Chapter 6: Dreamscapers (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

I could hear their screams from down here. I hated feeling helpless.


I turned to see Dipper and saw the hole in his stomach had vanished. I was curious, but didn't have time to ask questions.

"Dipper! Bill took them! There was fire and-and a rock statue and they're up there and I don't know how to save them!" I stumbled.

He sprinted over to me and wrapped his arm tightly around my waist.

"What are you-"

Suddenly, a blue glow formed around us and without hesitation, we were flying towards the rock statue. We flew above the statue and gazed down at everyone.

Xyler and Craz were gone. Some weird, British dog-man was tormenting Soos. Mabel... she was looking a bit sluggish. Her face was green and grotesque. Bill towered over them both, looking like he was about to end it.

Before he could, Dipper spoke up. "Hey, Bill! Nice bowtie!" Dipper taunted. He shot a laser beam from his eye, through Bill's chest, pulverising his bowtie.

Bill screamed in frustration.

"Dipper! Y/n!" Mabel exclaimed in an uncharacteristically deep voice.

"Dude!" Soos smiled.

"Guys! I just learned that you can conjure whatever you can conceive in Grunkle Stan's mindscape!" Dipper explained.

It all made sense now, how Dipper was able to fly and shoot lasers. I examined Mabel and Soos, who still looked very confused.

"Just think of cool fighting stuff and it will happen," Dipper clarified. "Like this!" he said, disintegrating the British dog-man with a laser.

"What? Who told you that! Don't listen to him!" Bill ordered. He was starting to look a little worried.

"We can do anything?" Mabel morphed back to normal. "Like have kittens for fists?" Mabel's hands retreated into her sweater and were replaces with fluffy, pink kittens. "Po-pow! P-p-pow! Pow!" she cheered, launching the kittens at Bill. Behind her, Xyler and Craz rose and landed beside Mabel, giving her encouragement and complements.

The kittens latched on to Bills face, causing him to shriek. Things were starting to look up.

"Anything, huh?" Soos awed. "Soos love stomach beam stare!" he chanted as he lifted his shirt and blasted Bill with a question mark beam. Bill was pushed off the statue, but came back immediately.

"Enough games!" Bill demanded as the hole in his chest filled in. A laser shot from his eye and made it's way towards us.

"No!" I yelled. "This ends now!" Without a second thought, I directed all my energy to the first attack strategy that came to mind: lightning. Black storm clouds formulated over Bill quicker than he could snap his fingers. I moved my hands in a directing manor, summoning several large bolts of lightning.

Bill stopped aiming his laser at us. He looked up just before the lightening struck him and... smiled. A grin so malevolent, it would give you nightmares. The lightning bolts collided with him and knocked him to the ground.

As he laid there then he turned to me. "The irony. You don't even know yet," he muttered.

His words made me flinch. I could feel everyone watching me, anticipating my next move. I wanted to know what he was talking about, but it was probably for the best that I didn't. I raised my hand to summon a second lightning bolt storm.

"No!" he pleaded. "Enough."

I lowered my hand and the atmosphere turned white. Bill returned to his usual, yellow self.

"You know, I've been impressed with you guys. You are more clever than you look. Especially you, Y/n. But I already knew you were. So, I'm gonna let you kids off the hook. You might come in handy later," all togetherBill continued, then took a serious tone. "BUT KNOW THIS: A darkness approaches. A day will come in the future when everything you care about will change!" As he spoke, a six-fingered hand, like the one from Dipper's journal, appeared over his head then disintegrated into blue flames. "Until then I'll be watching you! I'LL BE WATCHING YOU..." Some sort of symbolic-summoning wheel formed around Bill. A light went around the wheel, highlighting the individual symbols. I counted 11 symbols but my mind was too jumbled to focus on what they were. The light spun around the wheel faster, until it and Bill altogether, Bills words echoing.

"He's gone! we did it!" Dipper celebrated. We all cheered in unison. Then, we started to disappear. "Stan must be waking up," Dipper explained.

Mabel floated over to the boys from Dream Boy High, Xyler and Craz. They said their goodbyes.

Just as I began to relax, I heard a muffled voice, starting to get louder. I looked at everyone, but I could tell by their expressions that I was the only one who could hear it.

Then, as clear as daylight, I heard Bill's eerie voice say, "And you, my lightning bolt, the darkest future of all... it's never too late to join me..."

And with that, there was a bright flash and Dipper, Soos, Mabel and I woke up on the living room floor.

Little did I know it at the time, but that would be that last I'd hear from Bill for a long time.

"We did it!" Mabel smiled.

"What? Did what? What are you all doing here?" Stan asked groggily as he began to wake up. "And why was I dreaming of two brightly colored and radical young men?"

"Grunkle Stan! You're okay!" Dipper said as he ran towards Stan and hugged him.

Whatever Dipper found in Stan's memories about him must've been good. At first, I didn't think it was a good idea, but I'm glad Dipper didn't listen to me.

"What is this, a hug?" Stan evaluated.

"Nope! It's a choke hold," Dipper revealed, tightening his grip on Stan's neck, but not enough to actually hurt him.

Mabel, Soos and I laughed as Dipper released his grip.

Stan chuckled. "Not bad, kid. Not bad."

"I'm just glad Gideon didn't get into the safe. I really love this old shack," Mabel sighed happily.

Then, the ground started to shake. I looked around and asked, "Uh, guys? Do you feel-"

Then, less than a meter away from us, an explosion blew down a massive hole of the stone wall, the blast launched everyone backwards. While we were recuperating, a small figure emerged from the smoke.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Pines family. Did I wake you?" Gideon ridiculed as he stepped into view.

"But.. we defeated Bill!" Dipper choked.

"Bill failed me! So, I switched to plan B: dynamite!" he justified.

Stan furrowed his eyebrows. "What? Bill? Who? What are you guys talking about?"

"Spoiler alert, Stanford! I've got the deed!" Gideon sneered, holding up the official paper. "The Mystery Shack belongs to me! So, get out of my property!" Gideon lifted up a walky-talky and began to speak in to it. "Daddy? Bring it around the front."

The five of us ran outside and stared in horror as the fast-approaching crane reached the shack. The wreaking ball collided with the sign, sending it crashing down right in front of us. I wanted this to be a dream so badly, but it wasn't.

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Hey my wonderful readers, thanks for reading! Hope you guys liked it, sorry it took so long!

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