Monica Corwin

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Featured Book: Soulless

Hello everyone, I'm so thrilled to be here. I can't wait to tell you about Soulless, which was previously published as Soulless. If I get too excited and ramble please feel free to direct me back to the questions.

Hey, Monica! How long have you been a writer and how did you come to writing?

I started writing when I was a little girl but didn't start actively writing looking to publish until my early 20's. Almost six years now.

How did you come up with this storyline?

Well, like a lot of my stories I get the main idea from a dream. But, it was after I watched a movie about time...and how people's timers were on their arms. That gave me the idea for the souls to add into the world I had already built around the dream.

What are the best and the worst aspects of writing?

The best is interacting with readers. I love hearing about books and how much they loved my work. Most of the time I assume I write books and no one ever reads them. It's nice when someone proves me wrong. The worst aspect is marketing. It's not something I have gotten figured out. It doesn't help that I'm awkward as hell though.

What inspires you to write?

Lots of things can inspire me to write. Most of the time is a book, or movie, or watching a show about a character who has reaching their makes me want to push toward my own.

How did you conduct your research for Soulless?

I mostly had to do a lot of research on the Catholic Church which was both frightening and fascinating.

What are 3 of your favorite quotes from Soulless?

~ "He watched as she pulled her unruly mane up into a messy bun on top of her head. Every time he saw her do it, he couldn't help but think it was a move specifically designed by women to turn men on."

~ "I'm going to pout now because I wasted a perfectly beautiful dress on such a craptastic night..."

~ "If heaven and hell could merge it would live in such a moment."

What would your friends say is your best quality?

Oh man...probably my loyalty. I am devoted to those I care about and would give them anything in my power, including a kidney, to help them.

Are reader reviews important to you?

Um...I will say they aren't important to ME but they are important. I think when a book is done it is no longer the writer' belongs to the reader, as do reviews. Those reviews aren't for me, or about me, they are for the reader.

What do you do when you don't write?

Uh read, a lot. I also fix typewriters. I know, I'm a dork.

Tell us about your other books? I write mainly paranormal romance with strong heroines and unique worlds. My other series, Revelations, centers around female four horseman of the apocalypse.

If you could share one thing about yourself that you would like readers to know what would it be?

I adore you. Even if you hate my work I thank you for giving that time to read it. Thank you for giving it, and me, a chance.

Thank you so much for having me and listening to me ramble.

XOXO Monica

Blurb: Soulless by Monica Corwin

In the late 21st century, scientists created a serum that gave every person nine lives, also known as souls. Flush with expendable life, Earth collapsed into war and anarchy, leaving the Catholic Church to step in and take control. In a world where the stealing of souls is big business, it takes people like Constance Grace, detective in the Soul Theft Division, to hunt the criminals down and strip them of their remaining souls.

When social-climbing con man, Noah Hannock, plunks himself on the church's radar, he becomes Constance's problem. With a brand new partner, Mikon Cross and seven of her nine given souls remaining, Connie has to enter high society under a too-familiar alias to tempt Noah into her web.

While the chemistry between Connie and Mikon is scorching hot, the reality is they don't trust each other. Each with their own secrets to protect, the hunt for Noah Hannock threatens them both. The only way they can survive is if they learn to lay themselves, heart and souls, on the line for each other.


He watched as she pulled her unruly mane up into a messy bun on top of her head. Every time he saw her do it, he couldn't help but think it was a move specifically designed by women to turn men on. The pale skin of her delicate neck was now on full display, as were her toned shoulders and biceps. Usually he liked his women soft, and while Connie did have softness here and there, mostly she was made up of backbone, hard-toned muscles, and coffee.

"Stop being a creeper," she said, breaking the spell.

He looked up. She was giving him a pointed look with an eyebrow arched. Somehow he had forgotten himself and sat staring at her. Will this night never end?

"Sorry, I was zoning out," he said.

"Yeah, on my tits."

"Really, I wasn't staring at them. I was just thinking."


There was no talking to her. He climbed up and went to his own bed. She was right, but he wasn't going to admit it. He'd have to hear about it for the next year otherwise. "How are you feeling?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

"Still a little messed up from the drug, but, not terrible," she said.

"That's good." He could tell she wasn't saying it all though. She sat on top of her comforter, shoulders slumped, as she rocked ever so slightly back and forth. There was no way he could let her stay like that all night. If she was to be tortured then he could at least bear some of the burden.

He got up and walked over to her, moved behind her on the bed, and circled his arms around her upper body. She didn't move, didn't even breath, for a few seconds. It was a huge relief when she sagged into him, allowing him to hug her more comfortably.

The intensity with which his heart leapt and battered against his ribcage was astounding. If heaven and hell could merge it would live in such a moment. Her scent engulfed him, consumed him, and made him think of all the things he knew he shouldn't. It was a shock when he realized she was guarding her thoughts to him. Not effectively, but she was making an attempt to ease his discomfort.

"Here," he said, shifting his legs open so she could lean back into him and stretch out as well.

Such an unlikely pair they made. Only having met a month ago and now here they were in a gilded hotel room, holding each other gently. He would never have imagined a moment like this between them when they first met. Father Reynolds wouldn't have either.

Constance turned to face him, and he watched helplessly as she slipped her tongue out and wet her lips.

"I'm going to kiss you, Mikon, unless you stop me," she whispered, only inches away from his mouth.

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