Meet the guys!

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These are some new and additional characters that will be in the next chapters and I might make them stay till the end of the book. Enjoy hope you like the new addition I made.

 Enjoy hope you like the new addition I made

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Ryland Jacobs is 19 years old. He has brown hair and blue eyes, it's usually just left a bit wavy but off to the side. He's a basket ball player on his high school team, he is smart but can take awhile to get what a joke means.He is funny, can be demanding, protective of his brother and gang. Ry is the guy almost every girl wants and almost every guy wants to be. Ryland took a year off of school so he could pay for a house and food for him and his brother. When ever the gang or his brother get in a fight or need help, he is always willing to fight with them.His parents put him and his brother up for adoption when they were 8 and 6.He doesn't remember much from when he was kid, he always felt like there was someone in his life he can't remember. Will he find that someone?

Logan Collins is17 years old

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Logan Collins is17 years old. He has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He is a trouble maker and a bad boy, he has been in the cooler and hauled in. He smokes and drinks, he usually drinks only at party's or if the guys offer one. He likes to pick fights and cause trouble, he always tries to be and act nice but isn't really able to show it.Logan has been alone almost his whole life, he doesn't remember much. His parents left when he was nine, he hasn't seen them since, he was placed in foster home to foster home, he was separated from his sister and though he'd never see her again.

Bradley Jacobs is 17 years old

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Bradley Jacobs is 17 years old. He had light brown hair and brown almost grey eyes. He's at football player at school, he's got muscles and is able to pick and be in fights. He likes when his older brother Ryland is there for him. He can be corky and yet kind, stupid but intelligent. He is a slacker and sleeps during class, he tries his best although he rarely listens. He's always off in his own world, you can say he's a dreamer. Bradley also had a girlfriend, she's a cheerleader at his school, currently they have a week off at school for break. He visits his brother at work, him and the gang usually hang around his work and keep the costumers happy. Same as his brother his parents put him up for adoption when he was 6, he always thinks he has something missing in his life but can't remember. Will he find out what?

Austin Smalls is a 17 year old, he just turned 17 not too long ago

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Austin Smalls is a 17 year old, he just turned 17 not too long ago. He ahas dark to light brown hair, its straight and combed over to the side and greenish grey eyes. Austin is a mix of personalities, he can be a bad boy but not full out and yet he is very kind and protective of others. He never fights unless he has too.  He works with Ryland at the campsite and summer lodge. He works on the week ends and when ever he doesn't have school. He lives currently with at an old apartment building with Logan. he pays rent and helps pay the bills. His parents died when he was 6, he never really wanted to trust anyone and also since he lost every thing when he was put in foster homes and separated from the ones he loved.

Carter Stone is 14 years old

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Carter Stone is 14 years old. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes, his hair is normally greased back or up. He goes to school, he's more of a greaser then a Socs, but at school he gets treated like a Socs. His idol or role model is Ryland, he looks up to him and feels like he's the closest thing he has to a dad or brother. He doesn't work but he hangs with the gang around the campsite and summer lodge. Carter's doesn't remember much, he knows that his dad was sentence to jail for at leas 30 years, his mom and family on the other hand he doesn't know or remember. He was around 6 when he left his home, his mom also was having a hard time. He couldn't bare to see her like that and left.Carter has lived and known the gang since he was 7, he has been with them ever since and lives day by day with them.  He lives with the Jacob brothers, he stays with them, since he's younger Ryland has taken custody of him.


Ryland,Bradley and Carter all live together in a small house outside of Tulsa but closer to Windrixville. The three guys have been together since they small boys, growing up on streets to almost near death situations. They met Logan and Austin  after a few years, they all are best buds and good friends. Although Logan is a real trouble maker they still managed to stick together. All five of them are like salt and pepper, if one needs help there's always one or all there to help.

Right now some of the guys work at the campsite and summer lodge, others do what ever but always try and stay together. Logan always tends to try and get girls, he knows he tries to hard but continues anyway. Even though when he gets one he leaves them after a few days and moves on. Austin and Logan are really close and know everything and anything with each other, Austin tries not to be like Logan but some days he just goes with the flow. Logan always tries to get Austin to do certain things for him, but in the end Logan listens to Austin and so does Austin with Logan.


Well theses are some additional charcters. Hope you like what's gonna happen next. Do you think the guys will reunite with the ones their looking for? Or will they stay in Windrixville and live day by day.


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