Chapter Eight: Awake!

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*Troy's P.O.V.*

It's been almost two weeks and Ella is still in the hospital. She hasn't woke up yet and it's scaring me. Everyone is saying that she'll be okay, but to be honest I have this weird feeling that something bad is going to happen. I'm freaking out actually, I don't want to lose her. I don't think my happiness exist without Ella, we have had so many good memories and I will always cherish those. Ella is way to nice to deserve all this, she never did anything wrong.

"Babe?" I snapped my head over to Elle sitting beside me on the couch. "What's up?" I said scooting closer to her. She looked down at her hands, "Elle don't do that, what's wrong?" I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders. "Do you think Ella is going to be okay? Cause' Troy I'm scared, I don't want to lose her." She said as tears slowly came out. "Ella is strong and I believe that, give her time, and she will be back home." I said pulling her into me and hugging her as I let a few tears fall myself. Nothing is worse than almost losing your twin sister, twice.

RING! RING! RING! I looked and saw my phone ringing and grabbed it, pressing answer, and putting it against my ear. "Hello?"I said my voice cracking slightly. "Hello, Troy Walker?" A lady said. "This is Troy." I said slowly. "Hello, My name is Emily Jennings and I am a nurse at Kosair Children's Hospital. Your sister Ella woke up last night around 11:48 and she wanted me to call you. Ella had a rough way, but she is strong and wants to see you as soon as possible. Whenever you have any free time today or this week that would be great." She calmly spoke and a huge grin slipped onto my face. "Thank you I am on my way!" I said happily.

Elle gave me a weird look but followed me as I shot up and grabbed my keys and her hand, "Come on, someone wants to see us!" I smiled. She looked at me confused, but shook it off. We jumped into my car, immediately the radio turned on and one of Ella's absolute favorite song came on, 'Unconditionally By Katy Perry'. I sighed and Elle turned it up, I smiled. "Babe, we have to stop at someone's  house is that okay?" She nodded and clicked her seat belt, I did the same.

*25 Minutes Later*

I pulled up Katherine's driveway and Elle gave me a weird look. I parked the car and jumped out, "I'll be right back!" I said jogging up too the door. I knocked and Kat opened the door, "What are you doing here?" She said letting me inside. "Are Haley and Caylee here?!" I said and she nodded her head, "Get them and meet me outside in 10 minutes!" I said then walked out the door.

I jogged back to my car and jumped in. "Troy what the hell is going on and why are you so happy?!" Elle said turning the music down. "Trust me it's a surprise! You guys will love it." I said just as the others came out of her house running to the car. They hopped in the backseats and clicked their seatbelts. I backed out of her driveway and made my way over to the highway. "Care to explain Troy?" Caylee said pulling her hair into a ponytail. "Nah, you guys can just see for yourself." I said and they all groaned.

*45 Minutes Later-At the hospital, at the front desk*

"We are here to see Ella Walker." I said and the girls stood patiently behind me. "Sign in here," The nurse handed us a clipboard and we all signed it, "room 254." She smiled and pointed down the hallway. We kinda speed-walked to her door earning a few weird looks from other visitors. We stopped in front of her closed door, hearing people talking inside. I looked at the girls and they just looked at each other them stared at me. I looked down at my feet and then back at the door. I knocked on the door and I heard shuffling before the door swung itself open.

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