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Today I'm gonna ask my uncle John if I could stay with him and I'm really just crossing my fingers in hope.

I honestly don't know what happened yesterday between Tyler and I but I don't really wanna think about it. I feel kinda bad because I accepted Tyreeks proposal to the party but I want to go with Tyler now. I guess I'll tell Tyreek during lunch.

I walked to school since I haven't heard from Tyler but I was shocked when I got to the parking lot to see Tyler standing next to a white Escalade and a key danggleing from his hand

I approached him with my mouth wide.

"Hey, Adrea." He pulled me into a hug but I continued staring at the car

Even when he kissed my cheek I couldn't break me gaze away from the car.

"So, I'm guessing that you like it." he chucked after pulling away from me so that he can look at the car.

"It's beautiful." I breathed

He laughed. "You'll get to be in the passanger seat later, for now lets talk to your uncle."

he practically had to drag me away from the parking lot and we were on our way to Cucci's class since we want to talk to him before school starts.

"Tyler!" A high pitched voice shouted

We turned around to see Kourtney Williams approaching us. She wore a tight white crop top, a pair of black tights and white converse all stars. Her ass gon get dress code.

She pulled Tyler into what I thought was a hug at first but there lips were pushed together.

Tyler waisted no time in kissing her back and grabbing her hips

I scoffed and pushed passed the both of them

I don't know what this nigga thinkin but I ain't with the 'share a nigga plan' and I will definitely not be a side chick.

I went to my uncles class room trying to rid my mind of Tyler and to focus on the real problem which is my living situation.

"Hey uncle John." I greeted trying to sound as cheerful as I could

"Awe what do you want now?" He joked pulling his feet up on the desk

I told him everything that happened with my mom and step dad and I told him about Tyler's idea.

"Adrea, you didn't have to explain all that, I would've said yes anyway." He stood from his chair and pulled me into a tight hug I hugged him back

"Thanks so much Unc."

I walked into the cafeteria alone since Tyler disappeared from all his classes again and I can't find him. I'm not worried about him anymore. What we had yesterday was just in the heat of the moment and it meant nothing.

I sat with the guys, next to Tyreek.

He pulled me to his side and kissed my cheek. "What's up baby, how's your day been?"

I kind of felt guilty since I just kissed Tyler last night and now I'm with Tyreek. Well we aren't dating so technically I did nothing wrong

"Better now that I'm with you." I smiled

"Hey love-birds we're going to Papa Johns, you comin?" Daquarious asked

Tyreek looked down at me. "You wanna go?" He asked

I looked around the lunchroom feeling eyes on me. My eyes met with Tylers who was half way across the room. He was standing next to Kourtney Williams with his arm wrapped around her waist

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