Well?" Sasuke prompted.

"For once, someone passed our test!" Deidara couldn't help but explode.

"Test?" Sasuke and I echoed together.

"Yup!" Deidara blurted again.

Itachi smiled kindly, "Unfortunately, you're not as popular as we made you think you were" he admitted.

"Excuse me?" I blinked rapidly, not one bit enlightened.

"I asked them to hit on you basically" he said more bluntly.

"You what?!" Sasuke and I screamed at once.

"Hey, you, shut up! You were with another girl at the time, you have no right to say anything!" Deidara growled at Sasuke.

Sasuke clenched his teeth but I felt his arm snake around my waist, as if he needed to prove something to them.

"Don't misunderstand, it was all an act, just to see how determined you were, Elvira" Itachi amended quickly.

"Determined? You mean, you were trying to see if I would respond to any of them?" I asked, my voice rising slightly.

"Essentially" Hidan piped up albeit with a bit of a bored tone.

"Why? To see if I was determined to be with Sasuke?" I asked further.

I peeked up at Sasuke's face to see that he was a little red, which gave me some satisfaction.

"Yeah, is it really that hard to believe?" Sasori asked with an amused grin.

"You guys are all in university! Who would even fall for that?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe" Hidan said with a sigh.

I gave Sasori a look and all he did was shrug.

"Not only did you not respond to any of their advances, but you also showed Sasori how much more mature you were compared to...well, other girls" Itachi added.

Sasuke hid his face in his hands, "Oh my god, you guys are so embarrassing! I can't believe you've been doing this all this time without telling me!" he groaned.

I laughed at that, "And you're telling me I'm the only one to pass?".

All four of them nodded.

I patted Sasuke on the back, "Aw, aren't you proud that your girlfriend is a super genius?".

"I'm really not proud of my brother though" he grumbled, glaring at Itachi.

He shrugged, "A brother's gotta do what a brother's gotta do" he reasoned.

"And Hana actually fell for one of you?" I scoffed.

"Hey! I'll have you know that we're perfectly attractive!" Deidara blared.

"Shut up, Deidara, you weren't even the one hit on, it was Sasori" Hidan said, still seeming rather bored.

I laughed, "Sasori? You're kidding. I'd much more readily believe Deidara" I chuckled, "No offense, Sasori, but that mind reading trick of yours would've sent me running if I had the choice".

He laughed too, "You're right. It's the only thing that made her turn around in the end" he admitted.

"Yeah, Sasori, you gotta stop that. You'll never find a girlfriend at this rate" Deidara chastised.

Sasori shrugged, "So be it. Creeping you guys out for the rest of my life doesn't sound too bad either".

"Well, I'm gonna move out of the country now while I still can" Deidara said as he leaped up from the couch, "Later!" he grabbed his jacket and rushed out the door before anyone could say goodbye.

"Alright, we'll leave you guys be, our job here is done anyways" Sasori said with a kind smile before leaving with Hidan.

The second everyone was out the door, I turned to Itachi with a serious face.

"Ah, let me guess. You want to ask if Hana's still living with us anymore?" he suggested.

"Gee, you must've been taking lessons from Sasori" I said with a straight face.

Itachi smiled, "She came back at lunch, took her stuff and left".

"Left? Where does she have to go? Her parents' home?" I asked.

"Her grandparents' home actually. Her parents live in America. Which is where I suppose she'll be going as soon as she gets a ticket" Itachi answered, "Feel better now?" he questioned me with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes" I said with a huff.

I leaned back into the couch, "Sorry, Sasuke, as much as this was a fight over you, it was also a fight for pride" I sighed, but then smiled, "And I won".

"It seems like you're competitive with everyone and anyone, not just Liz, huh" Sasuke remarked with a mildly amused expression upon seeing my satisfied smile.

I shrugged, "It's an incurable disease".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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