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"Liz, I know you're home! I already went to the bakery, and Harper said you called in sick. Just come let me in." James called again, banging on the door. I stayed on the couch, watching the television even though I didn't even know what was on the screen.

"Lizzie, I can hear the TV!" James called after a pause. I let out a sigh, he really wasn't going to go away. I got up and unlocked the door, leaving it closed and returning to the couch. James opened the door, walking quickly to the couch and sitting down next to me, looking at me with worry. He reached out and stroked my chin before resting his hand on my shoulder. I met his eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

"I just really don't want to lose you." I mumbled before I could stop myself. James let out a laugh and pulled me to his chest, pressing his lips to the top of my head.

"I'm not going anywhere, love. None of us are." James promised, rubbing my back gently. I nodded, breathing in his smell.

"Now go get dressed, I have a surprise for you." James said, letting me go and rubbing my shoulders.

"What?" I asked, confused. James just laughed and pulled me to my feet, pushing me into my room. He closed the door behind me and I dejectedly got into a ruby coloured skater dress, some white Converse, and a grey cardigan. I exited the room, my makeup done slightly, though it was good enough for me. James didn't even let me get my bag before taking me to his car and driving off. We pulled up outside the shopping district and James lead me by the hand to a tall building with wide glass windows and sparkling displays inside.

"James, why are we going in here?" I asked nervously, pulling on his hand and coming to a stop until he turned to look at me. "Why are you taking me to Folli Follie?" I repeated. James glanced at me before stepping back over closer to me.

"I ordered something for you." He said sheepishly. My jaw fell open and my eyes probably were the size of large serving trays.

"James, no way! That's too much." I gasped, shaking my head so my hair fell in my face.

"Well, it's too late because I already ordered it and had them bring it to the shop for you to get it fitted. So no isn't an option." James shrugged, pulling on my hand and leading me into the shop. I glanced around at all of the expensive jewelry and bags, nervously clutching onto James' hand.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" A man asked at the counter. James smiled and stepped forward, resting his free hand on the bench.

"I'm James Mcvey, I ordered something earlier this week?" He asked. The man typed something into a computer and nodded, smiling brightly between us and telling James he would be right back. James nodded, fiddling with my hand. My heart was going about five thousand kilometers an hour and I'm sure James can feel it in my pulsing fingers, so I pull my hand away and mess with my dress for something to do.

"Relax! It's not that big a deal, I'm doing this because I want to." James insisted, grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes sincerely. "And because you're an amazing girlfriend who deserves it." He added, smiling when I blushed.

"James, this isn't going to convince anyone that I'm not just dating you for the money and fame, you know?" I asked. James shrugged.

"They can think what they want, I know the truth." He said simply, grinning excitedly when the man arrived with a box in his hands. My heart leapt as he opened it, showing James the contents. James nodded, his eyes twinkling like a child on Christmas. The man nodded back, stepping up to me and holding out his hand. I lifted my hand and hesitantly set it in his. He rested my hand on the glass and pulled something out of the box, polishing it on a small cloth before lifting my hand again and setting a shining, extravagant gold watch on my wrist. I sucked in a breath while he adjusted it and clipped it around my wrist.

"This is our newest Beautime Watch." He informed. "Swarovski crystals around the frame, finished gold to minimize scratches. It has new batteries and you can bring it in for any repairs it may need." The man continued, letting go of my hand gently. I lifted my wrist, feeling the weight of the watch on my arm. It was gorgeous and fit perfectly, reflecting in the lights of the shop.

"Woah, James. This is... amazing. And too much. Really." I insisted, looking over at James and moving to take the watch off.

"What am I going to do with it? I've already paid, Liz. You can't convince me otherwise, I want you to have it and that's settled." James said seriously, stopping my hands. I stared between him and the watch, then let out a long sigh.

"Fine, but you can't play this little trick on me again, mister." I said, giving him a sharp look. James grinned and thanked the man at the counter, who was glowing. He must really love this kind of thing, the couple buying nice jewelry.

"You're a jerk." I mumbled as we exited the shop, hand in hand. James laughed and swung our hands back in forth, lifting my wrist to look at the watch.

"It's really nice, isn't it?" James commented cheekily, smirking at me. I shot him a look and wrenched my hand away from him.

"Why'd you do this?" I asked suspiciously. James shrugged.

"Why not? I don't have anything to do with the money and, as my girlfriend, I think I should be allowed to treat you if I want to." James said like it was the simplest thing ever. I groaned and dejectedly let James put his arm around my shoulders. I wrapped my arm around his waist tightly, pushing my sunglasses up my nose as we passed a few teenage girls. It's impossible to be too careful, seeing as everyone is out to sabotage our relationship now. A part of me is panicking that they'll find out it really is a hoax, but the other part is thinking that at this point... there isn't really a difference.

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