Secrets and Bets

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Piper's POV

I took off for the day, I left the house and skated around. I stole some pepsi's and a pack of cigs from a gas station, almost got caught. I thought I saw Soda and Steve there, must of been seeing things. I rode down around the park and to the lot, I got jumped too. Three Socs boys jumped when I was at the lot, they didn't look happy.

I faught them off pretty good I'd say, and I say that because I can kick ass. Unlike some people, I like kicking ass and picking fights. I went back home after I got jumped and cleaned myself up, I watched tv most of the day.  I cleaned out the fridge as Peyton calls it, I ate the cake, most of the fruit and vegetables. I ate some chips too, they were good. They went well with my pepsi, or I think so.

I got up and went around back to the field, I leaned against a tree and smoked a cig. Peyton doesn't want us to smoke but some of us do anyway. Besides she does it when shes stressed, it's funny too. I started blowing rings when I smoked, almost chocked doing it but I got the hang of it.

"Piper what are you doing!" Peyton yelled, first thing  did was put the cig out. Peyton still caught me, I'm in trouble now. But I'll get out of this, watch.

"I was cleaning the tree!" I said, it was the best I could come up with in a minute. She looked at me, she doesn't believe me. I saw Dally walk up behind her.

"What you doing kid?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Smoking!" Peyton said, Dall laughed.

"So, what's wrong with smoking? I smoke."

"Exactly and I don't want them to." Peyton said

"Everyone does!" Dal said, I started laughing. At least he's on my side.

"Yea but I don't want her to get sick and it's bad for you!" Peyton said, Dal took his cig out and lite it. Peyton looked at him, he smiled and continued smoking.

"Really! After I told her not to!" Peyton said, I was laughing and out of breath. Almost choking.

"Okay, I'll put it away! When I'm finished." He mumbled the last part, Peyton nodded and went inside threw the back door. I stayed on the steps, after she walked in I grabbed a cig.

"She said no." Dally said I looked at him, I grabbed him cig.

"She said no." I said with a strict face, he smiled.

"Come one give it back. I won't tell her! He said. Tell her? Tell her what.

"Tell her what that I'm smoking?" I said and laughed, he stopped smiling.

"No that you stole!" Dal said.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"Saw you!"

"Oh yea, what place was it called?"

"The DX! Soda and Steve work there."

"Oh shit, I stole from Pepsican!" I said, Dal smirked.


"Nothing, I won't tell but I need something in return!" Dal said,

"I'm listening!"I said with a smirk.  He whispered in my ear.

"Get me a date with you Peyton!" I smiled

"That can be arrange, but you have to try and get her first! Then I'll do it."I smirked.

"No, you owe me!"

"No date then." I said, he finally gave in.

"Fine, once and once only! Oh and no laughing or I'll beat the shit out of you." I nodded and we shook on it, we walked in through the back door. Peyton was starting supper, I gave Dal a signal. He looked at me. I sat on the table behind them, Dal walked over to her.

"Hey Peyton!" He said,

"Hi Dal?" She said with a weird expression. I was trying not to laugh.  Peyton was standing there with  her arms crossed, she wasn't impressed.

"What do you want?" She asked, he looked at me. I made a hand gesture to keep going. His smile left.

"Um... wait one sec." a minute later "Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you." Dal said, he reached for her hand. I started laughing so hard I almost fell off the table. He looked at me with thumbs up, Peyton slapped him across the face. I laughed even harder I could barely  breath. He walked over to me, we sat down on the front porch.

"That didn't work!" He said, I kept laughing. " Shut your trap and don't say a word!" He snapped. I stopped laughing.

"That was pretty bad though, but you tried and now it's my turn!" I said, he smiled.

"Do you really like her or just want a date?" I asked, he looked at me.

"Yea course I like her, I wouldn't get a date with a girl then ditch her!" Dal said.

"I find that hard to believe Dal!" I said " I've heard about you!"

"Yea, but a guy can change." I laughed

"Dal your always gonna be that type of guy trust me I know." He looked at me

"I know, but just ask her!" I nodded and stayed quiet. "I'm going to Bucks, see you round!" I waved bye and walked in the house. I sat with Peyton at the table while we ate.

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

"Curtis House!" She said, I nodded and ate my spaghetti and meatballs.  We finished up diner, I sat in my chair and watched Mikey with Peyton.

"Remember the old times?" I asked her, she smiled.

"Yea, some of my best days!"

"Remember when we stole a blade and some cigs, then got caught and got brought in by the fuzz. Then we stayed the night." I laughed, she laughed.

"I do actually, we should do something together!" Peyton said, I was happy. Finally something to do and with Peyton.

"Yea we should, but what?" I asked, she looked at me and smirked.

"Let's take a trip to Windrixville, we can do what ever for a day or two!"

"Sounds good, could we bring Riley?" I asked, it could be fun with her. Were all good friends and plus more troublemakers the better.

"I guess, she would like to come. The other girls can stay here and Darry can pop in here and there!" She said, I smiled.

"When do we go?" I asked, she shrugged her shoulders.

"This weekend?" She asked, I nodded. We grabbed a pepsi from the fridge and watched Mickey. Peyton and I laughed and talked all night. I fell asleep after awhile of laughing, I was exhausted.

I was woke a few times, I looked over and saw the front door wide open. I knew the girls were home, there bags and shoes were everywhere.  I got up and closed the door, I went to my room. Riley was sleeping in her bed, she had slobber everywhere, blankets everywhere and her clothes she threw on the floor. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

I was too lazy to change, I slipped under my covers. I looked at the ceiling, I started for awhile till I saw stars and blac spots every where. I was slowly falling asleep, I closed my eyes and was out in an instant.

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