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2 weeks later

I walked into the school already feeling eyes on me. I decided to wear a black tight fitting knee-length dress and a red flannel around my waist and my black hurraches that Tyreek suprised me with last night. My hair was down and I wore a pair of medium sized hoop earings

A couple people said hi while I passed, others stared and some didn't acknowledge my existence

I spotted Tyreek standing by his locker looking down at his phone and walked up to him

Immediately when I reached him I stood on my tippy toes to give him a kiss

He kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist. We pulled away and he smiled looking at me

"I missed you babe." He kissed my cheek

I laughed "We saw each other like less than 9 hours ago."

Its true since he left my house around 12 last night

"I dont care I still missed your annoying ass." He kissed me all over my face

He pulled away to look at my outfit but I didn't get the reaction that I was looking for. He looked mad.

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He hissed in a low voice

"I thought you would like it."

"What the fuck do I look like walking around with a bitch who is showing off everything?" He questioned

"I didn't know.." I mumbled

"You didnt know what that everyone can see your boobs? Guess what, the whole world could see." He motioned for everyone around us

"I'm sorry." I nervously looked down at me shoes

"Come outside."

Shit, I already know what that means. I've heard that line a couple times this week and last week

"No.." I whined

He looked at me shocked

"What did you say?" He asked

"I dont want to go outside, please don't do this."

I knew he wouldn't do anything infront of people so this is my best bet

He gripped my arm tightly and pulled me out of the building

He took me around the corner and pined me up against a wall.

"Do you not understand me when I speak you dumbass bitch?!" He hollered holding my cheeks tight

I nodded my head

"So why don't you fucking listen?" He roughly let go of my face

"I'm sorry." I uttered

Before I could even take another breath Tyreek smacked me hard across the face.

Before a tear could fall down my cheek it was like Tyreek disappeared when he was tackled by Tyler

I was too shook to even process what had just happened so I sat in shock staring at the two

Tyler threw punch after punch hitting him in the face. But then Tyreek just stopped moving

I snapped out of it and jumped up

I rushed to Tyler who was still pummeling hits to Tyreek

I pushed him off of Tyreek and felt to see if Tyreek was still breathing. I checked his pulse on his neck and could feel a beat then I put my head on his chest to hear him take breaths

I instantly calmed down a little until I realized what Tyler had just done

I stood to my feet and turned around to him. He didn't even have a scratch on him while Tyreek laid out on the ground unconscious

I started throwing my arms wildly hitting him as hard as I could until he grabbed both of my arms

"What the hell are you doing?" He shouted

"Why would you do that to him?"

"Because he hit you. What the fuck do you think I was gonna stand there? I'm not just gonna watch him abuse you."

"He doesn't want to hurt me. That's the only way I'll learn though. He hates putting his hands on me so he does not deserve what you just did to him." I snapped

"Are you fucking insane?!"

"No, you're insane for coming over here and attacking him like a got damn maniac."

"So you think it's okay that he just slapped the shit outta you?" He asked sarcastically

"If I do something wrong I deserve it. You should know the whole story before you start acting crazy Tyler." I told him like he was a child

"You know what, fuck it. I'm done trying to help people that dont appreciate it and I'm tiered of waiting on someone who will never want me."

Tyler let go of my arms then turned around and marched away

He was about to turn the corner when he turned around and said. "You never purposely hurt someone who you care for." With that he continued walking away

Something NewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora