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“This is stupid and I shouldn’t have done this. Why did you let me do this, Hugo?” I asked the tiny black kitten, looking at him from the driver’s seat. Ickle Hugh was sat in his box in the passenger seat, his head poking over the top and staring at me.

“Why am I here?” I groaned, looking out the window and across the street at the boys’ house. I let out a breath, releasing all of my stress and pride in one breath and clambering out of the car. I rounded to the other side and pulled Hugo out of his box, holding his tiny body against my chest. I’d bothered to get dressed before coming over, wearing a baggy maroon jumper and some shredded jean shorts. My fox boots were on my feet and a grey beanie was over my curly blonde hair, and it was obvious I’d been in bed before coming.

“We can do this, right Hugo? Let’s go get your daddy back.” I said to little Hugo, earning a tiny mew in reply. I snuggled Hugo against my chest and pulled my bag up higher on my shoulder, sucking in a confident breath and crossing the street to the front door. It took all I had to hit the doorbell.

“I got it!” A voice shouted. I froze, recognizing Connor’s voice. The door swung open and Connor froze, his face turning up into a huge grin as he took in that it was me and I had a tiny little kitten with me.

“Why don’t you come in?” He offered, stepping aside and letting me in. “Cute boots.” He added, and I smiled up at him.

“I missed you.” I said, giving Connor a hug. “Meet Hugo.” I giggled, making Hugo wave a paw. Connor squatted and grinned, waving at Hugo. I giggled again, following Connor to the doorway of the sitting room. The couch faced me, the armchair facing the other way. Brad and Tristan were on the couch, and James was sitting in the armchair, staring at the television.

“Who was it?” Tristan asked, turning to look at Connor as he entered, stepping aside and revealing me. Both Brad and Tristan’s jaws met the floor. Both of them let out aws at Hugo, who mewed quietly. They awed again, their faces melting.

I glanced up to see James facing me, his face blank. I met his eyes and didn’t make to put an expression on my face, instead scratching the top of Hugo’s little head.

“Hi guys. I apparently have a kitten now, I thought he might want to pay a visit.” I said quietly, lifting Hugo slightly. Brad and Tristan raced over and I carefully put Hugo into Brad’s hands. The pair of them sat down on the floor, setting Hugo between them and playing with him.

“When’d you get him?” A voice spoke up. I turned to see James now standing just a few feet away. I faced him, sticking my hands in my pockets and biting my lip. This was not how I’d planned it going.

“Uh, he turned up at my doorstep about an hour ago.” I said awkwardly.

“Why would someone leave a kitten on your doorstep?” Brad asked, confused.

“No idea.” I shrugged, turning to stare at James.

“That’s an odd thing to do.” James said faintly. I nodded.

“Only someone really weird would leave a kitten on someone’s doorstep.” I agreed, holding back a smile. I saw James doing the same as he nodded.

“Yeah, looks like they really wanted your attention.” James agreed, sticking his hands in his pockets.

“It’s a good tactic, I guess. You can’t exactly ignore a kitten.” I reasoned.

“That’s very true. I bet that’s what they were thinking. Either that or they knew you’ve always wanted a kitten.” James shrugged casually.

“That could also be true. Either way, it’s effective.” I said. James raised his eyebrows.

“Really?” James asked, trying to keep his tone even and casual.

“Really.” I nodded.

“Well, whoever did it must really care about you.” James said after a second.

“Really?” I asked.

“Really.” James nodded. I pulled my hands out of my pockets and crossed my arms over my chest. James did the same, straightening his top and then crossing his muscular arms over his chest.

“Well, it was a very nice gift and I appreciate it quite a lot. I wish Hugo had a father, though. It’s going to be hard being a single parent with such a hard job.” I said dramatically, earning a small smile from James.

“He’s so cute!” Brad cooed, lifting Hugo up and giving him an eskimo kiss, which confused Hugh quite a lot. I giggled, squatting and watching Hugo stumble over to me. I lifted him up, kissing the tip of his nose and snuggling him close to my chest.

“Well, it’s quite late and I’m sure you boys have a busy day ahead of you, so I’ll be getting home.” I said, straightening up. The boys all got to their feet, giving me and Hugo hugs and kisses. I nodded at James, giving him a smile before heading out the front door and closing it behind me.

I was across the street, getting Hugo settled into his little box in the passenger seat when there was a shadow cast from across the road. I glanced around to see the front door of the boys’ house swinging shut and a figure moving towards me. Something made me straighten up, turning to face the figure.

As he got closer, I made out his high cheek bones and quiffed hair, his long legs striding towards me and bouncing in his shadow.

“James?” I asked nervously, closing the car door and stepping towards him in the middle of the damp road, which was still cool and moist from the rain. James didn’t say anything, instead he grabbed my waist, pulling me towards him and quickly pressing his lips against mine before I could make any move to stop him.

A stupid part of my brain told me to push him away. But that was the same part of my brain that broke up with the boy I was in love with. I leaned into the kiss, letting our lips move together until James slowly pulled back, pulling my beanie off and running his fingers through my hair, pushing it away from my face.

“None of it was fake, Liz. From the first day I met you I knew that this could never be fake to me, no matter how hard I tried. The way I feel for you is the most real thing, the most honest feelings I’ve ever had.” James breathed, his eyes staring into mine, glistening in the darkness.

“And I don’t care if you hate me, because I will still love you, and that’s real.” James said, his eyes flickering between both of mine as he pushed my hair back, his thumbs tracing my cheeks.

“And I just... Tell me. You love me, real or fake?” James asked, his eyes boring into mine. I sucked in a breath, letting my heart shut my brain out.


The End

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