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Adrea (A-dree-uh)

"Adrea get the hell out of this damn bed! I ain't comin back in here so get your shit and get to school." I heard my step dad shout in a raspy voice from his many days of non stop smoking

He left my room leaving the door open.

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my face. I looked at my clock wondering why it didn't wake me up. I looked at the time 4:27.

What the heck?! That's two hours too early

I got up anyways and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I guess I'll use this extra time to do something to my hair. My hair isn't that long. I have natural curls so it goes to about my shoulders but when its straight it can reach the upper part of my back. (The shrinkage is real)

I decided that I'd straighten it since everyone always says that my curls look bad especially my mom.

By time I was finally satisfied I got dressed.

I don't wear makeup half because my mom told me not to and because I feel like I'd look like a clown with the simplest color on.

I looked at the time 6:03

I picked up my book bag and prepared myslef to have to pass Raymond and my mom.

I breathed in heavily then opened my door. I stepped out of my room looking down the hallway. I walked down the hall and finally into the kitchen. I didn't say anything to my mom who was sprawled out across the kitchen table completely naked.

I walked out of the door shutting it behind myself.

I walked the quick 10 minutes to school. Honesty school isn't that bad. I mean, its public school. I don't get bullied or anything. People occasionally talk about me but I wouldn't really consider that bullying. I go to school to learn and thats what I do. I make no friendships so there aren't any strings attached

I walked into the building, no one looked my way it's just like normal.

I went to my locker so that I could get my books out for the next few classes. On the way there I bumped into a tall girl

"My bad." She mumbled not paying attention but briefly glancing up at me then back down to her phone, she continued walking in the same direction.

She was a white girl, never seen her around here. There aren't many white people at this school. Its mostly crowded by black people, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, mainly just people of color. The girl was blonde she had really long hair, she's really tall like I'm pretty short but this girl looked like she was maybe 6'

When she looked up from her phone I could clearly see hear near to perfect skin, nice eyebrows, and green eyes.

When she disappeared from my sight I broke out of my daze. I'm not lesbian but I do appreciate a nice face when I see one.

I took my things out of my locker and was on my way to class.

By time the bell rang the class was full. Everyone was talking and I was just in the back of the class

"Alright class listen up, phones away." Mrs. Griffen said

The class quickly shut up and everyone put their phones away. Mrs. Griffen don't play, when she asks us to do something she means it.

"Today we'll do a group assignment. So everyone get in a group of four." She stated

I watched everyone move around the classroom but I stayed in my seat.

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