Enemies In The House

Start from the beginning

"I'll be with the fifteen, I can probably smell the witch." Elizabeth says and I nod. She might be the first one to figure out who the witch is.

"But what happens once we find her?" One of the wolf asks.

"Mind link us as soon as you know. Remember- the enemies don't want us to know who the witch is. And especially the witch must not know that we have spot her. Once we know who it is, we will attack from the back to make sure she uses no magical powers to stop us." I reply and everyone nods.

"Shift!" Xalvador commands and I nod at Maisie. She drops her hands and the wall breaks. 

"Maisie now take rest and don't do anything unless extremely needed. We got this now alright?" I say holding her hands and she nods reassuringly.

Deafening growls and howls ring my ears once again as the wolves enter the ground normally. I raise my hands and focus on the enemy wolves. As soon as a wolf attacks, I step forward and burn him. I wish I could use my elemental powers in the wolf form.

I burn several wolves and then glance around. The super wolves aren't smart enough to combat silver knives. The rogues might be powerful but they are stupid and I can see that clearly.

I burn several wolves and then I face the moment I had been dreading. I face Liam, in his wolf form. My anger and hurt takes over me as I shift and pounce on him.

"How dare you cheat me like that! I trusted you! Called you my best friend! Why Liam, why?!" I mind link him with venom and I claw in to his sides. He groans and looks around.

"For position of course. The Silver Falls have promised me the position of this pack's Alpha once all of you are finished. I can't live being a third in command my whole life you know!" He growls back. He looks at an enemy wolf who I recall as one of the leaders and the wolf nods with a sinister smile. Bloody hungry-for-power traitor! Liam bites on my right paw and I feel pain. But his bite isn't deep. Its almost as if he is reluctant to hurt me.

"After everything we have been through, after all the love you got from our pack and Xalvador, how could you do this?" I ask incredulously.

"Oh that isn't my pack. I was a rogue just like you and Xalvador found me. I was made to do petty jobs to earn his trust and shit, and when I finally did, he made me a freaking third in command. A position that doesn't even have a name. I deserved to be the Beta but! That is when the Silver Falls gave me a better option." He says nonchalantly and my blood boils. Now that I know the reason, I can kill him right?

Because that is exactly what I am gonna do!

"Get ready to die best friend!" I mind link and pounce on him. He dodges and then pounces on me. His finger nails dig in to my side. Again this attack of his isn't as strong as it should be. Maybe he is tired. Well then, it will be easier to kill him. Determined, this time I go for his neck. I am about to snap it when his paw claws at my stomach and I growl. 

Taking me by complete surprise, he runs off into a direction away from the field. Now he is running away? The coward!

I follow him blindly and find myself running after him into the woods. I almost loose him as he runs way faster than I expect him to and I growl in frustration.

Fiana go faster!

Fiana obeys and we run faster. I stop when I see him standing in the middle of the woods as if waiting just for me. He doesn't run again nor does he attack. I lunge at him, but as if expecting he that he throws me back by dashing his side at my lunging form with full force. I fall back and see him shift. I go for him again but his voice stops me!

"Arabella wait! I am not gonna harm you or our pack!." He exclaims throws at me a long cloth and I shift quite readily behind a tree. Well he can choose how he wants to die. I can always burn him.

"You expect me to believe that? After all you have been doing is plotting against us this entire time and killing my wolves back there!" I ask him with a mock laugh as I reappear.

"Yes, now listen. My father was one of the rogues who attacked that night and is still one of the leaders in the fight back there. But first, you must tell me, do you know who you are and the history of your grandmother?" He asks slowly and I am way beyond confused now. Maisie just revealed everything to me and Xalvador, then what is Liam talking about? Maybe its a trap or maybe he heard us.

"I don't have to answer a traitor!" I bark and he runs a hand through his hair in frustration. He looks genuine.

"Please Arabella, we don't have time. Tell me do you know the history about the connection between you and Alpha Xalvador? About Luna Gabriella?" He asks again and this time I nod.

"I thought so. Maisie told me she would tell you." Maisie? Him? What is he talking about?

"Liam I-I don't understand." I say genuinely confused and he takes a step forward. I immediately raise my hands up in defense. But Liam doesn't attack.

"Now Luna, listen very carefully to what I say next." He says and looks around. He then leans in and I almost shrug him off but his words stop me.

When he moves away again, I just give a slight unsure nod. That is when he shifts and pounces on me and I am knocked to the ground.

Oh my God!

Yayy! So here's the next chapter. Things just get more and more interesting don't they? I enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. If you did, don't forget to vote and comment. I love, I love and I love to see your views about what I write. You are free to point out something that you think is  confusing or I have left unexplained!

Also its a few chapters before this story wraps up. So stay tuned and comment on what you think will happen next. Do you think Liam is genuinely on The Dark Moon's side or its all just a trap? Dedications and mentions will be given to readers who can correctly predict something or anything about the next events!

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