What am I suppose to say?

Do I answer back?

Was it a rhetorical question?

I noticed Cam narrow his eyes at Quinn, and ran a hand over his face, walking over to the bench, grabbing his bags and water bottle. Rolling his eyes, he walked towards me. 

Sometimes I felt bad for Cam, having a not so popular sister who was easy to make fun of must suck. 

"Come on Alex, let's get out of here." He said, gesturing with his head to follow him. 

Thank the Lord in heaven above for giving my brother the gift of being able to save me from utter humiliation. No wait - scratch that, thank you for giving Cam the gift of saving me for even more utter humiliation.

I put my bag strap on my shoulder, muttering a quick goodbye to Lillian, and rushing down the few steps to where Cam was waiting. Reaching him, everyone was still staring at me. Cam put an arm around my shoulder, leading us towards the parking lot, "Just ignore them. They're idiots." 

"Wave goodbye to your newly fond stalker Jayce!" A deep voice called out mockingly.

I turned around to see the culprit - Miles Montgomery. Gross. 

Now he was such the total opposite of Jayce. To be straightforward, he was a straight up jerk to everyone. He took advantage of girls, teased other people, and was the main douche of Hartwell High School. Although, I believe douche was an understatement. He had no regard for anyone else's feelings but his own. 

His comment made everyone laugh, including Quinn who had her hand on Jayce's chest. Although, her boyfriend did not look amused, he hit Miles lightly on the chest with the back of his hand, saying something to him I couldn't hear.

But my brother didn't take his snide comment lightly, Cam turned around and looked at Miles with an imitating glance, "Knock it off Montgomery, or tomorrow I'll make you run the field for two and a half hours."

Honestly, I'm really lucky Cam was the captain of the football team, or else no one would've taken him seriously.

He turned back around ,heading towards the parking lot, wanting me to follow him. But just before I followed his trail, my eyes met Jayce's.

We stared at each other for a quick second, until his attention moved to his girlfriend who had been trying to talk to him. 

I then ran to Cam, trying to catch up with him. We both walked silently to our black 2007 Honda Civic. I slipped into the passenger seat while he put his things into the backseat.

It was peculiar; Quinn and her friends never even took a second in their lives to glance at me. Yes, they terrorized the rest of our class, including the lower class man, but the one time she catches me staring at her and her "perfect" boyfriend's special moment, she calls me a stalker in front of practically every cool kid in our school. But what shocked me was the fact that Jayce kind of stood up for me against Miles. 

If that's what you want to call it.

This is actually the first time someone said something hurtful towards me in front of my brother. I'm surprised someone had the guts to even say some rude remark to me with him around. No one even noticed me because they probably didn't want to risk something mean blurting out of their mouths towards me. No one ever really had the nerve to say something hurtful to me, but Quinn did. And it was only one person, that's a weird thing to think about, how one person can just say something and it could potentially start a chain reaction. First Quinn, next Miles, and they didn't seem to care that Cameron was there. I guess not everyone is afraid of him.

Sometimes having Cam as a brother was a gift and a curse. A gift because I didn't have to be that girl in high school who gets made fun of everyday of her life. And well, a curse because everyone in the school can just hate me, but I would never know it. Everyone could just be fake to me, and I wouldn't know who was real and who wasn't.

Cam sat down in the drivers seat, starting the engine, then pulling out of the parking lot. The silence was killing me, I really didn't know what to say, because honestly there was nothing to say. She only made one remark about me being a "stalker girl", which I don't understand because Lillian and I were just observing, as if the whole school doesn't do it while the two of them walk down the halls of Hartwell High.

"Thanks Cam, for getting me out of there. But you didn't have to save me, I could've handled it." I said breaking the silence.

He let out a laugh, "No you wouldn't have handled that, I know you Alex, you can't even ask a waiter for more napkins, let alone stand up to someone who makes dumb comments."

"It's whatever." I brushed him off.

He scoffed, keeping his eyes on the road, "Don't give me that. I'll tell Quinn off if I have to. I don't care if she's a younger girl Alex, she had no right to call you that, it practically didn't even make any sense. But what pissed me off the most is that she said it directly to you, not to both you and Lillian, not to just Lillian, but to you, she said it straight to you."

At the end of his rant, he sighed and ran a hand over his face, something he did whenever he was frustrated. "I'm your older brother, I'm suppose to be there for you, to protect you from bullies like her."

"And you did, not from her, but from Miles. You stood up for me though and that's just enough Cam." I smiled at him.

My big brother, he was like my hero. I know most little sisters thought that their older siblings were annoying, he most certainly is, but Cam can be the nicest guy in the world when he needed to be.

He pulled up into the driveway of our home, two cars were already parked in front of our house, meaning our parents were home. Even when they were there, it didn't really seem like they were there - if that made sense.

"I want to be that person who takes care of you the right way Alex, unlike two people who have the responsibility to take care of you, but have a lousy job in doing it." He said cutting the engine off. And yes, he was referring to our parents - if we could still call them that.

I would reminice about the whole story of how my parents became the people they are now, but that would probably take up my entire week, which isn't time worth wasting.

"I know you want to be there for me Cam, but as your sister I want to be there for you too. And I don't want you worrying too much about me, I'm 17 years old, only 1 year younger than you, I can take care of myself." I said with confidence.

He smirked, "When did you get so independent?"

I rolled my eyes as he ruffled my hair, and got out of the car. I followed, and unlocked the front door, not even bothering to glance at my parents through their open office door.

Walking up the stairs, I entered my bedroom, which happened to be right across from Cam's room. I dropped my bag on the floor, and sat on my still unmade bed.

Thinking to myself of what homework I should start on, a buzzing caught my attention. I unzipped my bag, in search for my phone.

Unlocking the screen, it was a message from a number I didn't recognize.

"sorry about miles and quinn, don't believe what they said"

The message didn't surprise me, but what did was the name signed at the end.

"- Jayce"

Well that's different. 


Authors Note:

I definitely intend on finishing this story, please give it a chance and read cx

ON THE SIDE: our main character Alex! played by the beautiful and perfect Lily Collins, i love that gif because i feel like it perfectly captures Alex's personality and how i portray her in this story


Until next time,


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