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Adrea (A-dree-uh)

"I can't believe you freaking did this!" I screeched at Tyler

He smirked and shrugged his sholders

"Believe it." He simply stated

"I'm gonna kill you, how much was it. I'll pay you back."

"Adrea don't worry about it. I'm your friend, thats what friends do." He smiled

"Friends don't buy each other brand new iPhones on the first day that they meet." I said seriously

"Adrea we're gonna be late to school if you keep talking." He chuckled

I stood from the step of my house and pulled him into a hug

"Thanks Tyler."

He chuckled. "Don't worry about it."

I stuffed the unopened I phone 6s plus box into my book bag.

We got to school quickly but before we could even take a step into the main building someone grabbed Tylers arm.

"Hey, Ty." I cringed at the sound of the nickname and her high pitched voice

Kourtney Williams had her arms wrapped around Tylers arm.

"Oh hey Kourtney." Tyler said

Kourtney gave me the side eye. "Can you walk me to class, we can talk about what we were talking about last night." She smirked

I inwardly cringed. This girl is so cringey

Tyler look over at me, I nodded my head and kept walking to my first period.

When second period rolled around I was first in the class, Tyler never showed up.

Neither did he show up to the next class. I got to fourth period not expecting him to show up but as I was paying attention to the teacher the door shut.

The entire class looked back to a smiling Tyler coming in late

"Sorry I'm late Miss, I got lost."

"Okay, 'sir' take a seat."

He looked around the classroom until he spotted me. He sat right next to me.

I didn't say anything to him because no one is gonna be lost for three and a half periods.

"Adrea." He whispered

I didn't answer


Again no answer

"Adrea." He said a bit louder

"Adrea." He whined

"What?" I hissed

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked

"Where the hell were you?" I asked

"It's not that big of a deal me and Kourtney were just hanging out."

"Y'all were 'hanging' out for almost four classes?" I asked. "Why do you have to lie Tyler?"

"Fine, we were hanging out for a little bit in the outside building and one thing led to another and she.. gave me a head." He admitted

I started at him in disbelief

This nigga

"Are you freaking serious? That's disgusting you literally met her yesterday and you just.. ewe." I faced foward trying not to think about what he just told me

"See that's why I didn't tell you, I knew you'd be all dramatic and shit."

"Dramatic? Me? Never." I sarcastically said

He chuckled. "You're the most dramatic person that I've ever met."

"Nah if I was dramatic I'd be on the floor with a bottle of hand sanitizer rubbing it all over me to get the air of Kourtney Williams away from me." I snickered

"I'm starting to belive that you were the one to bully her instead of the other way around." He joked

I sat at the lunch table alone scoping everyone out just people watching as usual.

All of a sudden I felt a cool liquid run down my head and my back.

I gasped and jolted up out of my seat. I turned to see a kid that usually hangs out with Kourtney behind me with a carton of milk in his hand and a mischievous smirk on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted

"Got milk bitch?" He laughed then threw the rest of the milk into my face. I wiped my eyes and felt the box hit my head

I started hearing laugher and it got louder and louder until it was like the whole cafeteria saw me and was laughing. I looked around at all of my classmates just laughing. Some taking pictures and some pointing

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and looked up to see it was the lunch lady.

She pulled me out of the lunch room and to the nurses office.

I got a change of clothes and a hair tie so that it'd be out of my face.

I felt sticky but I'll have to wait until I get home to take a shower

"Thanks." I said to both the lunch lady and the nurse

I walked out of the room and into the hallway.

"Adrea!" Tyler shouted coming up to me

He had my book bag on his arm as he approached me.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I'm fine." I took my bag from him. "Classic work of Kourtney Williams." I chuckled

"Whoa, no way Kourtney had nothing to do with this. I was with her all day." He defended

"Yeah, okay. I'm going home." I turned away from him not looking back

I didn't hear his footsteps so I knew he wasn't following me

I walked.. well more like wobbled home since I was so sticky

I got home but Raymond was already yelling at my mom. She wasn't responding because she wasn't sober as usual. She just spluttered words out

I tried walking around them but I felt my pony tail being yanked back.

I almost tripping over my feet but I stayed balanced

"What the hell are you doing home so early?" He shouted in my face

"I- early release.." I lied

His face scrunched up. "I don't know what the hell that is you dumb bitch." He yelled tightening his grip on my hair.

I winced at not only the pain but also the smell of his breath.

"The school got out early." I explained

He smacked my face one good time then let me go

"I aint stupid, I know what early releasel is." He scoffed

I went to my room and sat on my bed. 'I wish I could just go back with my dad.' I thought to myself

'Then I wouldn't have to worry about any of this

I rubbed my face where he had just slapped me.

I went to the mirror and saw that my brown skin in that area had turned red.

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