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I walked into second period tiered as hell. I stayed at Tyreeks house last night and his annoying ass just doesn't get tiered so we stayed up all night.

"Where were you at last night I was worried sick?!" My uncle practically shouted when I walk we into class

The few students that were in the class including Tyler looked kinda scared at his outburst

"I was at my friends house." I said sitting in my seat

"We'll talk about this when we get home young lady." He scolded

I mumbled an okay and rested my head on my arms
I sat on Tyreeks lap eating my grapes and listening to him tell a story to johnson, jacob, Daquarious, and the rest of the guys

"So then the girl went and slept with some other dude." They all busted out laughing but honestly it wasn't that funny

"Bruhh I bet all the girls you get with do the same thing." Jacob chuckled completely ignoring my presence

"Yup always." Tyreek laughed with everyone else

Alright thats my que to leave then

I got out of Tyreeks lap and picked up my tray.

"Wait babe where are you going?" He asked grabbing my arm

"My head kind of hurts I'm going to the nurse." I lied

"Okay, can I have a kiss first?"

I internationally groaned but gave him a kiss anyway

He decided to take it one step further and pull me to him and grab my butt. Infront of everyone.

I pulled away from him and tried to leave again

"Wait babe." He grabbed my arm again

"What?" I asked

"Can I have your lunch?"

I rolled my eyes and gave him my tray. This time he let me leave

I walked out of the loud cafeteria into the hallway

I walked around for the rest of lunch time then went to class

"But babe I wanna hang out." Tyreek begged

"I'm so tiered and my uncle is still mad at me for not showing up last night"

"First you can sleep at my house and second your Uncle wont hold a grudge."

I rubbed my face getting annoyed.

"Tyreek I'm going home so could you please get the hell out of my way?!" I snapped

He looked shook but moved out of my way anyways

I walked out of the building towards my uncles car. I'll have to wait here for a couple minutes for him to come

I had just woken up from a powerful nap, I'm energized and in a better mood than before. I feel really bad for treating Tyreek so bad but I was tiered and irritated

I got my phone off of the changer and went to snapchat. I watched everyone's story which was really boring until I got to Tyler He was with a girl kissing captioned 'new bae'

I rolled my eyes and decided to call Tyreek

He didn't answer so I just left him a voicmail

"Hey babe, I'm sorry about earlier I was just sleepy. Can you call me back?" I made a kissing noise then hung up the phone

I sent him a text message too

'Miss u 😙'

I waited for him to reply but that never came. Eventually I got a 'read'

I groaned and threw my phone to my bean bag chair

I'm starting to miss Tyler now. I thought back to his snapchat with that girl who is apparently his new bae. Everything in this room reminds me of him. He bought almost everything that I have, my phone, my sheets and covers, the paint in the corner of my room. The paint.. we never got to paint my room like we said we would.

I got out of bed and picked up my phone. I went to his messages and typed 'we could never paint my walls 😂' I contimplated sending the message but just deleted it

'Hey! U still wanna paint my walls blue?'


'My walls sill need painting'

Hell no

'Do you still wanna help paint? Ps I miss u can we chill?'

I began deleting but my finger swipped by the wrong button making me press send

"Shit!" I hissed

I tried pressing and holding to have it deleted but it wouldn't work. I stared at my screen as the message went from sent to delivered

Damn it.

I watched my phone but the message wasn't changing.

Maybe he wont see it, maybe he-

He read it!

Three dots appeared on my screen and quickly disappeared.


What is he thinking?

Does he miss me too?

Is he happy with his new bae?

Does he miss me too?

Does he think I want to get with him now?


Again the three little dots appeared then disappeared.

I locked my phone then sat on my bed. I'm shook for real right now.

I felt my phone buzz in my hand and immediately looked at the screen. I hoped to see a text from Tyler but it was Tyreek.

I opened his message.

'Its fine babe'

Then another

'I kno u waz tiered. Its all gud Ill talk to u later 😚'

I furrowed my eyebrows. I thought he would be alittle mad at least but nothing..

I didn't text him back still thinking about Tyler. What the hell is that boy thinking right now?!

'Beep beep'

I heard two honks from a horn outside

I looked out the window to see Tyler looking up at my window sitting in his car


I ducked down since my hair probably looks crazy considering I just woke up

I crawled to my bathroom before standing back up. I looked in the mirror and sure enough my hair was wild in every direction

I ran a brush through my hair but ended up just tying it in a high ponytail

I was in too much of a rush to put shoes and socks on so I just ran out of my room and down the stairs

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