"Gah," Sasuke said using the voice of guard he remembered so well. He heard the man chuckle behind him and a few familiar sounding whimpers. Sakura. He turned around to see Sakura in this mans arms staring at him with wide eyes and her mouth taped shut, and he very slightly shook his head to warn her to keep her mouth shut about him being who he really was. She continued to whimper and did not show any signs of knowing who the man on the floor was. She looked scared, but Sasuke knew she was no where near frightened, just acting help distract the other two in the room.

Daiki walked up to Sasuke laying on the floor and bent down to get a better look at him. He then asked, "What ya' doin' here, Junichi-kun?" He reached out his hand to help Sasuke up, and he took the hand quickly.

"Uh.. Thanks," Sasuke said, sounding a little thankful. "I just wanted to talk to Naruto-kun about something the Kazekage wanted him to do." He said it with a straight face and made sure that no lie was in his voice. He did not smile to seem serious about what he was doing.

"Well, why didn't ya' just say so?" The one that shoved him to the ground said while laughing with his deep voice. "We would have escorted ya' there. Anyway, he's in that room. Go ahead."

Sasuke looked up at him and nodded but remembered Sakura tied up in his arms. "I knew those ninjas would start trouble. What'd she do?" He said pointing to the konoichi still in his arms. "I let two of them in this morning, and I told'em not to start trouble." He started to grumble to sound more convincing that he was angry.

The man holding her smiled, showing his white teeth. "I caught her sniffing the flowers outside. She looked like she was trying to take them, so I tied her up and decided I'd take her to the Kazekage after my meeting with Naruto-kun, but she was a hassle to get. She's a pretty strong Leaf Village ninja, but I caught her by surprise, so it didn't take that long to get her." Sasuke would have glared if he were trying to hold up the act of Junichi.

"Well, I won't be long," Sasuke told everyone in the room, hoping Sakura heard the "I'll come get you as soon as possible" in his voice. He brushed off his chest and walked to the door that Naruto was staying in.

"Come in, Junichi," Sasuke heard from inside the room, hearing the oozing note of knowing in the voice. Ah, so Naruto was a good ninja. He kept a straight face and walk in the room. Sasuke closed the door behind him and looked for Naruto in the room, spotting him near the window. He looked bright standing near the only place in room the sun shone through the window. He could now see that the other had short spiked blond hair that fell loosely over his face. He spotted the three marks on his right cheek that gave him an appearance of having whiskers. He also noticed that Naruto looked very sad and annoyed at the same time. It made Sasuke wonder.

Naruto spoke without looking at him, "Why are you here, Leaf ninja? What is your reason for following me here?" His voice was filled with nothing. It was more monotone than anything Sasuke had heard for a while. He felt guilt for some reason. He could not even think of why he would feel anything when he did not even know the blond stand a few feet away from him. "Hurry up and answer, idiot, I don't have all day."

Sasuke was baffled. He quickly transformed into his normal self and said, "I am Sasu-"

"I know who you are, dumb ass," Naruto snapped, interrupting Sasuke as if he had just said something that scorched his ears. "Just tell me why you are here."

"How do yo- never mind," Sasuke said, " look, I just need you to come back to the Village Hidden in the Leaves because our leader, the Hokage, requests you."

"Me? Go back to that village?" The blond said back to his monotone voice. He laughed with something that sounded like annoyance, but he sounded humored by what the Uchiha had just said. "They think that they deserve my presence back in their village." Naruto seemed to have said that to himself, but he looked to Sasuke. When they met eyes, Naruto's twitched, but he quickly gained his composure back and acted as if nothing had happened. "I will not go back their. That village had treated me like shit, and they think they can have me back by just coming to find me? Plus, they sent you, of all people. You know what? Actually, I would like to just thank you. Thank you for pushing me over the top and giving me the will power to just leave that horrible place. I have become something much stronger than I would have if I had stayed in that village. I found people that actually care about me and never called me a hateful name because of what is inside of me. They never were scared of what I was capable of. This was all thanks to you, Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke was a little shocked that Naruto actually knew who he was. He quickly asked, "What are you talking about? I don't even really know you. Look, our leader probably just wants to talk to you and get the scrolls that you had taken when you left. She didn't give me all of the details."

"Ah, but Sasuke-kun," Naruto said with sarcastic enjoyment, "You and I used to be best friends. You were actually my only friend back then but because you got some kind of butt up your ass, you found it to your amusement to take it out on. You, you horrible person, shoved me off the swing and broke me that day. I was so lucky to have met Kyuubi, because he gave me my strength back." Sasuke was about to say something, but Naruto interrupted, "Anyway, if you want the scrolls back, I'll surely give them to you. They're in the third drawer over there in that corner. I will not be leaving with you. I have other important matters to deal with at the moment. Now take the scrolls and leave."

Sasuke refused to show shock on his face as he remembered the day after he came home from the academy to the sight of his whole clan laying dead throughout every part of the Uchiha Mansion. He remembered going to the academy the next day and looking for someone to take his anger out on. He chose the one person he like most at the academy, Uzumaki Naruto. They were best friends back then. They did nearly everything together even when Naruto was slightly behind the rest of the class, and Sasuke was such an idiot to him that one day. He looked over at Naruto who was now facing the window again.

He sighed and walked over to the drawer that Naruto had told him about earlier and took out the scrolls with the Leaf symbol stamped on them. They were on top, so they must have been recently looked at. He would take a look at the scrolls before he gave them to Lady Tsunade. She never really minded him looking at any of the other scrolls. He sighed silently and walked over to where Naruto was standing. He did not hesitate to say, "I don't care what you say, but you will be going with us."


I'll stop there and update soon. Read and comment. Thank you for those of you who read this. :/

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