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"I won!" I screamed, pouting and crossing my arms at Brad. He shrugged, wincing before he spoke.

"You're just not a very good singer..." Brad said awkwardly. I frowned and chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"But I kicked his ass on the piano." I said hopefully. James opened his mouth but Connor cut him off.

"Yeah, but he was good enough that it made up for the fact that you can't sing." Connor said slightly harshly. I laughed and gave up pretending to be mad.

"Well we'd be a killer duo if he sang while I played." I shrugged, leaning against James' shoulder. He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leaning his head on top of mine.

"That's very true." He said optimistically, smiling down at me. I met his bright eyes with mine and smiled back shyly, ducking my head and blushing at the floor, catching Tristan's eye and biting my lip at his excited look.

"Why don't you? We still have an hour left for lunch, you two could do a bit of a duet." Brad suggested. I looked around at the wood floors, considering it, while James appeared to do that same.

"It might be fun to post it on our channel, introduce the fans to you." James shrugged, looking down at me for approval. I bit my lip, looking around at the boys.

"Just us two?" I asked nervously. The boys all exchanged looks.

"I could use my drum box?" Tristan offered.

"And Con and I could do some harmonies." Brad shrugged, looking over at James, who grinned and nodded excitedly. Tristan plugged in the song on his phone and listened to it until he had the beat down, and Brad, James and Connor got to work figuring out some easy harmonies and solo bits. Twenty minutes past, and we were all ready to record.

"Okay, the camera's on." Brad said, hitting a button so a red light came on. I was sat at the grand piano, James then Brad and then Connor standing next to me, with Tristan at the end on his drum box.

"Hey, we're The Vamps." They boys all said.

"And I'm Elizabeth Watson." I added when the boys looked to me.

"And this is our cover of I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz." Brad said. He counted off and I started playing the intro, Tristan joining on his drum box, and James on his guitar before they broke out into harmonies. It was really amazing the way their voices blended so well together, and the piano part was just so simple to me, yet so beautiful.

The song ended a few minutes later, and we all sat in silence for a moment after we finished. "That was nice." I said finally, and we all burst out laughing at how awkward we were being. "Did you hear Elizabeth curse?" Tristan laughed. I blushed and stared at my hands.

"What happened?" James asked, grinning between us.

"She messed up and cursed!" Tristan giggled. I went even redder.

"Hey! It was at the bridge and I hit the wrong chord, and I was like, 'fuck!' but I said it quietly!" I said defensively, and all the boys burst out laughing. I covered my face with my hands.

"Hey, I did it with the AME." James laughed, smiling reassuringly at me. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You did what with AME?" I asked skeptically, and all the boys were in bits laughing.

"NOT THAT!" James shouted, and we all absolutely lost it, and I rested my head on the keys while a tear slipped out of my eyes.

"I'm crying!" I howled, and Connor squatted, his head in his hands and his face flaming as he laughed. Brad was doubled over, shaking, and James and Tristan both had their eyes squinted closed.

"Have you all quite finished laughing at me?" James mocked a bad mood after a good five minutes. We all composed ourselves, breathing heavily.

"Well, we all know what you wish you'd done with AME." Brad muttered. I let out the loudest, most inhuman noise ever that the boys all turned to look at me.

"What on earth was that noise?" Tristan asked, his jaw hanging open. I pursed my lips and stared at the floor.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I said in a phony serious voice.

"I'm turning off the camera before something else happens." Connor said, reaching over and shutting the camera off. We all cleared up and Brad loaded the video onto his laptop, uploading it to the Youtube channel while everyone tweeted about.

@ElizabethW01: Just did a fun video with @TheVampsBand go check it out on their youtube channel:)

I uploaded the tweet and sat back on the couch, crossing my legs and scrolling through my feed, retweeting the occasional tweet, even following some of the boys' fans who asked for it.

"Hey, is that James' jumper?" Connor asked after staring at my top for a long time. I looked up at him, then down at what I was wearing and blushed.

"Oh, yeah it is." I admitted, pursing my lips as they curled into a smile.

"It looks good on you." James said, flashing me a lopsided smile. I smiled back, turning back to my phone.

"Hmm, sharing clothes." Tristan mused, giving us a cheeky smile. I shot him a look and turned back to my phone, ignoring all of the boys' jabs, although it was mostly Brad making inappropriate jokes.

@ElizabethW01: @TheVampsJames remind me never to wear this top again.

I watched James until he pulled out his phone, smirking at the screen before typing something. A moment later my phone went off and I checked my tweets.

@TheVampsJames: @ElizabethW01 Brad's just a sourpuss, I think it looks great;) xx

I pursed my lips and fought off a blush, avoiding James' eyes and having a stare down with Connor. He blinked and frowned, while I smirked and took a picture of his upset face. Brad was just starting to talk about some sort of carnival, to which none of us were listening, when Joe and the workers came back in. They got to work, ordering the boys around and recording things.

"I'm hungry." James grumbled, lying across the couch and resting his head in my lap. He dramatically rubbed his stomach, pouting up at me. I giggled and poked his cheeks.

"I can go get you guys some lunch food from Nando's?" I offered. James' face lit up and he sat up quickly, looking excited.

"You'd do that?" He gasped, looking up at me with the most innocent hopeful look I've ever seen.

"Of course." I chirped, smiling at him. James thanked me about ten times, taking my phone and typing in their order, as well as giving me a huge hug and kiss on the forehead goodbye, watching me with the hugest smile on his face while I entered the lift.

Smile for the Camera || James McveyWhere stories live. Discover now