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"Heyyyooo." James grinned at me as I came down the stairs, pulling my hair into a top knot. I took half of the boxes from James and we stopped in the kitchen for forks before entering the living room.

"Finally! Start the movie!" Brad teased, hitting play. James and I set out the food for the others while I grabbed my box of pork fried rice and James took his orange chicken. James settled on the armchair, patting his lap. I climbed onto the chair, sitting my butt on one side of his legs and my feet resting on the other. I snuggled up under his arm, which was resting around the back of the armchair. He wrapped his arm around me and used it to spear his chicken and eat it.

I scooped some fried rice and took a big bite, letting out a content sigh after I swallowed.

"It has been too long, my dear friend. I've missed you." I said to my rice.

"What was that?" James asked, looking at me with his eyebrows wrinkled.

"I was talking to my rice." I said flatly, staring at the tele. James' eyebrows went up and I closed my eyes realising what I'd just said.

"Okay, rewind. I have not had Chinese food in ages, this is like heaven to me." I giggled. James chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully at me, digging his phone out from his pocket. He wiggled his eyebrows at me, typing away and putting his phone down at the exact moment mine dinged.

@TheVampsJames: @ElizabethW01 "I was talking to my rice."

"You didn't have to tweet it!" I whined quietly, blushing like mad. "Now everyone will think I'm some sort of freak who talks to my food." I pouted.

"They aren't entirely wrong..." James trailed off, chuckling when I frowned at him. "Come on, we need more buzz." James barely whispered the last part, and I nodded curtly. I checked out my twitter, seeing that I had nearly five thousand followers just because James followed me. I also spotted that Brad, Tristan, and Connor all followed me now, as well as Joe and the bands' account.

I almost dropped my phone when it dinged, it startled me so badly.

@TheVampsTris: @ElizabethW01 @TheVampsJames put your bloody phones away or so help me god

@TheVampsBrad: @TheVampsTrist @ElizabethW01 @TheVampsJames can I get an amen

@ElizabethW01: @TheVampsBrad AMEN.

"Okay, the next person who tweets is going in time out." Connor said finally, slapping Tristan's hand as he tried to type something on his phone.

"Come on, Con! Join the fun," I said in a creepy voice.

"Yeah, join the movement." James added.

"Come tweet with us, Connor." Brad said, tilting his head to the side and using a little girls' voice.

"Oh, god. This is not The Shining, do not take it there!" Connor said nervously, making us all break out into giggles. At some point me all quieted down except for Tristan's loud chewing and the occasional slurp of soda from Brad, who I now knew could not drink anything without slurping.

The movie was starting to end, and we were all in fits of laughter as the characters tried to run from the cops, mostly because Michael Cera is freaking weird.

"That movie was prime." James said as soon as the credits started to roll. I nodded, scrolling through Instagram seeing as now I had to keep up with the gossip surrounding myself and James.

@ElizabethW01: Forgot how amazing Jonah Hill is in Superbad:)

I tweeted, immediately getting tons of retweets and favourites, as well as a lot of responses. I noticed that absolutely none of them had anything to do with what I tweeted, they were all asking who I was, accusing me of random things, and calling me either pretty or ugly.

Smile for the Camera || James McveyWhere stories live. Discover now