Can the police be this stupid?

Start from the beginning

Yeah that's right bow down to me bitch.

Ok that sounded weird and perverted but I don't care.

"Actually I was trying to say that the police did a check on the backup footage and it was there. Aria you are free to go." Bradley says. Everyone in the room is slightly tense but once the news was announced the atmosphere eased. I stand up and dust the invisible dirt off my pants.

"What are we all waiting for? Get me out of this fucking cell right now before I cut your toes off in your sleep." I say. Just because everyone else relaxed doesn't mean I'm not still pissed. He scurry a over to the cell quickly with his keys.

"Don't threaten police little girl." The officer says. I grab his collar and pull him close through the bars after he's unlocked my door and I whisper in his ear.

"You don't frighten me. Look at where I am right now and I challenge people like you for my morning special so I suggest you take your scrawny ass and go sit back down in your chair and keep that big ass mouth of yours shut before I beat the shit out of you." And with that I released him. Bradley and my mom look at me with confused faces, because I whispered only for him to hear. The officer goes back to his chair and sits not saying a word obviously taking my threat seriously.

As I open the cell door and go to exit the room I hug Bradley again. "I'm gonna miss you Conoway." I say into his shoulder.

"The feeling is mutual Bradshaw." He says. And with that I'm gone. I'm going back to my hell of a neighborhood to be tortured by the students. Hopefully they take me being arrested seriously and don't mess with me.

We'll all we can do is hope.

A/N: Ha! Y'all thought I was done? Hehehe nope! Enjoy!


"Aria wake up!" A little voice says. I told mom and dad to and I quote 'leave me the fuck alone' last night when they came at the latest time to pick me up.

"Hey Ally bear!" I say surprising my little sister by taking her into a big hug. We both know I hate being woken up but I love my little sister so much and she's even like me. A total badass.

She has long brown hair sorta like mine but hers stops just below her shoulder while mine goes to mid waist. She has electric blue eyes from grandma and she's absolutely beautiful. She's wearing skinny jeans and a tight but not to tight graphic t-shirt supporting her favorite show Supernatural. Even as a 12 year old she's got a nice figure. It's perfect for her age and I know she's a heart breaker.

"Hey Aria!" She hugs me back just as hard. We've been so busy with our own lives that we haven't been spending that much time together.

"Hey Ally you wanna skip school and come with me?" I ask her. She looks at me confused and I just notice that she's wearing a pair of my combat boots. I really don't mind and they make her outfit look more badass.

"So I'm skipping school to go to school?" She asks holding back a laugh.

"But you've never seen your big sis in action and trust me you can get a rep there before your even enrolled." I say an let me tell you that certainly caught her attention.

"Sure! I'll go to high school with you Arie!" She says my old nickname from when she couldn't pronounce my name.

I look at the clock and see I have 15 minutes to be there. I hop up and take the quickest shower and blow dry my hair adding slight make up. I throw on some skinny jeans with a tank top and top it off with a black leather jacket.

"Hey Arie can I borrow a tan leather jacket?" Ally asks. It would match the tan combat boots she's wearing. I grab a tan one that looks like it would fit her and throw it at her. I grab my phone and throw on some shoes. Five minutes left. Perfect because we live right down the street from the high school. I grab Ally's hand and drag her.

"Dad I'm driving Ally." And with that we were out the door. One thought passes through my mind.

How much of a badass is my little sis?

As we pulled up to the school eyes were still on me, or should I say us. No one has seen my little sis before. We get off my motorcycle and the guys are already giving her lustful looks. I told you she had a nice body for her age.

"Ok Ally ignore the freshman they are just trying to get laid. Even if it's a 12 year old." I tell her as we approach the school.

"Arie I'm thirteen tomorrow." She replies.

"I don't care ignore them Ally I'm serious." I tell her sternly as I look into her blue eyes. She nods seeing that I'm not kidding around. We walk to the main office as we get curious stares from all the people around us. Ally even gives some of them death glares and they look away. I just walk with confidence. I just noticed how tall Ally is for her age. She almost doesn't look out of place. She looks just to young though as if she's coming next year. Well she is so that's good.

Kit comes our way. I nudge Ally and point her towards the queen slut. One look at her and Ally knows she has to be a bitch. Kit bumps into Ally "Watch it bitch." She says to Ally. Strike one. You don't mess with a Bradshaw.

"No slut you need to watch it before I beat your scrawny ass." Ally replies. Your probably like woah she's 12 what's with the cussing. Well 12-13 year olds can cuss so shut your mouth. Kit spins around and looks at Ally then looks at me as a wicked smirk comes. She aims to punch Ally and I catch her hand. I step closer to her getting in her face.

"Ever try to touch my sister again and it's the last thing you'll touch." I spat. I take Ally's hand and walk to the main office leaving Kit standing there looking dumb and scared.

"Hello my sister here wants to follow me around to see if she wants to go to this school is that ok?" I ask politely. Yeah I'm usually never polite, but I need a yes for Ally to stay.

"Sure honey, She'll go to all your classes with you." The secretary says. The secretary freaks me out because she's old, but she's really nice. I nod and walk out.

"So Bradshaw how was it in the slammer?" A familiar voice says. I didn't bother looking and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Who's this one?" They ask and immediately I stop and stand in front of Ally slightly and look at the person. I sigh a relief when I see it's just Ryan.

"Ryan you scared the shit out of me. This is my sister Ally. She's shadowing me for the day." I tell him and he nods.

"Yo fatass can you move so I can see the attractive guy your talking to?" Ally says from behind me. We're always rude to each other it's one of our things. I roll my eyes and step aside. Ryan's eyes are wide probably on how my sister just spoke to me.

"Yeah yeah be nice you slut." I reply back to her earning a playful punch. I pretend that it hurt and she just rolls her eyes. Ally looks back at Ryan and basically eyes rapes him. "Oh no I told you to stay away from the guys at this school Ally. Including juniors." Yes I'm a junior and so is Ryan. Ryan notices her checking him out and he smirks.

"You interested hon?" He asks flirtatiously and she just shrugs.

"Trust me I've seen better."

I stand there wide eyed and grab Ally and drag her to first period with Ryan following. We walk in and immediately all the guys eyes are on Ally and me while the girls are eyeing Ryan.

"Miss Bradshaw who do we have here?" The teacher asks. Making the guys stop staring and the girls glare at my sister. We both give deathly glares back making them all look away.

"This is my sister Ally Bradshaw and me and Ryan were walking her around." I make up an excuse realizing we missed home room and are now into first period. Everyone's eyes fill with shock and disbelief so I quickly add "She's shadowing because she will be here next year." Everyone nods now believing me.

"Well Ally you can sit with Aria and Ryan." The teacher says. As I look for the three seats I see someone glaring deeply at me.

Collin Mathews. The current bad boy. And by him are where the three empty seats are.

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