Keep your big fat ego in your pocket

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I turned to leave, finally I could get my cup of coffee and some sleep. Suddenly I was pulled by my wrist and I collided with his hard chest. I could see anger in Ayan's eyes. His anger scared me sometimes. At that time, he seemed like somebody else. Not the Ayan Brooke I knew.

"I am not letting you go anywhere. I cannot stand a day without talking to you and you want a break from me. I know what I did was wrong and I apologise for it. I would never hurt you intentionally. You are mine Cookie. I cannot let you go, you cannot go away from me." He said. Why can't he just try to understand what I was saying?

"I am not an object Ayan that you can claim over me, besides we are not even in a relationship so you cannot go around telling me what to do and what bot to do. Just give me sometime, lets just give us sometime Ayan." I freed myself from him and walked away. I did not want out relation to suffocate me and this was exactly what it was doing right now.

"Veronica." I heard him call my name. That upset me, he always called me Cookie and now he is calling me Veronica.

"Veronica do you not see that I am apologising to you. I have never apologised to any girl and I said sorry to you so many times. Enough Veronica, I honestly don't care anymore. I put my ego aside and came to speak to you but I do not think you understand just know one thing that if you walk out of here right now then there would never be an us." He said with anger evident in his eyes.

He was not the Ayan that I liked. He had changed. He was bringing his ego in this. His big fat ego would surely destroy him someday.

"You know what Ayan keep your big fat ego in your pocket. And yes I am walking out of here. This cannot work on threats." I walked off with tears in my eyes. I heard him call my name many times but I really did not care. He has to behave maturely and stop hurting me.

Today was Saturday and I totally forgot that I told Mrs Green that I would be joining work. However excited I was about this job earlier, all the excitement had gone now but a commitment was a commitment and I had to go.

When I reached the cafe it was already 2 in the noon and it was not very crowded. I saw all the waitress giving me a pleasant smile probably thinking that I was a customer.

The amazing smell of freshly baked cake reached my nostrils. I was craving  to have a piece right now but currently I had to focus. It was my first day at work. I saw Betty working at the counter and I was happy that I met someone I knew.

"Hey Betty. Is Mrs Green here?" She was cleaning the counter and as soon as she saw me she gave me a huge smile.

"No, she isn't but she told me to explain everything to you." She said and then she started showing me different counters and things to do. She was a great help. If it weren't her, I wouldn't have got this job.

"Thank you so much Betty. There is so much I got to thank you for." I said and gave her a hug. She was a little shocked by the hug because she didn't respond at first but then she made the hug tighter.

The day was very hectic. In the afternoon there were not much customers but in the evening the cafe was flooded. I did have few difficulties in remembering the orders but I always put up a smile on my face just like Betty taught me. Finally the day was done and we were seated on the chairs taking rest for some time before cleaning up.

"Today is a Saturday night. What plans?" Betty asked and I had to tell her that I enjoyed sitting by myself even on Saturday nights.

"Nothing big. Not in mood for anything." I said and then I remembered the whole Ayan drama that happened today. It still makes me upset. I didn't expect that of him. Its weird how today I saw a different Ayan.

15 Days With The Possessive Billionaireحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن