Around Town

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Bailey's POV

I woke up on the couch beside Johnny, I don't remember falling asleep here.  I just ignored the fact that I didn't remember anything from last night. I sat up a bit, my chest felt heavy, I started breathing a bit harder.

Jordan came rushing into the room, she sat beside me with my hand holding hers. I saw Johnny wake up slowly beside me, as I continue to cough and make noises, Jordan rubs my back. Johnny's face turns to a scared and panic one.

I grab his hand and squeeze it. I continue to take slow breaths, Jordan keeps trying to talk to me, but it's not helping me.

"Calm down Bails, you'll be okay." Jordan was saying, I looked at her. I let go of Jordan's hand, I grabbed my life support machine, I moved it around till I could breath better on my own.

"I'm okay guys, really! Go back to your stuff!" I told them, I hugged Johnny tight. I looked at him, he calmed down and smiled.  I leaned my head on his chest while he ran his fingers threw my hair.

Everyone was gathered around me and just watched, the girls were all standing. None the girls brothers were here some of the guys were. They all went back to their homes, the brothers all said  bye and I said bye to Austin.

I was upset when he left, but I'll see him here and there. He has his own life and al and so do we. So didn't bother me too much that he left.  After awhile of talking to Johnny I fell asleep.

Jordan's POV

"Skyler, Pony! Hurry up if we want to make it before their lunch break!!!" I was yelling trough the house. Pony and Sky were doing what ever with Two. I wanted to go see Soda and the DX. Since Bailey has been home, I haven't left the house. Plus Soda said he'd take me out tonight, Two said he'd tag along but just to watch us I guess.

Pony and Sky finally came to the living room. I grabbed my shoes and left out the door, Sky and Pony behind me. I walked down the street I guess by myself since Pony and Sky were talking and all lovey dovey. They make it look so weird yet so cute.

I ignored them and their stupid ways, I looked around. I realized that it's been almost six months since we met the guys. I looked at all the colors of the leaves and the sky. I thought to myself, as I walked I just stared, as the sun was reaching the middle of the sky.

I saw Soda and Steve walking around while they chased each other, that's my Soda.

"Soda!!!" I yelled with a big smile on my face, he turned around and smiled. Almost as big as mine, I ran and jumped into his arms. He spun me around, when he out me down we kissed. We stood there staring at each other and kissed again.

Someone tapped my shoulder, I let go of Soda and turned around. Sky was looking at me, I looked at her. She grabbed my arm and walked over to a gas pump. I stood beside her.

"Look!" She pointed to car that just pulled in, Piper was running. Those Socs are still after her from what she did, and this was a few moths ago. Unless she did something?

"PIPER!!!" Sky and I yell. Steve, Soda and Pony all rush over to us. She ignores us and keeps running. She heads to the store, and comes back out through the garage.  She hid behind us, they kept running down the road. Once they left, we turned around and looked at her.

"What did you do that they're chasing you???" I asked her, she looked around and didn't care.

"Just picking a fight! What else do you think I'm doing?" We looked at her, she just stood there and smiled.

"Okay... you should really stop. Your going to get caught or worst hurt." Skyler said, she ignored us. She waved and said bye. She left down the road, we watched her as she ran down on her board.

"We should be going, I'll see you later tonight..." I told Soda as I hugged him, he hugged me back and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Sky, Pony and I all walked back, Sky and Pony said that they'd go to the drive in and stuff.

So I kept walking, I walked all the way down to my house. Peyton wasn't home, but Bailey, Johnny and Two were. I walked in, Mickey was playing on the tv while Two sat in front  with a piece of cake and beer. Bailey and Johnny were sleeping on the couch together.

I was kinda tierd, so I went to my room, closed the blinds but kept the window open. Went to my bed and fell asleep with my light blanket. The room went dark and out I was.


Sorry my fellow readers for not updating in soooo long. I'll try to finish this book, then continue with my others. As you may or may not know my Outsiders Taylor's story has just finished, but I might be making a second I don' know yet. Thanks for reading. I hope to update soon.

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