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*Tyreeks pov*

Shit she saw me watching her. Im such a creep

I went back into the house and went upstairs. Ever since Adrea and I stopped talking I've been super depressed. Like, I only knew Adrea for 4 days but I already caught feelings for the little girl. I guess she doesn't feel the same since that nigga Ty- something is fucking her.

I'm trying to get over her but it's like she's the only girl I want now. Since that day three girls tried getting with me and I had to turn them down because of Adrea

Adrea really fooled me like she cared about me.

I found a random room and shut the door behind me. I laid down on the bed

I've been so stressed about this one girl. First I wanted to fight the guy she's with but then I tried messing with her by posting stuff online when that didn't work I just stopped trying. I didn't think that she'd be here tonight. She probably came with that white boy

I ran my hand down my face honestly tiered of everything. I had three drinks already but they haven't affected me yet.

I heard the door open then shut

"Bruh get out." I said to the person who was probably drunk

When I didn't hear a reply I looked up to see none other than Adrea

I sat up real fast

"What?" I asked

"I want to talk to you." She said coming closer to me

"Okay.." I motioned for her to continue

"Tyreek, I have a huge crush on youu. Like huge Caroline huge" She exclaimed

I know she's drunk because Adrea isn't the type to put her feelings out there like that.

"I have a huge crush on you too." I said excited

I know I'm drunk because just like Adrea I'm not the type of person to put my feelings out there.

"So why were u being so mean to me?" She asked sitting on the bed in front of me

"Because you were playing with my feelings." I said

"How?" She questioned

"You were fucking with that white boy and still talking to me. How you think that made me feel?" I asked

She giggled and laid back on the bed.

"Me and Tyler?" She began laughing again

"What?" I asked not getting the joke

"Tyler and I never had anything. Well, tonight he said he wanted to cut all ties with his girlfriend 'Kourtney Williams' for me but their probably fucking right now. Other than that and one time we kissed but other than that we never did anything." She explained slurring over some words

"You guys didn't have sex?" I asked shocked

"No no no, of course not. Thats disgusting."

"Damn, so when he was hugging all on you and shit what was that about?" I asked

She groaned and started playing with her wet hair

"Thats so stupid. Tyler has this weird mindset that I shouldn't talk to other guys except him. Its stupid honestly."

She got out of the bed and went to the closet. "He gets jealous for no reason. It's stupid." She ranted

She came out of the closest with a white tshirt in her hand

"Cover your eyes." She said

I furrowed my eyebrows

"Why?" I asked

"Cause I want to change." She said obviously

"Change in the closet." I suggested

"No just cover your eyes" she repeated.

I rolled my eyes but obeyed.

A couple seconds in I moved my finger out of the way so I could see. Damn I've been missing out

I dropped my hands to see her better but she immediately noticed

"Cover them." She whined trying to cover herself

"I am." I lied

She was obviously too drunk to tell if I was telling the truth because she didn't say anything

I watched her fumble with the shirt then pull it over her head. She tried pulling her head through a hole but it seemed to be the arm hole

I bursted out laughing at the sight.

"I knew you were looking." She pointed towards me

"I was not." I argued

I got up and stepped towards her. I took the shirt off of her head and couldn't help staring at her boobs.

Shes either super horny or its cold in here because her nipples were hard af. I couldn't help myself..

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