Chapter 2

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It has been about 2 months in this place and progress has not been made to make me more socially acceptable. I maybe thought that moving back to Anchor would miraculously change my life and I would have more guy friends because it is the capital where the best places and people are. I have the least male contact I have ever had in my life. Most of my classes are filled with oestrogen and if there are any guys, they are very gay or taken and already in a relationship. People need to show their work on how to be in a relationship so early in the semester. I haven't even made any guy friends, even with the gay ones. The taken guys stay far away from you and let you know very clearly that they have a girlfriend. It is not like I go out of my way to date you immediately if I acknowledge your presence. 

All of this guy nonsense should not matter to me but it does because that was one of the few things I was looking forward to being in a co-ed environment. Maybe it is too early for me to freak out and I am being a bit paranoid. The problem is that I feel that many people have already found 'the one', in orientation week. This just leads to me thinking that they would be engaged in two years then married straight out of college. And I am going to be stuck here feeling like Ms Havisham for the rest of my life, locking myself away from the world because of rejection.

Even though initiation was over at the female hellhole, the first years were not allowed to go out partying for a while. This really forced all of us to focus on our studies and not get sucked into the party life. The RC would check that you are in your room studying at random times and if you are not found, you have to explain yourself. If you were a rebel and spotted partying, a drink would be dumped on your head and you would be forced to leave the venue and return to res at once. Did I forget to mention that the drink was tuna fish chunks and oil? Really gross and embarrassing so staying away was the name of the game. Also trying to go to awkward hangouts where alternative people would go wouldn't help because any RC from any other res has the authority to ask you to leave if you are a first-year. If you are spotted and they find out which res you are from, you would be letting the whole first-year group down as a whole.

And it will be known on social media but especially on the Res Secrets website where any negative publicity is taken seriously. Once the RC made us drink 5 glasses of water each at the first year meeting because it was reported that, "The Jaguar cubs are thirsty and can't get enough of their drinks." The article appeared in the university community newspaper under the residence gossip section called ' lips are sealed', which I could care less about but every residence takes it seriously. The reason why the newspaper is taken more seriously than the website is because the house parents have access to the newspaper and I don't think they even know the website exists. Then the whole RC gets reprimanded by the house parents for the downward spiral of our residence. Then the RC passes the hate down to the first years. "And the Jaguar name is held to a high standard and the RC won't tolerate a bunch of freshman screwing with the Jaguar reputation." That is all the rubbish the head-bitch-in-charge said. We had first-year meetings every week to help us adjust to the life of a varsity student. Most of the time it was a waste of time because I felt we did that in orientation week and it turned out to be res related matters. It felt like an extra module to the many modules I was barely coping to handle.

The end of the first quarter is near so the residence committee (RC) has finally accepted us into the circle of sisterhood. The committee gave us black and gold certificates, which were black papers written in gold, along with jaguar head badges to say we have finally joined the family. We as the first years thought it would be also the day we get our special bracelets but apparently we had to wait until the first quarter was done and we returned for the second quarter. This then just felt like being accepted 50% which is better than nothing but it's also because the RC thought not everyone will be returning back to university. It's not even the end of the first semester and they are already letting us know that we are going to fail. Another condition is that not all 150 girls are going to receive the bracelets anyway because there is not enough for everyone. No more than 75 bracelets are given. Apparently, the President says it is to keep track of the bracelets. I just think that seniority and superiority just rules her heads. And yes I said heads because I am sure she is a monster. The highlight of the ceremony was when we got to mock events that happened during the course of the first quarter and make fun of the RC. Basically we mimiced their mannerisms and show how ridiculous they really are. The most golden thing about the ceremony is the fact that we do not have to address the RC formally but can finally just call them by whatever they want to be called. I know some of the RC hated their full name being used and are glad that we can resort to their nicknames.

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