In Town

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Bailey's POV

We just got into town, we walked the streets. No one was around, it was actually quiet. I looked around and saw the Dingo, the DQ was not for down the road from the Dingo. The girls were all looking around except for Skyler and Jordan. They go to school here so they know the way around here. Peyton and Riley do too. Piper and I usually stay around the house or in the country.

"I'm going to skate around." Piper said.

"I'm in!" Riley said. I laughed.

"Meet us at the Dairy Queen at five!" Peyton said. They nodded and took off. I stayed near Jordan and Skyler, they knew their way around town. Peyton took off some where, she went in a different direction then everyone else.

"Let's go to the park." Skyler asked. I nodded.

"Yea." Jordan said.  We walked back down towards the park, once we arrived we went all to the park. I stopped and looked around, the trees and the flowers and the colors. It's all brown around where we live, all we got is wheat and grass. I loved to look at it. I let the breeze of the wind flow through me.

"Come on Bailey!" Jordan yelled. I snapped out of my dreams and climbed onto the park. Skyler was siting on the monkeys bars, Jordan was on top of the slide. I walked up to the structure and climbed up.

"What are we gonna do or play?" Skyler asked, she looked bored.

"Hey look, there's some guys over there let's ask them to join us!" Jordan said. I wasn't surprised she would want to ask people to join us. She  not shy to ask or say anything. I shook my head, I wasn't in the mood to hang with guys.

"Yea!" Skyler said in agreement. I looked over at the guys, they were coming over to the side of the street were on.

Jordan's POV

I jumped down from the slide and Skyler followed me. We got of the playground and walked across the field. Skyler looked a bit nervous, I wasn't. We walked up behind them, I tapped one of the guys on his shoulder. he turned around and looked at us.

"Hey I'm Jordan and this is Skyler!" I said.

"Hey, I'm Ponyboy and this is Johnny!" Ponyboy said. I liked his name, very creative.  They looked a little bit familiar, I think they go to the same school as us.

"Nice to meet you guys, wanna join us at  the park?" I asked. Skyler nudged me in the side with her elbow. I looked down at her and gave her the 'what' face.

"Sure, got nothing better to do right Johnny!" Ponyboy said as he put his arm around Johnny. Skyler laughed.

"Yea." Johnny said. He seemed quiet and not to talkative. Just like Bailey.

"Okay, come on!" I said. They followed us over to the park, we climbed up. Bailey took her time and eventually climbed up too. Ponyboy, Skyler and I were on top of the monkey bars,Johnny made his way up and sat on the platform against the wall.

"Bailey hurry up!" Skyler yelled.

"Yea, I'm coming calm down!" Bailey said. I laughed and watched her come up to us. I looked down at Johnny he just smiled as he saw Bailey come up. She sat down beside him.

"You guys from here?" Ponyboy asked us.

"Well yes and no." Skyler said. He looked confused.

"We live out in the country!."I said. She nodded. Johnny and Bailey were talking, or at least it what I think they were doing.

"Oh..." Ponyboy said.

"Yea, we rarely come here, and if we do it's to hang around town, go to the movies or down to the lake." I said.

"Nice, I love the movies, the lake is okay!" Ponyboy said.

"Nice, you live in town I'm guessing." Skyler said.

"Yea, whole life." He said. I saw Bailey get up, she walked towards us.

"Guys we have to go!" Bailey said. I completely forgot we have be at the Dairy Queen at five.

"Yea, let's go!" Skyler said.

"Where you going?" Ponyboy asked.

"Dairy Queen, we have to meet our gang!" I said.

"Oh, will we see you guys again!" Ponyboy asked

"Good chance you will!" I said.  Johnny nodded as he got up.

"Okay, bye girls!" Ponyboy said.

"Bye!" We said. We jumped down off the park and walked down the road to Dairy Queen.

Piper's POV

Riley and I have been almost every where. We went to some place called the DX and we passed Bucks. We skated around almost all day, we stopped at some store, we walked in and skimmed through the aisles.  I found some pop, I took two cokes and shoved them in my jacket. I went back to Riley, she had a pack of cigarettes. I smiled, I'm not allowed to smoke or anything but I do anyway. Peyton and the other girls don't know.

We left the store and skated down town, we saw Peyton a few times here and there. She left by her self and walked around. I found a bench and sat down, Riley stopped and joined me. She sat down beside me, I pulled the cokes out from my jacket, she gave me a cigarette. I passed her her coke. We opened them and drank our coke while we smoked.

"Wow, we've been almost every where today!" I said.

"Yea, we should come here more often!" Riley said. I nodded, I agreed with her.

"We should start heading towards Dairy Queen." I said to Riley, she nodded. I put out my cigar and got up. I drank the last few sips of my coke and left it on the bench. Riley did the same, she put her board on the ground and jumped on it. I followed her lead.

We got to the DQ and waited for every one to show up, we were first. I sat against the wall of the DQ, Riley stayed standing and watched people came in and out. We heard people coming towards us, I look up and see Jordan, Bailey and Skyler. They all came up and stopped in front of us.

"How was your day?" Jordan asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fine! Yours?" I asked, like I care, but were friends so I listened.

"Good, we met some guys and hung out at the park!" Jordan said. Of course they met people, Jordan is just that type of person, she likes to include every one. I laughed.

"Nice, who are they?" I asked.

"Ponyboy and Johnny." Skyler said. I laughed, Ponyboy what an odd name.

"Your kidding tell me their names." I said. They stood there with straight faces. I stopped laughing they were serious. "Oh sorry." I said I felt a bit bad for making fun of their names. Thank god Peyton showed up, we walked inside and sat down.

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