The Girls are Off

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Jordan's POV

Skyler and I just finished our last class, were hanging around our lockers and grabbing stuff before we leave. Pony and Johnny walked up to us, Skyler walked right to Pony and they hugged.

"Ugh..." I said, I kinda moaned a bit too. I hate when people do that around me, and I mean like coupes or whatever. Makes me feel like a loner, or a kid who lost their mom.

"What?" Skyler said and looked me, I shook my head. She knew what I meant, I turned back to my locker and grabbed my water bottle. I turned back and saw Pony and Skler kissing. I thought it was cute but really in front of me. I ignored them and walked down the hall, Johnny followed.

"Where you going?" I asked Johnny.

"Same place as you!" He said, I smiled

"Coming along for the ride?" I said, he smiled and we walked out of school.

"Oh... I have to stop by the DX before we head home. Is that alright with you?" I asked Johnny.

"Yea course." I nodded and walked down the street to the DX, I saw the gas station. We got to the gas station, I stood around and waited for Soda to come to me. No way am I looking around for him. Besides I can't leave Johnny here.

I saw Soda come out of the garage all oily and sweaty, he didn't have a shirt on. He saw me and waved, we waved to him. He walked over to us with a big smile.

"Hey Jordan, Johnny." He said, I smiled. His smile always makes me smile. It's so big and out there.(Once again Do NOT thing wrong plz) Every time he smiled makes me smile. Johnny just didn't seem to be in the mood.

"Hey Soda!" I said all cheery, although my leg is kinda hurting from walking around on it all day. I looked at Soda, he was still covered in sweat and oil. "Johnny can I lean against you and put my arm around you?"

"Yea, I guess." He said

"Thanks, finally! My leg has been killing me all day and I can finally lean on something." I said, Johnny laughed. "So what did you want me here for?" I asked, he looked around then back at us.

"Meet me at the park tonight!" He said, I nodded but was confused. Why the park and at night, then it hit me. He has a secret, I must know.

"Okay No problem!" I was happy, he's gonna tell me a secret. I'm so good at keeping them.

"Great!" He said, I laughed. "Sorry but I have to get back to work." He said, we nodded and continued on our way home.

"Wanna come down to our house?" I asked him. He nodded. We walked down the street to the train station. We passed Skyler and Pony at his house. We waved them down, they saw us and came over.

"Were going down to our house." I said, they nodded.

"I'm coming!" Skyler said, Pony nodded in agreement. We walked down and passed the train station on the way. We decided to take the dirt road also the short cut. I was being careful that I didn't step in a hole.

We are half way through the field, I can see Riley and Peyton in the truck. The house isn't too far now. We walked up to the front door, Riley and Peyton had some stuff in the bag I was curious.

"Girls inside!" Peyton said, we followed as she said and walked inside. Pony and Skyler sat down on the couch together. Johnny, Bailey and I sat on the other couch. Piper and Riley each sat on their chairs.

"Okay... tonight Piper, Riley and I are going out for two days." Peyton said, why aren't we invited?

"Okay but why can't we come." I asked, Piper looked at me.

"They wanted it to be a day for us, since we haven't had one in awhile." She said, I get it. They want a day to them like the old days.

"Okay I get it!" I said, she smirked at me.

"Here are the rules!" She continued I moaned.

"Rules! Really" Skyler said, we know that we have limits now that she's gone. I looked at Bailey and Skyler.

"Yea rules! here are the rules." Peyton said, we listened carefully. " Be home all of you by sunset. No smoking, drinking or going to Bucks, oh and Darry will be checking in on you guys." She said

"So a babysitter!" I said, she looked at me.

"No, he's only checking in, oh also when it's sunset I trust you don't sneak out or cause trouble!" She continued, us trouble please. Only trouble I make is... Well actually I don't cause trouble.

The guys looked around at each other. There gonna be here the whole time now. Pony's gonna wanna make sure Skyler doesn't cause trouble or get jumped. Johnny and the other guys on the other hand, will be every where.

"Were allowed to stay and hang around right?" Pony said

"Yea, I don't mind just watch Dal and Two!" She said, I started laughing.

"Get a sitter for them!" I laughed, Dally walked in. I hope he didn't hear me.

"Sitter for who?" He said, then looked at Piper.

"For the three girls. Were heading out for the weekend!" Peyton said, Dal smirked.

"Where we going?" Dal asked, I laughed. He's kidding right?

"We are going to Windrixville and the country. You are staying here." Peyton said, he looked back at Piper with a sad face. She stood up.

"Can we bring Dal? He can be like our tour guide and plus we need another bad boy. Also we might need a guy for help, you never know!" Piper said, Peyton looked around and stood quiet.

"Fine, but your not driving!" She said, I knew she would give in. But why would Piper help him or let alone want him to come? I thought that was weird. "Darry should be here soon!" She said, I wasn't really paying attention.

I looked at the clock, it said 6. Peyton was grabbing bags and food. She was running around back and forth grabbing stuff. Dal stood there with Piper and watched.

"Get in or we leave you!" Peyton said, Dal and Piper sat in the bed and Riley in the passenger beside Peyton. She honked and left. We waved bye and they waved back. We all ran back inside and did what ever.

I sat with Bailey and Johnny at the table, we were talking about what ever really. After awhile Pony and Skyler joined us. We talked about anything really, from brother and sisters to Dal being in the cooler. We talked about the girls in the cooler, they were surprised that Peyton was in there.

I started falling asleep, but I knew I couldn't fall asleep. I have to meet Soda later. I tapped Pony and Bailey.

"Tell me when it's 7:45!" I said, they looked at me.

"Okay!" Pony and Bailey said.

"Why though?" Bailey asked, I looked up.

"Soda wants to me to meet him at the park." I said, she smiled and so did Pony. He knows something. I ignored the fact that he knew something and drifted off to sleep. I think I started to snore but what ever.

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