Emerson walked in behind me and immediately we felt eyes on us. It was obvious he didn't belong in here and I was just barely passing to be "right for this store." If I'd come here with Remington, not as many hard stares would be cast upon us.

I looked up at the group of goths standing near the counter. They looked normal for goths but one caught my attention, she was way weirder then the rest. Her hair was bright green, shaved all around the crown so she looked like she had a bowl on her head with pig tails coming out, she had no eyebrows and bright red eyes. Man did her eyes make me laugh since I could just look at someone and have those eyes, if I tried hard enough. Dark red was reserved for Remington, though. She had normal looking piercings like her dimples, both sides of her nose had loops, and shark bites (kinda like double snake bites).

I really needed to go get snake bites professionally.

But what caught my attention was her septum. Hers wasn't a small, bull ring, spiked at the ends look, like mine. Hers was like a gauge in her nose, mustache looking even. Pointed at the ends but when you went closer to the middle it was  fatter and rounder.

Disturbing actually, how painful it looked, plus it almost looked like she couldn't breathe. I couldn't handle all those nose piercings. It hurts enough during the winter when I'm blowing brains out of my nose and the septum gets yanked.

"Come on Lizzie, clock is ticking." Emerson put a hand on my back and moved my attention to him. "I'm guessing Sebastian already has Remington fixed up and ready."

"Surprised Remington agreed to this." I chewed my lip and began to look around for appealing dresses.

"Oh he would never pass this down, Lizzie. He loves you, regardless of anything. I think you could try to murder him, land him in the hospital, paralyze him even and he'd still love you unconditionally. He just hides it." Emerson started to look around too.

"Really good at hiding it."

"Found it!" Emerson beamed and held up a dress.

I looked over and examined it. Two bows sat on the dress, one at the top and one on the waist off to the side. Lace covered the top that had designs I couldn't make out. Buttons ran down the front, making it look like it could be undone but it couldn't. It was plan but in a good, adorable, non-dressy way. It was perfect.

"I love it!" I smiled and felt the soft cotton between my fingers.

Emerson draped it along his arm and continued to look around. "Now for some shoes and a tiny other thing."


"Dress or makeup first, Emerson?" Raven stood in front of me with her arms crossed and looked at Em. She'd always been taller then me but for some reason I felt like a little kid waiting for her parents to punish her.

Emerson crossed his arms over his chest and took long and hard look at me. "Well if we do the makeup it'll smudge and mess up her hair. But if we do the dress first, makeup will get all over it."

"Couldn't I put the dress on then wear like a hair cape as you do my makeup and hair?" I chewed my lip.

They both exchanged looks then their gazes met mind, almost bone chilling. "Go put your clothes on." Raven handed me the folded dress with a pair of thigh high socks and high heels.

Emerson chose a pair of relatively plan heels and a pair of black thigh high socks that had weird crisscrossed holes in them that would give a funny tan line. The cotton felt like heaven against my skin, as did the socks. Made all other stores clothes, but Hot Topic of course, feel like sandpaper.

Raven gasped when I walked out. "I feel like a proud mom."

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "Doesn't help I'm 2 months older then my 'mom'."

"Shut up." She glared at me.

"Give us a spin!" Emerson smiled and scanned me from head to toe as I twirled around. "Perfect! Now to fix your makeup and hair!"

"Now, Em, we can't make her too 'pretty' her natural makeup with a few touches is enough for her. Remington wouldn't like the prissy girl, prom night look anyway." Raven motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of her.

"Our goal here is to get her laid." My eyes widened and I looked at Emerson.

Raven lightly hit his arm. "Shut up, Emerson."

"Dead serious. I want them made up so good they can fuck and it not be awkward just natural."

I shook my head. "Tried actually. More times then one but Remington just won't."

"They guy hasn't had sex in years. He bound to be busting out of his pants." Emerson furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nope." Denis crossed my mind again but I quickly shook it off. "Just get me ready."

"I'm never even going to ask what happened between you two. Especially after seeing you two so distraut for days." Raven began working on my eyes.

I closed my eyes. "Thank you, Raven. Ask Emerson when I'm not around."

Emerson worked on my hair while Raven was perfecting my makeup. As I could feel, my hair went up into a ponytail, leaving my bangs out to keep my forehead covered. Some strands stayed off the sides but the rest was slicked back.

Raven quickly moved onto my lips, what color? I didn't know. This was too relaxing for me to open my eyes and care. Only thing that could make this better was a massage. Even though Emerson was done, he kept playing with the end of my ponytail between his fingers.

"Almost done." Raven started applying some blush or something to my cheeks. I'm not big on makeup so I wouldn't know.

Spending hours to put foundation and highlighters on and everything else that makes you look like a greasy barbie doll was not my idea of a good use of time. Zits? Blend in with my freckles or hidden by my bangs.

My eye makeup is pain enough to get off at night, I couldn't dare imagine all that makeup. It would leave your face blood red and irritated scraping it off.

Emerson let out a small squel. "Oh Remington's going to be so in love."

I opened my eyes slowly. "Are you guys taking me to him or he coming here to pick me up?" I looked around Emersons room. I'd been in it before but the more I looked around the more I realized it was a vampires room.

In more ways then one vampirey things sat around but it wasn't as obvious as Remington's room.

"We'll be taking you so get up and let's go to the car." Emerson started out the door.

My hair was perfect. The way I always tried to do when I was lazy but instead it got too slicked back and made me look like an egg. The heels were a challenge to walk in but I started to get a hang of it. They were more platforms then heels.

The car ride was silent, for me at least. Emerson and Raven were talking but somehow I'd masked it out and all I heard was muffles.

Of course we ended up at a beach. A beach bar to be exact. My heart raced for unknown reasons. Probably scared to see Remington's reaction to how I was dressed.

Emerson lead me around the bar to the beach itself where a heart of candles and rosé pedals sat along the sand. Fire ignited in my cheeks, quickly covering them with hands.

Remington stood in the middle of the heart with his regular leather pants, jacket, and black shirt but the shirt was made to look like a tux. My eyes slowly traced him till I finally looked at his face, terrified on what expression I might see.

It definitely wasn't what I expected to see.

Die For Something (Remington Leith/ Palaye Royale/ Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now