Chapter 6

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Umm just gonna warn you ahead of time. And not the nice type of warning

Lauren's pov
Uhhhhhhhh. I don't want to get up. It's Monday and I have to go back to this hell hole. I know it won't be one anymore if Normani is there. After these couple of days we have grown closer. Hung out with each other more. I feel like I may be liking her after all these years of just fucking girls. I got out of bed and went to get in the shower. Once I got out I buy on a black shirt with a leather jacket. Black ripped jeans and my signature boots. I grabbed and apple and walked out the house. My parents never come home and they make my siblings too. Just because I have a dick. If they feel that way I won't love them anymore if they disown me.
I walked to my black mustang and drove to school. I walked in and it is the same as always.
Girls drooling over me.
Guys being fuckboys even though I am gay.
I saw Normani with my friends near our lockers. I walked up to her and put my arms around her. She flinched as I tried to hold in my laugh. She turned around and slapped me in the arm.
"That's not funny Lauren you know I get scared easily."
"Well sorry babe just wanted to surprise you," I said smirking. I looked over and saw that Dinah and Ally were in shock by what I just said.
"Baby?? When did that come into play." Dinah was burning holes in the back of my head for which i don't know why.
"Ummm on Friday weren't u there dumbass," I said slapping the back of Dinah's head.
"Language Lauren," Ally said.
"Sorry Ally."
We all walked into our next class. Which I'm happy we all have together.
Normani's pov
When we got into class the teacher yelled for us to calm down. "So we have a new student joint the class today." She pointed to the kid for that person to come In. That person came in and I couldn't believe my eyes. The person I've dated for 2 years is a new student at my school. We were on again off again. That person looked at me and we connected eyes and I quickly turned around. I saw Lauren glaring at the person like her life depended on it. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me. I gave her the 'calm down' look and she turned around and sighed. The person started talking.
"Hey class my name is."

Who should the person Normani dated for a whole 2 years.

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