Broken ankle's

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Jordan's POV

I was lying on my bed, I had the covers pulled up to my chest. I looked over at Skyler's bed, she was still sleeping. I sat up and took the covers off. I moved my legs so they could dangle off the edge of the bed. I held onto the wall and my bed frame and pulled myself up, it hurt too much to stand on my ankle. I limped over to the window, I watched the sun come up into the morning sky.

The door to my room opened, Peyton walked in and sat at the end of the bed. I turned back to the window, my foot was lifted off the ground so I didn't have to feel the pain flow through my foot. Peyton must of noticed me doing that, she walked over to me.

"JJ, were gonna get that checked out!" Peyton said, I guess I could.

"Okay, but I have school!" I said, I didn't want to miss it, I'll have homework and be behind in classes.

"Your not going to school today!You can barely walk on it." She said, I guess she was right. I can barely walk or stand.

"But who will bring me? Everyone works!" I said, she looked at me.

"Bailey and Soda will!" I was confused, Soda works at the DX today.

"Soda's working!" I said, she smiled.

"Him and Steve took the day off! Soda will bring you to the hospital with Bailey." I nodded, she left and woke up everyone else. I got dresses and woke up Skyler.  I tapped her on the shoulder, she slightly twitched but didn't wake up.

"Skyler time to get up!" I said, she got up imidiatly and got dressed, I laughed and limped down the hall. The guys were awake, and eating at the table. I managed to make my way to the table and sat down beside Pony. They smiled.

"Morning boys!" I said, they smiled.

"Morning to you too!" Pony said, I smiled and nodded.

"JJ hurry up and eat!" Peyton said to me, everyone will be leaving soon. Skyler and Bailey walked down the hall, Bailey took a seat beside Johnny, Skyler sat beside me. Soda was running around helping Peyton get us out the door.

"Skyler, your gonna walk with Pony and Johnny to school!"  Peyton said, I laughed. I don't know what was funny or the way she reacted to that.

"JJ your going with Bailey and Soda!" Peyton continued, I was glad I had Bailey come with us. Especially since I don't know Soda too well.

"Okay!" Most of us said, Skyler and the guys got their stuff and left out the door. It was only Peyton,Bailey,Soda and me. Peyton was getting ready to leave. She grabbed her stuff and took the truck  to work. Now it's us three,were gonna walk to Soda's house, then take his car down to the hospital.

"ready girls?" Soda asked, I was ready, we were waiting for Bailey. She went to her room for a minute. She came back out with a backpack. She probably threw stuff inside, like a brush, extra clothes and food. She always pack stuff if we go anywhere.

We left out the door, Soda walked beside me with an arm around my waist so he could me walk. I didn't want to take the truck, I need to still get exercise and use my foot a bit. Bailey walked on the other side of me in case I lost my balance. But I had Soda who helped me, we were half through the field now and almost near the train station and road.

Bailey's POV

We made it to town, were walking down the street to Soda's house. I can see his house from here, Jordan doesn't seem to thrilled to be here, she'd rather be at school. We got to the house, the door opened, Piper came out. I though she would of came home last night.

"Piper, you look a bit beat up!" Jordan said, she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yea probably do!" She said, I was happy to see her. I know she got into trouble last night.

"What happened?" I asked, she made a hand gesture saying 'whatever'.

"I just messed with some Socs and made them loose their girls. That's all!" Piper said, once Peyton finds out she in trouble and or grounded.

"Why would you do that! There out to get you now!" Soda said, he didn't look too happy that she messed with Socs, and especially their girls.

"Well, they started it and plus Two was after me!" Piper continued.

"Classic Two! Chasing girls!" Soda said, we laughed. Piper didn't think it was funny. She grabbed her board and left down the road.

"See you guys tonight!" Piper yelled, she was already gone. She would roam town and get into more trouble.

"Cmon, get in!" Soda said, we got in and drove to the hospital. We walked in, Soda went to the nurse's area. He talked with them for awhile, now we have to wait till they call Jordan. Soda came back and sat beside us.

"Jordan Collins!" A nurse said, Jordan got up and limped down the hall. They wouldn't let us down there. I sat and waited till she came back. Soda tapped me, I looked over at him.

"How did you all meet?" He asked,

"Well to start off, Piper and Peyton found each other while they were in the cooler, they lived together for awhile." I said, he nodded and made a hand gesture to continue. " Riley came along and joined their group, not long after. They found Jordan, Skyler and I, us three have known each other since we were small. And our families..." I said, I didn't want to continue on, I'd start to cry a bit.

"Oh nice, but what about your family?" He asked, I looked around to try and find something else to talk about. I saw Jordan coming down the hall.

"Jordan!" I yelled and ran up to her. She had crutches, and a cast around her ankle. She hurt it that bad? She said she tripped and twisted it when she fell.

"They said I need crutches for the next week at least." Jordan said, I smiled to know she was okay. It was around noon now, we left and got into Soda's car.

"Lunch?" He asked, I nodded.

"Um... yea I'm hungry!" Jordan said, I laughed. He drove down to his house, we got out. We walked up to the door, and was about to open it.

"Um... where you going?" Soda asked, I was confused he said lunch. Did he not?

"Lunch?" Jordan said

"Lunch at the dingo or DQ is what I meant!" We laughed, we thought he meant at home and eat.

"Hmm... What to have?" Jordan said "DQ it is!" She said, we laughed and started walking towards the DQ. We talked most of the way there, Soda asked a bit about us and we asked a bit about him and his passed. I felt bad after I heard his passed, he's been through a lot. Like us, is what came to my head.

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