Chapter Four: Dreaming...

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The waiting room is terrible, at least some color would be nice! Ella is in a room being checked out and it's driving me crazy. Troy is pacing the room and the girls are crying. The boys went back to their hotel.

"Hey." A random chick sat next to me putting a hand on my thigh. I quickly shot up and went to the front desk. "Ella Walker." I looked at the young guy. His name tag said Mitchell. His hair was a light brown, trying to rock a quiff. "She is almost done, two hours at the most and you can go see her." My eyes went wide, two hours?!  "Okay,thank you." I gently smiled and he nodded. "No problem."

I turned and started walking back to my seat when I saw the girl still there. I stopped and spotted the girls, I looked at Troy and looked back at the girls. I walked over to him and whispered, "We have to calm them down, Ella would of already smacked all of them already." Troy laughed and we both sat down next to them. We decided to give it our best try! This should be good.

~Two and a half hours later.~


"Troy Walker?" An older looking guy with a clipboard walked over and looked around. "Yes?" I said careful not to wake up the others. "Your sister would like to see you. As soon as you two are done she is free to leave, just watch her asthma. Also during her injures she had an horrifying amount of blood loss. This made a side effect occur in her brain, memory loss. " He said bringing me to the side. "I always do watch out for the asthma part. Is it severe?" My voice filled with concern. "Not as severe as we thought is was going to be." He sent me a warm smile. "What room is she in?" I smiled. "108." "Thank you."

I walked in and saw Ella sitting up on the bed, smiling when she saw me. I sped-walked over to her engulfing her into a hug. "Hey Troy." She laughed. I backed away and sat down beside her on the bed, "Hi." I tried to look embarrassed just to make her laugh. I hid my face in my hands and tried to keep myself from laughing. "Troy, you are definatley a butthole!" She squealed.

"That's what I live to be called, a 'butthole'. " We laughed. "You're welcome!" Ella grinned. We talked for just a tad bit longer until I decided to take her home. As we walked, well besides her limping, into the waiting room. They were no longer asleep but fully awake speaking to the doctor.

"Ella!" Jacob screamed running over. "Stop! Who are you?!" She said with fear in her voice. She held her hand out in front of her and tried to find something in his face.

No memory? This just may be bad....

My mind clouded and Ella was the only thing that really important right now.


Who is that guy? Yeah I mean he is kind-of cute, but what's his name? "Y-you don't know who I am?" He said tears forming in his eyes. "I am so sorry, but what's your name?" I said pushing my bangs back. "Jacob Hall, your boyfriend." My eyes went huge!

I don't have a boyfriend?! Maybe, but how could I not remember him?

"Oh, okay." My eyes landed on the ground and tears were forming. "I can't believe i am saying this but i don't know you."

"Ella wake up!"

"I am going to slap you!"

"Gettttt uuppp!"

"Ella Marie Walker, if you do not wake up I am going to bring in a bucket of cold water, then dump it on your head!"


"Shut up, i'm alive! Leave me alone!" I said grumbling back into the soft fluffy bed. I stopped and didn't move a muscle. I jolted up and looked around my room. Troy was sitting down at the end of my bed, looking at me with tired eyes.

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