Chapter 18: Life (:

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The Next Day

*Ella's P.O.V*

I woke up and felt an arm around my waist, I looked over at the culprit. His hair was spiked up in all different ways, his cute face was scrunched up against the pillow. Soft snores coming out of his partly opened mouth. The top of his body was bare and slightly tan. I smiled to myself and wrote my name and his on his arm with my finger. I was to busy to notice that he woke up, he placed a kiss on my bare shoulder. I jumped a little causing him to chuckle at me, I rolled my eyes. I sat up and fixed my- Niall's shirt and put my hair into a ponytail. I threw the blanket off and threw my legs over the side and took a big breath.

Niall's hands were on my waist and he slid behind me. His body touching my back and I could feel the muscles. "Let me help you." I nodded and stood up. He stood up and he was only in his Calvin Klein's. He grabbed a pair of basketball shorts off the floor and pulled them on. "Piggy back ride?" I smiled holding onto his arm. I had to keep myself steady or else I'd fall, he nodded. Niall turned around and bent down some, I hopped on to his back and he held my legs. I giggled, his big hands were cold against my warm legs.

He walked down the stairs with no problem at all. Troy was eating cereal with Zayn, and Caylee was walking around looking at pictures. "I thought you guys had to go to school?" I said as Niall set me down on the table. He walked into the kitchen and I let my legs swing . Katherine came around the corner, "Two words: Prom dresses."  I rubbed my eyes. "I'm not going." The room went quiet, "Why not?!" Caylee said coming into the kitchen with big eyes. "I'm going to Ireland this weekend." I smiled. Niall leaned against the table, "I need support." He grabbed my hand, making me smile.

"You're killing my vibe Ni!" Katherine said shaking her head. "I'll come help you guys, but that's about it." Caylee clapped and they both squealed and ran into the bedroom they stayed in. I shook my head turning to the guys who were stuffing their faces. I looked at the cereal that they were eating, "Hey! That's mine!" The three just stared at me. I grabbed my frosted flakes and put them to my chest. I held out my hand. "Pay up." Troy just kept eating. "Fine y'all owe me $2.63!" I huffed eating a few pieces out of the box. Niall walked back upstairs and Zayn followed after he set his bowl in the sink. Troy finished then put his bowl away and walked into the spare bedroom.

I sighed and put the box to the side on the table. I got up and limped outside to the backyard. I sat on the porch swing and closed my eyes, the sun radiating my body. For a few moments I felt like things were okay, then it went back to normal. Feeling like I'm worthless and not even remotely okay. The feeling of wanting to slit my throat so I can't hurt or feel pain anymore. The sun was blocked by a body, I opened my eyes and saw Niall in front of me with a pair of crutches. "I forgot I had those." I smiled. Memories of when I had to have those came flooding back.

He looked at me for a few seconds, but I just stared at my feet. "Do you wanna wait a little bit then go and meet them?" I looked up and nodded. I grabbed the crutches and followed him inside. "Hey I'm gonna let her rest and stuff then we'll meet you guys there." They all nodded and waved bye then walked out. I walked into the living room and saw Niall sitting on the couch. I leaned the crutches against the wall and picked my phone up off the charger. No messages or missed calls. I laid it on the table and limped slowly, very slowly to the fridge. I slipped and fell on my butt with a thud. "Ouch!" I laughed to myself.

"You need to be in a room where you can't get hurt." He walked in but fell too. "I'll see ya in there poptart!" I laughed. "That hurt like hell." He got him self up and I struggled to pull myself up. I gave up and leaned back onto the cabinets. He put his legs on either side of mine and held out his hands. "Please," I put my hands in his, "Don't drop me." He smiled and pulled me up. "I would never." I backed up into the counter, he pressed up against me. Before I could stop myself, "I remember you a lot more now." He smirked. "Really, what do you remember?"

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