Chapter 14

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*Kairav's POV*

I moaned as I felt the sunlight bathe my tan skin while I lay on my side. I flutter open my eyes, catching small glimpses of fiery red hair. I slowly attempt to lift myself of the bed, however a muscular arm stop me from doing so by pulling me back down to the bed. I look towards the large figure who had been lying alongside of me.

"Go back to bed Kairav." Masrur murmured in his sleep. He pulled me towards his chest and wrapped an arm around my waist and the other around my thighs.

"No, I don't want to go back to bed, I'm hungry!" I whined as I struggled to break free from his hold.

Quickly he rolled over me and pinned me to the bed. I stared into his burning red eyes. He gave me a small smirk as he leaned towards me. His warm breath caressed my lips, his nose rubbing against mine, he close the gap between our lips, encasing my lips with his. The kiss was gentle yet insistent, loving and very possessive. I closed my eyes to better enjoy the sweet, sensation as his tongue roughly slipped through my lips. A great urge of hunger and lust broke out, raging out of control. Gasping for air as we broke our lips free from each other's swollen mouths. Closing the gap between our lips once more, while the touch of his cold lip piercing sending shivers down my spine as his lips traveled from my mouth to my neck, leaving tender firm kisses. His lips parted from my neck and left one last kiss on my forehead before unpinning me from my bed. He laid besides me, and once more wrapping his arms around my waist and thigh, pulling me into his chest for warm loving embrace.

"Now go back to sleep and I'll get you something to eat after you wake up." He muttered.

"Mmm~ fine." I hummed as I buried my face in his chest

*1 hour later, No one's POV*

"KAIRAV!" yelled a small girl as she bursted through Kairav's bedroom door with three other figures following behind here as they closed the door behind them.

Kairav immediately woke up from her peaceful slumber. "Huh? What?" She said as she carefully sat up and rubbed her eyes. But before she looked towards her sister, she had notice that Masrur was gone.

"Oh hello Zahara, and Good morning to the rest of you."

"Kairav, King Sinbad told us what happened. Ugh I told you to be careful, but instead of be careful you almost died!" Yelled Kaynan.

"Kaynan is that really the first thing you wanna say to her!" Yelled Adana.

"It's fine Adana." Kairav sighed "Kaynan I apologize, but you see during the whole war I ended getting the scar over my right eye, but I was completely fine until I was trying protect someone from one of the dark metal vessel users. I was just so mad that I ended up using my Diro from and my rage took control over me. So I ended up getting captured and almost killed by the dark metal vessel user!"

"I-I ... I'm sorry Kairav. It's just that you're my little sister and the fact that I heard you almost died literally scared me half to death. I'm just glad you're alive. But how are you feeling" He said as he placed his hand on Kairav's shoulder.

"I'm actually feeling a lot better and I'm quite happy as well." Kairav chuckled.

"Oh really? And why are you so happy?" Said Adana.

"Well, I think you should know that I am now in a relationship with a wonderful man!" Kairav hummed.

"Um excuse me? Who said you're allowed to date?" Said Kaynan as he poked Kairav's forehead.

"The real question is who would wanna date a loser such as yourself!" Arcanos laughed out.

"Shut it ya pipsqueak!" Kairav yelled.

(((CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)))             Her Fate (Masrur x OC)Where stories live. Discover now