Heading home

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Jordan's POV

I woke up earlier this morning, everyone is still asleep. I was in the kitchen admiring the house, there was a lot to see besides the mess. I sat down at the table, Skyler woke up and sat beside me, I heard talking down the hall.

"Who's awake?" I asked Skyler she shrugged her shoulders

"Probably people who work!" Skyler said. I nodded. Yea I guess she's right, Peyton, Riley, Darry,Soda and Steve have to work today so I'm surprised that people are awake.

Darry walked into the kitchen, he started making breakfast. I got up and grabbed a glass from Darry and filled my cup up with milk. I sat back down beside Skyler.

"Riley let's go!" Peyton yelled as she came into the kitchen. Darry looked at them.

"When do you guys have to leave?" Darry asked.

"Around 7:45!" Riley said. She walked over and woke up Piper, we let Bailey sleep. Piper came to the kitchen and looked around the fridge.

"We leave at the same time we can drive you!" Darry said.

"Yea, that would be great!" Peyton said, Riley didn't seem to happy about that idea, the girls grabbed a plate from Darry and sat down, Soda walked in without a shirt.

"Oh..." Is all Soda said, he must of forgot we were here. We laughed, Piper was about to say something.

"Shut it Piper!" I yelled, she looked at me and went back to the fridge. She came back with a cake in her hands.

" Save some for the guys!" Soda said to Piper. She looked at him and smirked.

"I'll sure try... Pepsican!" Piper said. Riley laughed and ate cake with her. Pony, and Johnny came into the kitchen and sat down at the table beside me and Skyler.

"Morning guys!" Pony said. I nodded,

"Good afternoon kid!" Piper laughed, Riley joined in.

"Be nice! After Bailey wakes up head home!" Peyton said.

"They can stay here if they want!" Darry said.

"If I want, what do you think I like it here!" Piper pipped up. Peyton slapped her upside the head. I  laughed.

"No they have to get home, but thanks for the offer." Peyton said. Soda put his shirt on, Steve, Two-bit and Dallas walked in.

"Okay were all here, let's go!" Darry said, they all walked out and left. I was now here with the rest of the girls and guys. I finished my plate and put it beside the counter. Skyler followed, we walked to the couch and woke up Bailey. She woke up and opened her eyes.

"Sleeping beastly is awake!" Piper said as she smirked, Two-bit and Dallas laughed with her. I thought it was funny too, but Bailey didn't.
Bailey got up and walked outside.

"Where you going?" Skyler asked her.

"Home!" Bailey said.

"Okay were all coming!" I said, she smiled.

"Finally, I don't have to see them!" Piper said. I laughed.

"Wait, you guys are leaving?" Pony asked, I nodded.  "Can we come?"

"Yea!" Skyler shouted from outside. I laughed, they got up and followed us out the door. Two-bit and Dallas joined us. We got out the door and waited for every one to come out. Once we were all there we started walking.

Skyler's POV

We left the boys house and are now on our way to ours. We walked down the street, Piper had her board and skated, she was a little ahead of us. Ponyboy and Johnny stayed near us, Two-bit followed behind. We got to the train station and walked to the short cut. We got to the open field, Jordan started running trough the field, she held her arms out.

"Reminds me of Soda!" Ponyboy said, I laughed.

"Why or how?" I asked.

"Well she's always cheery, she's always free spirited. She looks like a kid, and she gets drunk on pure life." Ponyboy said. I agree completely with him.

"Yea, she is always cheery!" I said, Ponyboy smiled witch mead me smile.

"Whooo!" Jordan said, i laughed and ran down to her. Pony followed. We were almost at the house, I could see it in the distance. Jordan got to the house first, the the rest of got there. She opened the door and in we went, Ponyboy stayed siting on the porch. I walked over beside him and sat down.

"I wish I could live out here in the country." Ponyboy said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, you get to see the sunset, all the colors. The field and the country is so beautiful." Ponyboy said.

"Yea, it is really nice out here."  He nodded and smiled, I looked around and looked back at him. He had his eyes gazing out to the country side, I joined him and stared out at the country. Bailey came out.

"Gonna come inside?" She asked.

"Yea, i'm coming!" I said and looked up at her. She smiled, Pony got up and helped me to my feet. We got inside, Piper was spread out across the couch watching mickey, Two-bit and Dallas were on the chairs watching as well. Johnny was walking around doing what ever.

"Nice place!" Pony said.

"Thanks!"  He took a seat on the other couch, Johnny, Bailey and I followed him. Jordan had to do dishes, she turned on the radio and started dancing and singing to the music. She didn't even touch the dishes yet. Bailey walked in and started to do them, I walked in and sat on the counter.  Pony and Johnny followed.

"Jordan you should focus more on doing the dishes then dancing!" Bailey said. I laughed, Bailey was just about done the dishes, she cleaned up the kitchen and sat at the table.

"What do you guys want for lunch?"Bailey asked, I didn't know what I wanted.

"Nothing, I'm good!" I said. Jordan kept dancing to Elvis and the Beatles. I laughed at her dance moves, probably better then me anyway. I jumped down from the counter and joined everyone at the table.

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