You Again!

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Jordan's POV

Johnny has been with Bailey almost the whole night. Skyler explained to us why she said Johnny was family. I understood, he so down. It's like he is a lost puppy or just has nothing to do but think about her.

We all stayed the night in the family and visitors area. I was really hoping to see Bailey, Skyler told us last night she wasn't doing so well. She said she's on life support, Johnny was panicking.

Sky said she couldn't handle it, she left but Johnny said he would stay by her side. I found that cute but also like he's putting her life before his. He hasn't ate since yesterday morning, probably a good idea to get some food for him. Probably for the other's too!

"Piper! Riley! Skyler wanna join me to get some food?" I asked the girls. Peyton was working today, Riley took the day off so she could watch over us. I heard a series of "Yes's" and "Sure", the guys were still asleep so doesn't bother them.

We walked down the hall towards the cafeteria. As I walked in Piper ran to the line first and grabbed a tray. I don't get why she needs a tray were grabbing a few things for everyone. Skyler ran up behind her then followed Riley and me.

"Well look who it is!" Some boy said cutting in front of Piper.

"LOGAN!" She yelled as she pushed him away and brushing her hands together. I laughed but who is he? He started laughing and joined his gang of boys. They all piled behind me, I got pushed by one of them.

"Watch it!" I said, he looked at me smiling still. Then stopped once he saw Skyler by my side doing the same actions and poses as me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. He pushed me." The boy said, doesn't look very old. Piper and the girls were just finishing up grabbing things for the guys.

"Hurry up JJ!" Skyler shouted across the room. I waved her down and followed her. Riley insisted that we wait for that gang of guys, apparently she knows them, same with Piper.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, we turned the corner of the hall, the waiting area was starting to get full. I squeezed by a few people and made my way to Soda. He was awake with Dal and Pony.

"Finally, I'm hungry!" Two said as he got up and looked through the food. Piper slapped his hand.

"It's for me not you!" She yelled at him.

"Logan!" Dally yelled, oh so he knows them but I don't.

"Tell me what the hell is going on and who are these boys!" I shouted, Soda stood up beside me. He told me to keep it down, I took his advice and passed some food to Soda. He sat me down with Skyler and Pony.

"Oh sorry, we were gonna tell you when Bailey was out!" Riley said, is that a part of what they were gonna tell us about their trip?

"This is Logan, Bradley and Austin!" Piper continued after Riley. She pointed to each one, one of them looks familiar but I can't get who he is.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Jordan also known as JJ, this is Skyler ,Ponyboy, Soda, Two-bit and Steve!" I said as I pointed to each one.

"Nice to meet you all!" Austin said, we looked at them then went back to what we were doing before they got here.

"Hey Guys!" Johnny said as he walked out of Bailey's room. Logan I believe is his name was whispering to Austin.

"What was that!" I said to him, he looked at me.

"What was what?" He asked like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"What did you say to him?" He looked at Austin.

"Oh... I said he looks like he's been crying!" Logan said, I don't like this kid very much. He's another Dally and Piper.

" Well yea he's been crying, his girl friend is on life support witch is also Skyler's sister!" I walked up to him and yelled in his face. Soda grabbed my arm and took me aside. I calmed down with him in the corner.

"Calm down, he didn't know." Soda said rubbing my back as I leaned against him.

"I know but still, he's like Dally and Piper!" I looked up at Soda he was smiling. I was about to kiss him when I heard them talking about Bailey and why they were here. I got up and took Soda with me.

"Why you here?" I asked them.

"Our friend fell off the cliff and into the water." Austin said, I nodded.

"Oh sorry for you guys!" They all nodded and looked around.

"Our friend is on life support and this is the second time we might loose her." Riley was telling them, she must know who is in the hospital.

"Sorry for you guys!" They told us, we nodded and all sat down.

"You know Piper you should come back with us!" Bradley said to her, she shrugged her shoulders. Why would she, she doesn't know them.

"Maybe, I kind of have been thinking about it." She said to them. I was confused and now making sounds in the background.

"Oh sorry, this is my brother!" Piper said. BROTHER! When did she have a brother, I know she told us about having one but she said they got separated and other rumors.

"Brother!?" I yelled, I didn't think I screamed that loud.

"Yea, I have two, I found out about them when we were there. We have the same last name!" I was pretty interested in what she was saying. Her and Riley were going on and on about how some of them look like us and that maybe there our brothers too. Also how they have lived here there whole life and what ever.

I didn't believe anything they said, that was until....


Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been busy with school and sports. Leave a comment and vote please. Helps a lot!!! Also feel free to read some of my other books!

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