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Last night I had alot of time on my hands so I learned how to use the phone that Tyler gave me. He had already programed his number in under the contact 'Ty' but I just changed it to Tyler

I made an Instagram account since that's what everyone else does and I'm basic af then I made a snapchat account which I still dont know how to use.

But scrolling through Instagram and waiting for Tyler to show up is kinda fun.

Its 6:59 and he's still not here

I called him and he answered on the second ring

"Hello?" He asked

"Hey, where are you?" I asked

"I caught a ride with a friend."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Is this nigga for real?

"You're the one that said you wanted to walk with me."

"I didn't mean everyday." He mentioned

"Alright whatever."

"We can walk together after school though." He said

"Alright whatever." I grumbled then hung up the phone

I speed walked to school getting there in a little over ten minutes right before the bell rang. I went straight to first period and got in my group

"Hey." Everyone said to me when I sat down

This group is really friendly but this is suprising after what happened yesterday at lunch.

"Hey" I replied

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. My friend is such a dumb ass and he don't know no better. When that bitch tell him to jump he just say 'how high'." Daquarious said shaking his head

"It's fine. I'm over it" I shrugged

"Do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" He asked

"No I'm alright."

"Then we'll just sit with you." He smiled

I smiled back at him. "Thanks."

When I got to second period Coach was sitting at his desk and Tyler was standing in front of him.

"I swear, I would never do that to her." Tyler said

"I saw you and that girl talking in the hallway. I will not sit back and watch some kid walk all over my niece so don't try it. Today you can sit over there." Coach pointed to the opposite side of the room


Coach held his hand up at Tyler so that he wouldn't say anything else.

Tyler grumbled something under his breath but went to the seat that he was directed at.

I finally entered the room acting like I didn't hear anything

I didn't look at Tyler and just sat in my usual seat.

I walked to class normally but someone harshly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark empty classroom.

I tried screaming but the person covered my mouth with their hand.

I tried hitting and kicking the person but that didn't work.

"Adrea chill out, its just me" Tyler said close to my ear

My body tensed and I pushed away from him.

"What do you want?" I asked

"I wanted to talk." He answered

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