Chapter Seven: Pinky Promise?

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*Liam's P.O.V.*

Ella is one of a kind, I mean well she is one tough cookie. After our hug ended we kept talking and talking, we found out more about each other and secrets that we haven't even told our teddy bears. In some ways I think she's stronger than Niall, Ella isn't like other girls. She is so much more fun and cooler to hang out with. Ella has been through so much that when she was telling my something I got lost and had to stop and think. Her laugh kills me every time I hear it and when she isn't smiling its like the world is dark and gloomy. She is unlike anyone else, instead she created a person that people could look up to when they were down. Someone that they could trust when they didn't have anyone else to talk to about it. I am so so so glad that I met her and are friends with her.

"Liam?" She spoke softly startling me a bit, "Yeah?" She sighed rubbing her face, "Please don't tell anyone, I mean anyone even your mom, what I just told you. You, Troy, and Caylee are the only ones who know and will ever know." I held back a small chuckle, "I promise that I won't ever for the rest of my life, until I take my final breath of existence will I tell anyone what you just told me." I said making her face light up and smile. "Thank you," She smiled and hugged me again," I promise that I will never tell anyone what you just told me either, until the day music dies." She pulled away and stuck her pinky out. I wrapped mine around her small one, "I pinky promise!" We both said at the same time. We pulled our hands back and looked at each other.

She stood up and grabbed her bag, " Come on tough guy." She laughed. I stood up from my chair and walked in sync with her until we got to our destination. She stopped and looked up at me, "Will you carry me in, I really don't feel like getting yelled at right now." I smiled and nodded my head. I put one arm behind her back and the other under her legs and lifted her up, she's really light. Ella laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes with her arms wrapped around my neck. Her bag was in my hand and I opened the door and no one noticed me. Everyone was over talking to Chloe and I just walked up the steps to my right and laid her on the bed.

I walked beck over to the door and shut it, "Ella?" She looked at me and sat up. I sat down next to her and put my hand on her back but she soon shot up, " They didn't even say anything when we came in. See I told you, this is what happened two years ago! I can't believe that just really happened. I mean yeah it's happened before but I mean you saw that right?! Ugh this is why I don't trust or ever let anyone in my life anymore. Everyone leaves me and never looks back. That's it, that was officially the last straw!I'm leaving and never coming back to this hell hole!" She said starting  to pace the room. "That's it, that's what I'm gonna do! I'll kidnap you and it will be you, me, my dog, and my old beat up truck. Music blasting the entire time and we'll meet new people and see new things!" She started crying.

"I'll go make it big and never turn back to this place. And you can help me do that!" She stopped and turned to look at me. I shook my head,"Ella I don't think they heard us come in, I bet you they are worried sick because you ran out." I said looking at her and her expression changed from sadness-betrayal to mad-hurt. "I ran out because of that son of a bitch down there and now I'm the fucking bad guy. Hell no, I refuse to be seen as that person because I tried but hell I guess that's wrong now! Why do I even try to make it because obviously it's not working out! Well I will tell you why because I might be on my death bead soon and no one fucking cares as long as they are okay!" She screamed covered her mouth and ran out the door.

*Third Person P.O.V.*

Ella ran down the steps ignoring Liam calling for her to come back. When she reached the bottom step everyone turned and looked at her. Her breathing picked up and her chest tightened.  "Stop fucking staring at me!" She yelled and ran over to the door opening it and running out  slamming it shut. Her short legs moved quick as she ran down the hill. Her long hair flowing behind her as she sprinted away. The others calling for her to come back but all she could think about was getting away.

The boy with the guitar...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin