Chapter 23: Weird, but okay...?

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*Next Morning*

*Ella's P.O.V.*

I opened my eyes and the events of last night replayed in my head. I laughed to myself and turned over, to my left to see Niall wasn't there. I looked underneath the covers to see myself wearing a different shirt and the underwear from last night. I sat up and looked around the messy room. I threw the blankets off and swung my legs over the side. I sat there for a minute and rubbed my ankle. I stood up and walked to the door, "Mum why did you come back so early?" I heard Niall's voice boom through the quiet house. "To surprise you, where's Lily? I want to see her." His mom's voice hit my face like a ton of bricks. "Shit." I whisper yelled to myself and shut the door quietly.

I looked around and saw my suitcase by the closet. I opened the top and grabbed a light pink shirt and black yoga pants. I looked for my bra and found it ripped in half on the ground, I just grabbed another on and clipped it on. I threw Niall's shirt off and slipped the pink one on. I stuck a leg into one side of the pants and hopped trying to get the other one in. I fell onto the floor and wiggled them on, I slipped some socks on and slid on my black Chucks. I smoothed my hair out and put it into a messy bun and put a thick white headband on. I closed the suitcase and put it in the closet and shut the door. "Greg can you help me with something really quick?" Niall said and their footsteps got closer and closer.

I walked to the window and lifted it up and looked down, I stuck a leg out and planted it in the roof. "What the hell?!" Niall said grabbing my waist and pulling me back in. I reach for something to pull away, "What was that?" I shook my head and Greg shut the door. "I have to leave." I squirmed around. "She doesn't like me and she will kill me if she sees me here!" I kept my voice low. Niall's grip tightened and I freaked. "Ow!" I tried to grab my side. He let me go, I lifted my shirt up and sighed no blood. "Ella you just have to stay up here until they go out." There was a knock, "Niall sweetie?" I jumped towards the window and climbed down.

I went to the front door and knocked a few times, his mom answered. "Can I help- What are you doing here?" She glared at me. "I'm sorry I accidentally left some clothes over here and I need to get them." I rubbed my arm. "Well-" "I'll help you find them, come in." Niall said opening the door more, making his mom move. I stepped inside and looked around, "I love what you did with the place." I smiled and he nodded, "Thanks." "You have 15 minutes." His mom said behind me. I nodded and followed Niall upstairs, his mom following me. She sat on the bed and waited, I walked into the closet and opened my suitcase and took some clothes out, my keys, and my medicine bag. Niall leaned against the closet door and watched me.

A phone rang from downstairs and she got up to answer it. When she was out Niall cracked the door, "You can't leave Ella." I looked at him and walked to the other side of the room. I bent down and picked my bra up, "Really?" He smiled. "It was in the way." I shook my head and threw it at him he caught it. "I have to leave, you know that." I kissed his lips lightly and turned to leave. I got halfway down the stairs, "No, your staying." I just kept going and heard his footsteps behind me. I picked up my phone and walked to the door. Greg stood in front of the door, "Greg move." I said and he shook his head. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "Ella." Niall said and I shook my head.

"Turn around." I didn't move, "Damn it!" He yelled and I took off for the garage but the door was locked, from the other side. I pulled on the handle even though I knew it wasn't going to open. I dropped everything in my hands and turned around and ran for the back door. Niall grabbed my arm and picked me up and threw me on the couch. I tried to run again, but Greg grabbed me and I felt my eyes get watery. "Ella stop!" They both screamed and I heard cars pull up. "Help!" I screamed and Niall put a hand over my mouth and backed me into the kitchen. I shook my head and tried to push him away, "Baby stop." He said grabbing my arms.

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