Chapter 6: Dreamscapers (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

What's that supposed to mean? As if to match my confusion, the world around me became blurry. Bits and pieces of the ground crumbled and fell into who knows where. A muffled voice was calling my name in the distance.

I flashed Bill a "what's going on" look.

"You're waking up, but don't worry," he spoke, his voice taking a darker tone. "Well meet again, very soon."

As a shiver went down my spine, Bill's form began to flicker. Just before he disappeared completely, I saw a glimpse of Bill as the one-eyed, yellow triangle dressed in a top hat and a bowtie that I had only seen in the journal until now.

I closed my eyes, trying to get the image out of my head. When I opened them, I was in the attic bedroom with Mabel hovering over me.

"Oh good! You're awake!" Mabel announced. Her hair was in messy strands, dangling in front of my face.

The door creaked open and Dipper stepped into the room. "Mabel! I told you to let Y/n sleep."

"No, no, it's okay. It was probably a good time for me to wake up anyway," I said sitting up, recalling the dream I had just had.

Suddenly Stan called up from downstairs, "Kids! Come quick!"

Mabel ran toward the door but stopped when she realized Dipper and I weren't following behind her. "You dorks coming?" she grinned.

"Yeah, we'll be down in a minute," Dipper replied.

As soon as Mabel hurried off downstairs, Dipper turned to me with a concerned glance. "Are you alright?" he asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

Dipper had developed this sweet, yet annoying habit of always knowing when something was off with me. I had never told him that I was having trouble sleeping since learning Bill's true identity, but I got the feeling that he knew, he just didn't want to pry. And now, after only being awake for a few minutes, he already knew something was off.

"You just... I don't know... are you okay?" he asked again.

I sat there wondering if I should tell him but eventually decided against it. Dipper deserved to know, and I will tell him, but as for right now, I haven't completely processed what had just happened. So, I'll save the Bill dream for a later conversation.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," I smiled reassuringly, throwing off my blankets. "Now, lets go see what Stan wants."

We quickly made our way downstairs and turned into the living room to find Stan sitting in his worn, yellow chair with Mabel standing on one side and Soos standing on the other side of the chair. All three of them were staring at the television.

Stan let out a large laugh. "I need you to laugh at this with me!"

Dipper and I directed our attention to the TV, which was broadcasting a commercial for The Tent of Telepathy.

Gideon appeared on screen and began to sing, "Who's cute as a button, and always your friend? Lil' G-I-D to the E-O-N! Wink!"

Dipper and I sighed.

"Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to destroy us?" Mabel recalled.

"He's always trying to trick me into losing the Mystery Shack," Stan complained.

Gideon laughed, drawing our attention back to the TV.

"Come on down to Li'l Gideon's Tent of Telepathy, opening soon at this location," Bud Gleeful's voice narrated as the screen showed The Tent of Telepathy crashing down onto The Mystery Shack.

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