Chapter 66 - Taking Risks

Start from the beginning

I noticed how he kept frowning and grunting while he was reading his emails yesterday and there was this short call he had with Allan during which he went to hide in his study. When he came back, his mood had slightly brightened but when I saw that he resumed his frowning and grunting after a few minutes, staring at the same page of the report he was reading, I just couldn't take it any longer and asked him what was wrong. Of course he avoided the subject and just admitted that he had some little issues at work. I totally understand that he wouldn't go into details; I no longer work with him and some things just don't concern me. It is not a question of trust - Joshua knows that I wouldn't repeat the confidential matters he could tell me - but I guess he didn't want to bother me with boring matters, like some difficulties with a customer or whatever else it was.

I had my own worries last night about the conversation I heard in the parking but I would have liked Joshua to share his worries with me for once. However, the situation quickly turned against me. Despite his own brooding, Joshua was perceptive enough to notice that I too was a bit fidgety. Maybe I should have told him about Dominic's phone conversation, but after a few seconds of thinking over, I decided that he seemed to already have enough worries on his mind and didn't want to add more stress about something that was probably not important. In the end, I'm glad that I could use his being late as a poor excuse for my quietness and the evening finished pretty well with more oral sex. It might not have been as relaxing or good as regular sex, but my other hole definitely needed a break after the rough session we had at the club the night before; besides, Joshua never lacked any fun ways to exert his dominance on me and my mouth, so it was just as fine.

By 11:30 this morning, I am done with printing and binding all the documentation related to a new project that I need to send to an important customer. I briefly review everything and head downstairs to bring the huge package to the receptionist so that she can pack it and send it by courier. She promises me that she will take care of it and I walk back to the elevators. I hop into the cabin, press number 15 and just when the doors are about to shut, someone jumps in and hits number 17, the one floor I hate. Now is this a joke? It definitely feels like a repeat of this morning...

I suppress a sigh of relief though when I realize that this is not Dominic this time. The man curtly nods and faces away from me; he is rather tall, very bulky and not dressed as most of the Finance guys. Within Finance, it seems like casual Friday doesn't exist and this man is dressed in jeans and a jumper. I wonder why he would go to the Finance department. He might be a new employee but I doubt; his features are vaguely familiar to me but I just can't remember where I saw him before, which is weird because I usually have a good memory of the faces I meet. The guy looks quite agitated so I huddle against a wall of the cabin and remain silent until we reach the fifteenth floor where I get out, mumbling a quick goodbye.

On my way back to my office, I stop by Allan's office and knock on his door, hoping I won't disturb him in a meeting. He beckons me to walk in with his usual warm smile.

"Hi Allan... hmm I just wanted to say that the documents for Barrows Industries are ready and that they will be couriered this afternoon..." I say hesitantly, thinking I should satisfy him first before I ask for a favor.

"Good job, Liam, that was quick! Thanks a lot!" Allan replies. "Will you be able to finish the presentation I need for Monday morning? I would really appreciate if I can have it by 5:30 or 6:00 tonight."

"Yeah, sure... It's almost ready too; I just need to make a few corrections before I send it to you," I respond confidently.

"Excellent! Is there anything else you wanted to ask?" he continues with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Hmm... yes... I was wondering... Would you mind if I take a longer break for lunch today? I promise the presentation will be done by tonight... and I can stay even later if necessary..."

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